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"Why is the devil starring at you?" Soo Hee whispered, still looking at the devil.

After some seconds, the devil broke our staring contest. He smiled again and walk towards his seat. He knock first at my table before continuing. What was that?

"Oh my, that is the call of the devil." Soo Hee whispered again, giving me chills. I push her lightly. She have been clinging to my right arm and her face is inches away from my ears.

"Stop, you're making me passed out!" I scolded her and she pouted a bit.

We just met a while ago and barely know each other but we are much more comfortable with each other. We didn't even talked about ourselves, all talking we did is about that devil. He is getting my curiosity and attention when he just did nothing but quarrel to me a while ago. This is not good.

After a while, it's now my turn to introduce. I inhaled air before speaking, "Jang Wonyoung is the name. An 18 years old girl who's hobbies are playing violin, piano and flute. That's all thank you."

I nearly have my death in front of everyone. The devil is intently looking at me. I lock our eyes and only break it once I'm done.

"Yah! Why are you two having some staring contest?! These girls behind us are already glaring at you for stealing the attention of the devil."

"Tsh. It's his fault. He started it first."

"Whatever. Just be careful, we don't know how that devil capable with. I only knew few but obviously, he scream danger! So let's stay away from him from now on."


The first day finished by not only introducing ourselves but with introducing different subjects we needed to take, also. From first to last sem.

As Soo Hee said, this is the only beginning. I don't know if I have a future here in this university. I'll just hope nothing will happen while I'm studying here.

Soo Hee and I parted ways in front of the huge opened gate. She was being picked up by their family's driver while I was picked up by my older sister.

"How's school?" She asked as soon as I finish clicking my seatbelt. I sighed for how many, only gods knows, again. "I bet it's pretty tough."

"Far more than that. I was so exhausted even if it's only my first day." I leaned on the seat and slowly lowering it down so I can lay comfortably.

She just hummed so I continue,"lucky me, I met someone who is more talkative and cheerful than me. She tour me around and help me realize things."

"Well, that's good. We are having a family dinner later at 8 with our Dad's business partner's family. Don't worry I'll help you with what you wear." She, then, winked at me.

I was so grateful I have an older sister like her. 

It's not new to me knowing our Dad have several business partner. I meet some of their sons and daughters. One family jokingly said that they will make some arrange marriage between me and their older son but my Dad, also, jokingly refuse.

My eyes began to close as she drove away from school. I'm so exhausted to not sleep here. After some hours of slumber, my sister wake me up. I look at the clock, the arrow shows 6:30 P.M. I've been sleep since 4:30. 2 hours is not enough but at least I got some even if it was short.

I took a shower first. While batting, I'm thinking about what happened at my first day. It was unexpectedly exhausting but, somehow, fun.

I've met three people to be exact. First is Soo Hee, my first and only friend in that school. Then the devil, Park Sung Hoon, who is so full of himself. I don't like his guts, I don't like him at all. Lastly, the guy who gave me a love letter, Seu Jin. I remember I still didn't open the letter he gave me a while ago. I'll just read it later when we got home after dinner.

I finished my bath and soon as I step my feet outside the bathroom, I noticed a white dress, laying at the top of my bed. It was paired with a white flat shoes. It was lay beside a box. I opened it and saw a silver, glittering in diamonds carved letters, 'Wonyoung', necklace.

I quickly change and ready. My sister walks in while I'm fixing my necklace. I handed it to her since I can't do the job alone. She quickly lock it and smiled at my reflection.

"I'm glad. It really suits you."

I look at her reflection in the mirror. She's wearing an above the knee, red, fitted dress. Her hair freely flows at her back. She looks so beautiful. She was also wearing the same design of necklace, but it was written using her name.

"Let's go?" She guided me outside. There, my parents are waiting for us downstairs. They look at us proudly, with a smile flustered on their faces. I bow to them as a sign of my respect, so as my sister.

We talked about things while we are traveling towards the destination. We are riding in my family's black limousine. I was starting to get some weird feelings as we come nearer to the venue. I suddenly feel... Nervous?

I didn't feel it before though. It's just suddenly... So I shrugged that thought. As soon as we arrived, my Dad helps us get down to the limousine. I felt the sudden coldness of the wind. Giving me goosebumps. I feel like someone is watching me. Again, I shrugged th e thought. Maybe it's because I've been assuming things lately that it makes me become paranoid.

"Are you okay honey?" My mom asked me. I just nodded and smile at her.

We go inside and I scan my eyes at the place. My father is talking to a staff. I only know that this place does need reservation before you can go in. As I scan the place, I stop when I met someone gazes. Not gazes though... I'm sure he have been staring at me since I was still outside.

It was the devil, with a smirk flustered in his face.

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