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Chapter 18

It's already a lunch break and we are inside the unbelievable Mall in this University, having a tea party. Not really. We are just spoiling some tea about our life.

We are friends for almost a month now, yet we still doesn't have any information about each other. Oh, my time flies fast. I'm impressed, really.

"I'm have a sister. She's sweet but scary sometimes. Her name is Jang Man Wol and she's 25. Do you have any siblings?"

"Oh, yes I have one. I have an older brother and his name is Kim Nam Joon. He's 26, I think. He's strictly, handsome, witty but lovable hyung."

"You call him Hyung? Why? Shouldn't you call him oppa?"

"Duh, hyung sounds cooler and besides, he doesn't complain. I'm used to calling him that."


We talked more about life. Later on, I feel something's vibrated at my chair. I'm guessing it's my phone. I open it up and saw that someone sent a message to me.

It's from Kai. He's asking if I'm busy and I chatted back that I am just a little bit busy. He replied after a second saying, "okay." Wow, not too dry but still. Ugh, I, sometimes, hate short replies. Scratch that sometimes.

"Having a text mate? Girl, I wanna know! Spill the tea!"

"Gosh, Soohee. Okay, it's Kai."

"Oh, my! You're hot boyfriend?"

Ugh, I'm already cringing here. Why did I said he was my boyfriend yesterday? I'm so dumb.

"Yeah. He's asking if I'm busy." I replied with a nod.

I felt my cellphone vibrated, again. But this time it's a call, from Kai. I signaled Soohee that I needed to take the call and she just nod. I stood up from my seat and left our table. I went to the corner to answer the call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Oh, yeah. What's up? Can we talk?"

"Uhm, sure?" I said with hesitation.

"I mean. Can we talk in person? I also have something to introduce you to."

"Fine." I grunted. "Where are you?"

"I'm in a Russian restaurant. Inside the mall. You know where is it?"

What?! There are also Russian restaurants here besides Thailand and Chinese restaurants? What do I expect? Anything here seems possible. What kind of University is this?!

"I'm already at the mall right now. I think I can find it. Give me 5 minutes."

"Okay, see you later."


"Bye." And with that, I hang up the call and goes in front of Soohee who is already glaring at me with her suspicious eyes.

"And who is that?"

"It's just Kai."

"Oh, you didn't tell me early!"

"Why would I?"

"Duh, you need to spill some tea without the other asking. You need to share, you know?"

"Alright, alright." I said, accepting my defeat.

"But, I have to leave you here for now. I will just go somewhere. bye, take care. I'll see you later."

"Really? You'll leave me here? Alone?!"

"Yes, you'll be fine."

"No, I'm not. And will never be."

"You're exaggerating!"

"Well, my best friend are leaving me here alone and get to see someone, I don't know where, because she isn't willing to spill some tea!"

"Duh, I'll tell you later. Bye!"

She's still saying her rants but I walk fastly towards the exit of the restaurant after I grab my things. My 5 minutes are now gone. I'm late but who cares? It's Kai and he'll understand. My privilege of being his best friend.

Little did I know it would take me Christmas to find that restaurant. I even asked the guard just to know its exact location.

When I entered, I immediately spotted Kai in the middle. But there was something else on his table. "Sorry, I didn't know it will take me years to find this freeking restaurant in this freeking huge mall!"

All eyes at the table looked at me. I scanned them one by one. One of them looks like a rabbit, a tall one. The other looks like he's going to kill me with his fiery eyes, one has a big doe eyes and the other is looking at me with a curious eyes and pouted lips. Okay?

"Who are you?" One guy asked, the one who looks like he's going to slash my head any minute now.

I never been this afraid all my life, "a-ah... I'm J-jang Wonyoung." I look at Kai to get some help but he just shrugged. He also tried to hide his laughter but can't. Try harder, bijj.

"I don't know you, go away."

What the? What's with these guy?

"Likewise, but I'm not here to talk to you." He narrowed his eyes to me and move closer. "I-I'm here to talk to Kai.."

"Wait." The bunny looking guy said while pointing to me and Kai. "Is she the one you were referring to earlier, Kai?"

"Definitely!" At last, that shameless man is now talking.

"Oh, I thought she had a good look. I don't like her. Girl, you're ugly." The killer looking guy spoke, again. But now, he even insult me.

"What the fuck?! What's wrong with him?" I couldn't help but raise my voice because of what I heard. Good thing, only few people are dining here at this hour.

"That's how he really is. Get used to it from now on." I stared at them with wide, disbelieving look while they just stared at me with bored eyes.

"I don't like you, too! Do you think I'm here standing in front of you all just to be insulted by this.." I look at him but he glare more at me. "Creepy human being.?!"

"I'm just being honest. You're an ugly living thing."

"Enough with you two. We're not having a scene, are we?" The bunny guy said. "I'm Choi Soobin, by the way."

"Oh, hi. I'm Jang Wonyoung."

"Yes, we are already know that. Your friend here, Kai, seems like he's too fond of you. He was talking about you earlier before you came. However, nice to finally meet you." I smiled at him.

I wonder what he said to these boys.

"I'm Choi Yeonjun. This boy besides me named Kang Taehyun." Yeonjun pointed the one who have a big doe eyes. "And this is Choi Beomgyu." He's talking about that boy who insults me.

We stared at each other while giving a death glare. "By the way, we have a group name called TXT."

"Huh?" Like Enhypen? "Does it have a meaning or something?"

"Well, we are in a gang. TXT short for Tomorrow by Together."


"Yes, and this boy, Kai. He's our new member."

"What?!" I exaggeratedly gasped while looking at them.

"She's too loud. Can someone get her away from here?" Beomgyu asked but I just rolled my eyes on him.

"Calm down, Wonyoung." Soobin said holding my shoulder. I smiled with uneasiness. "We don't want to grab everybody's attention, are we?" I nodded as I tried to calm my nerves.

The talk with Kai are now long gone forgotten. I've been drowning in conversations with TXT members. I didn't even notice the time.

I learned that Soobin is their leader. Yeonjun is the clingy one. Taehyun is their maknae before Kai came and he loves to do some magic. He even show me a trick and I'm so grateful with that. While that Beomgyu is the middle child who loves to tease everyone. No one is exempted and I am one of his victims. Why do I always get involved in these things? Can I time freeze first?

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