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Third Person's POV

“Time to catch that crazy, damn dog!” he whispered.

Turning right to left. Going straight then swerves, as if the car is on a race track. Sunghoon keep swerving and speeding on a serpent-like road (Stream S-Class by StrayKids!!). He doesn't care whether the traffic lights turn to any color. Red. Green. Yellow. Who cares? He can deal with it later.

Let's have a quick recap. Starting with the unexpected kiss with Mr. Devil in Wonyoung's room that turns to abduction in near end of the party. Sunghoon quick response after they realize what happens. The reveal of Lee Heesung, being the hacker in their team. Moreover, Soohee thinking her decisions of life after Niki and her have a moment. The turning of events is so fast. Then lastly, the appearance of Seujin in the abduction room. What do you think Seujin's role in the story?

Back to the present, Sunghoon drove to the one of the most remote part of the city. Still following what Heesung says, he's a human navigator and tracker, he drove as fastly as he could and finally, they arrive at the lone house at the top of a hill.

Niki and Soohee who became silent in the car also arrived at the moment. They all stare at the house and quickly proceed to the next step. Oplan Find Wonyoung in a Horror House-like mansion!

It looks so old yet still standing magnificently in a dark, cold night. Dim lights can be seen from the outside. Signaling that human/s are still living there, not hunted souls.

Just to be sure, they park their car near the hill, hidden from the mansion's view. They'll never know if there are planted cameras near the mansion to alert anyone in the mansion of their arrival or there's none.

"It's so dark and cold here." Soohee whispered, rubbing her palm to her arms to fight the urging coldness in her body. She's still wearing a dress, everyone.

Yeah, there are streetlights but because of its oldness, it barely give lights on the pathway. Also, they choose not to step on a little lit pathway to avoid getting caught.

Jay noticed it and quickly took off his blazer but Niki is quicker, he already hang his on Soohee's back in a blink. He just sighed and continue to walk.

Meanwhile, Soohee is surprised. She didn't know what to response , still processing what the hell just happened and just stand there watching Niki's back.

"We will going to divide ourselves. We didn't know how many they are and where in that room Wonyoung is. By dividing in a group, we can quickly find her." Heesung said, seriously looking at them, and touch the bridge of his glasses to fix its position. "Niki, you know how to fight, right? Martial artist?" Niki nodded. "You can go with—" he glance at them. Sunghoon, Niki, Soohee, Jay, Jake and him. "Jay and Soohee. I bet you can protect her if any danger happens. I'll go with Sunghoon— where the hell is he now?"

Everyone stared at each other and began to alarm when Sunghoon is not with them anymore. He just... vanishes. Vampire so fast.

"What the— alright, plan abort. Let's find them both!" Heesung exclaimed.

On the other hand, Wonyoung can't believe what she just happened.


"Shh!" Seujin whispered after he slowly closed the door in the most soundlessly way he could and hide near it.

How did he unlocked it?

"What are you doing here?!" Wonyoung asked without making a sound. Eyes widened and heart beating fasts.

She can hear echoing footsteps that make her heart beats than it ever did in her 18 years of existence. Sweat buds are forming on her forehead.

Could it be that the person outside will not notice that the door is not locked?

"Here you are, princess." A not so muffled sound echoes in the four corners of the room as soon as the  door busted open, revealing someone in a mask. Only his eyes can be seen. By its body figure and visual features, no doubt that this is a man. But who?

Wonyoung took a step back twice. She didn't know what to do. Her eyes are staring at the unknown man and at the same time, side eyeing Seujin who's index finger is placed on the top of his lips.

"W-who are you? Why are you doing this to me? W-what... H-how..?" Wonyoung is lost in her thoughts. Everything is too much for her brain cells to handle. She can't anymore.

She's trying to be brave even in the most crucial part of her life. She's trying to find hope and putting her trust to Seujin for being here. It's not time to breakdown!

"Chill, princess. I'm here to have fun with you." The unknown man said, smirking behind his mask. "I heard that it's your birthday today, why don't we play? Hmm?"

Even if she's trembling, she compost herself. She saw Seujin walk out of the room. But before that he used his hands to create a signal for Wonyoung to wait him, maybe he came up with a plan.

"Go p-play with someone else!" Her voice broke, eyes are beaming in tears.

Seujin, whatever your plan is, make it happen real quick!

As if the man turn deaf, he continued talking even after Wonyoung's disagreeing. "What would be good to play tonight? Hmm. Ah! Dare or Dare? Fun but a bit boring. Touch or Pain? Oh yeah, that sounds good. I can imagine it right now."

Whatever this man is planning, Wonyoung knows it's not good. She needs to escape or else it will too late.

"You let me touch you! If you don't wanna, you'll receive pain." The man said in a smiling voice at first but then turn serious as he wield a hammer that he gets from his back.

"You are sick!"

"Yeah, I'm so sick so what? Shall we start?" 

"Dare to lay your dirty fingers on her and you will face Satan himself."

(A/N: Niki's hairstyle in their new song is a ✨chef kiss.✨

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