698 33 24

(A/N: Hey, how's your day? I hope you're doing well. Here's the update, enjoy!)

Chapter 24

Instead of going home, I stayed with them. I was still surprised when he introduced himself earlier. That's when I remembered Soohee's story about him. He's the guy who can memorize the choreography in just 10 minutes. Wow.

"You are not like Sunghoon's story. You are too quiet to be called talkative."

Is that what that devil is really saying about me? Oh, my. It looks like I'm being slandered.

I stared at him with disbelief, imagining the devil gossiping about me with them. "I don't trust you but it seems like legit."

"Then don't. As what I've said a while ago, I'm just saying the truth." He look away again, tickling the kitten's stomach with his index finger.

I snickered then went to silent, again. However, I cannot stand the silence anymore. "Are you going to keep that kitten? It looks like it was a stray cat."

"I want to. She's too cute to be abandoned in the freezing street." He maybe look a cold person at first, but with this, he looks so soft.

"She? How did you know it was a female cat?" I asked him, curiously.

"I just know the first time I saw her."

He look at me again and that doesn't stop me from getting flustered. I'm a little bit close to him. Whenever he looks at me, his face and mine have only a few inches away. The reason why my cheeks are heated up, heart beating too fast and an unknown feeling in my stomach.

I went closer to the kitten, but I think it was a very wrong move. That only made my face closer to his. We stared at each other for a few minutes, neither of us moving or speaking.

It took a few seconds for me to come to my senses, I took a sudden step back and my eyes widened. Omg, this is so embarrassing. I felt my face get hotter and my heart beats faster.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I j-just want to touch the k-kitten! I.. I—" I said while panicking. I don't really know what to say or do. I just covered my face with my hand. Getting more embarrassed from what happened.

I removed my hand covering my face when I heard his laughter. "You should have said earlier." He moved the cat between us. Then the kitten begin to walk towards me. "I think she likes you." The cat rubbed its body against my hand. Its fur is much smoother than other street cats. I smiled while watching the cat climbing in my feet.

"Hello there, little one." I greeted the cat and she meowed at me. I smile even more.

"What will you name her?" I look at him and asked. He was already looking at me. I tried my best to hid my flustered face.

"What do you think?" He look down to see the kitten who's already sleeping in between my thighs. He patted the kitten's head softly. I just sit there, not moving and not wanting to awaken the kitten.

"I don't know. You saw her first and you said you want to adopt her. You should be the one to choose a name for her, you know?" I said as I'm getting uncomfortable from sitting in the same position for almost a minute.

"Let me." He slowly took the cat from me. My eyes just followed them. "Wony."

"Yes?" I asked. I think he just called me with my nickname. I—

"I will call her Wony."

"Oh." I am sounded a bit disappointed and surprised. I think I assumed too much with that part. "Why Wony?"

"I don't know." He answered with a smile. Oh, my heart. He just smiled at me.. a genuine one.

I cleared my throat and erased my thoughts, "you are studying in Hybe University, right?" I changed the topic. I don't know. If I will continue talking to him while getting shy and flustered, I don't think I will continue live the next day.

"Yeah, grade 11." I didn't know that he would even mention his grade.

"Oh." I said while nodding countlessly.

That only means he is younger than me. "Yes, I am younger than you." I look at him with my eyes widened in shocked.

Wait! Did I say that loud?

"Nope." He said while popping the 'p'. "You are just easy to read."

Omo. The same thing happened to me and Soohee. It's like she can read my mind but the truth is, she can't. I'm just really easy to read. Am I too transparent?

"Yes, you are." He said, his little smirk is forming in his left.

"Ugh!" I said in defeat. "Why do people always read my thoughts?" I look at him while my eyebrows are in one line.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't know the answer. You should asked yourself."

"That's why I am asking myself."

"So, you're talking to yourself now?"

"Yes, I am." I answered semi-yelled at him.

He laughed again but this time, louder. Wow, he's so happy. I'm not kidding.

"What?!" I couldn't resist pulling some grass from where we were sitting.

"You look pissed. Be quiet, Wony will wake up." He motioned for me to be quiet with his index finger.

Every time he says the word Wony, I really thought he is talking about me. This is not so good.

"Honey, look." We both looked at the man who spoke. He looks old. He's walking with his wife. "Aren't they sweet? We were like that when we were young. Date here in this park with our pet before."

That's when I realized they are talking about us. Niki and I stared at each other. Me, who's eyes are widened even more when the old man mistook us as young lovers and him, who just give a little smile. I know he was just holding his laughter.

Before I could say that they were mistaken of what they thought about me and him, they had already left. I just look at him with my awkward smile.

"Wow, we? Sweet? Oh, my gosh, no. And since when did I have a boyfriend?" I said while scratching the back of my neck. It's suddenly becomes itchy.

"Today." He muttered something but unfortunately, I did not hear.

"What? You say something?"

"Nothing. I thought you already have a boyfriend?"

"Duh. I am NBSB."

"So, Ms. No Boyfriend Since Birth, Why is there a spreading issue about you and the new member of TXT?"


"Is that his name? If yes, then it is. Everyone in the campus already know. Someone spread it yesterday, you didn't heard?"

And that's when I remembered that Kai was the one I introduced to Soohee as my boyfriend. It seems that someone heard and spread it throughout the campus. What should I do?

(A/N: I'm simping for Niki this days :>)

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