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(A/N: Can someone answer this? “If someone comes in to your life and then you fell, are you willing to take the risk of confessing or just admire that person from afar while watching that person fall in love with other?"

Chapter 49

"Thank you for visiting, Wonyoung and Sunghoon." Said the old woman as she guide us outside the door.

"Hope Soohee will feel good soon." I smiled, still worried. Noticing Soohee's condition, she might need 2 to 4 days rest. I don't know what's gotten her illness but I'm worried sick. She look too fragile and weak right now.

We bid our goodbyes until we reached their gates. "When will the doctor comes?" I started the conversation.

He glances at his wristwatch and watch how the arrow moves in a second. He, then, began to counting from 5. I looked at him confusedly but then I noticed a white car approaching towards us. ".. and 1. He's here."

Gosh! Why did he know? Is it the power of being the ruler of the Hell Kingdom? Just kidding!

"Mr. Park!" A man in a white tux came to our view, he's holding a white coat. Here comes the doctor..

"She's inside. You know what to do." Sunghoon made a fist bump on him. Oh. I want to do it too!

"Oh look, who is this beautiful woman beside you?" He smiled while looking at me as I smiled back awkwardly.

"H-hey, I'm Won—"

"Cut it, Bang!" Sunghoon patted the hand of the other who was ready to shake my hand as I introduce myself.

"Come on, Sunghoon. I just want to know this someone.." And it gave me a meaningful smile. "By the way, this Sunghoon is like my son. I raised him healthy. I've been the doctor of his father before him.."

"oh, you've talk too much. Go and do your job!" Dismissing the other person.

He started walking but, "Bang Si Hyuk is my name!"

I smiled at his mischievousness, "Jang Wonyoung, Mr. Bang!" I exclaimed as I waved goodbye at him.

"Tss.." I saw Sunghoon's eyes roll so I hit him on his shoulder. His behavior is so ugh! (Crdts. To Hyunjin in StrayKids)

And with that, I've noticed that we've took a lot of time in the house. The sun is already setting and it was an awe to watch. I took off my cellphone from my bag and captured the scenery in front of me. I may not look like a person who adores the Sun but the beauty and majestic it brings as it descend, awe's me.

I glance at the person beside me. Startled, he was already looking at me as his eyes sparkles with the Sun who's shining over the horizon. His face reflected the sunlight. Subconsciously, I slowly raise my phone and captured the scene I was seeing. I just woke up from reality when I heard the captured sound coming from my phone.

I felt ashamed! I saw his grin that made my cheeks even hotter. I just want to curl up in shame. Someone dig my grave and push me there alive!

"You want my picture, you should have told me right away!" He stole my cellphone and put the camera on the switch front. Holding above my head and made me faced the camera. "Smile!"

I'm at home now, I still can't get over what happened. Lying in bed holding the phone. I can't stop looking at the picture he took earlier. I zoom the image in his face. His smiles.. it looks so genuine. While me? I'm looking like a shock, surprised bulldog or whatever it is. Ugh, how dare he took this picture without me getting ready for the shot?!

Why is it so good to put on my wallpaper? Just kidding! why would I put his face on my cell phone, how lucky is he? Ha!

"Whatever is on your mind, Wonyoung. Go to sleep and get over it!"

Yes, I am talking to myself. Why? Because it's good to have a little conversation with your inner self. Just don't overdo it because I might be mistaken for being a crazy person. Lol!

As I was staring into nothingness, I didn't realize that I fell asleep. When I woke up it was morning. It's school again!

"Good morning, world!" I stretched before entering the bathroom and did what I had to do.

After that, I immediately went down to greet those who took care of me since I was a child. As well as the guards guarding the outside.

"Maybe there won't be too many people when I go in this early. Ugh, nevermind." I rolled my eyes on myself. "Let's go now, Mr. Kim!"

"Aye, aye! Ms. Wonyoung!" He answered with a smile and saluted. I don't know but I seem to be in a good mood now. Why is it?

Instead of overthinking, I just comforted myself with the surroundings. A lot has changed after the past time here with this place. It's been a while..

Can I go for a walk on Saturday? Date with myself seems better. I will do it! As long as I will wake up early I'll go. Maybe I will meet Niki again. If I see him, I will charge him for what he did to me. I should take my revenge! Wait for it, Mr. Nishimura!

"Ms. Wonyoung, we're already arrived." It's like I'm back to reality. Why does the ride seem so fast? Have I been floating so much that I didn't notice? Omg!

"Thank you, Mr. Kim!" I waved the car as Mr. Kim leave. I watched it leave before turning around to walk.

Case, before I could step, a hand rested on my head. I didn't move at first but when I smelled its perfume I knew who it was.

"Yah, Park Sunghoon!"

"What?" He laughed a bit while his eyebrows mocking me with annoyance.

"Why did my day suddenly turn ugly?" My eyebrows itch at the sight of him.

"Are you trying to mumbling something there?"

"What mumbling?! I didn't say anything. Get stiff there!" I started walking and left him standing like a fool.

"Where you going?!" He asked loudly. We have a few meters distance. I don't know but I walked fast today. I'm not even like it before.

"In a place where there is no Park Sunghoon!"

"Do you want to see an ice land?" Someone suddenly spoke next to me.

I was surprised especially because it was sudden. I look. Park Sunghoon! How did he get here when there's a huge distance between us earlier?

"What ice land?" Little did I know, that's when he got my attention.

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