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Chapter 31

"I'm the rarest souvenir you can find."

After the walk and talk with the devil, Soohee texted that she's already inside the University and waiting for me in our room. So I immediately bid my goodbye to him and run away.

I have a lots of tea for Soohee. I have to tell her everything that happened so that my chest and brain don't explode just because of all the thoughts that is running in my mind.

"Hey, good morning!" I greeted her by my usual smile.

"Wait. Something's off with you." She said, sniffing the air. "Why do you smell like earth?" Her eyes suddenly widened, as if sbe realized something. "D-don't tell me.. you're dead and all I can see is your soul?!" I almost hit my forehead.

"There they are again. What a crazy people." We heard someone say.

"Yah! We're not crazy!" Soohee shouted. I just laughed at her face, she even stuck out her tongue.

"Ew. Let's go, Minhee." The woman said, face looks disgusted.

"That's it, go!" Soohee sends them away. "Ugh, I'm getting frustrated even if it's just still morning!"

"Your name sounds similar, though. Soohee." I pointed her. "Minhee." I pointed to the door the two girls had exited earlier. Then I smiled. "Right?"

"Ha. Ha. It's not, duh."

"Just kidding." I chuckled. "Better be calm down. Don't let them get on your nerves."

She took a deep breath before smiling widely, like a kid who just got her lollies. "Where are we again?"

"Hm? That part where you asked if—"

"Sit down everyone, our class is about to start." Said our teacher who just came in. She was holding a white board marker. Who else? Of course, it is always Ms. Minji.

"Actually, we will have a surprise test today. I hope you reviewed your notes because our test today has up to 50 items." She said that caused the whole room to mourn early in the morning. Many people complained, especially Soohee but Ms. Minji just ignored them. "But before that, anyone who's absent? Who isn't here yet?" That made them turn silent.

Our class president stand up, "yes, Mr. Lee?" I was surprised when the latter suddenly looked at me. What? Why is he staring at me?

"Everyone is here Miss... except Mr. Park and Mr. Kim." He answered.

"You mean, Mr. Park Sunghoon and Mr. Kim Seonwoo?"

"Yes Miss—"

The door suddenly burst open, it spat out the two. Sunoo smiled at me when our eyes met and walked to his seat first silently before the other. What was that?

The devil looked at me, I followed his gaze. He is already grinning before knocking on my desk. And that strikes me with deja vú.

Why did he have to knock on my table? This is not a door to knock on.

Suddenly, the people behind me went wild because of what he did. Another gossip again for sure. They each commented on what they saw. I heard some bad comments but I ignored them.

I also saw Soohee looking in my direction with worry in her eyes but I chose to look down because of shyness. I feel my face heating up.

"Where did you two go?" Miss Minji asked but they just ignored her question. She sighed and continue to talk, "As what I have said earlier, we will be having a surprise test today. So, bring out a piece of paper and a pen. I don't want to see anything that is unnecessary in your desk."

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