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Chapter 16

Before I got out of the car, we bid our goodbyes. Luckily, the rain slowly stops as we got closer to my home. I waited for some seconds to watch Kai's car horn at me and drove away before I went to open the gate and enter.

I bowed slightly and smiled to our bodyguards who are standing near the guard house. They do the same. I am trying to, at least, give back the way they respect and guard us. Even though that's really their job, I can't really stop myself from treating them the same way.

Safety is not a problem in our house, there are guards guarding in every corner of the house. Also, CCTV's are hiding in every place only few  in this house knows. Even I, don't know where they are.

After that, I hurriedly went upstairs to take a bath and immediately change into new and fresh nightwear. And I stop..

I just remembered, I'm still wearing the blazer the devil gave a while ago. It is already used yet his perfumed still lingered.

Memories in the powder room flash in my mind. The way he made himself lean on the wall.. the way he was stand there and kept cornering me.. his perfume lingered not only in the room but also in my system.

I shook my head, trying not to think about that devil. I swear I'm getting insane just by thinking him. Just let me in a mental hospital.

I keep staring at the devil's belonging. My two consciences are fighting. Shall I return it or not? I'll just wash it later and bring it back tomorrow.

I cancel my thoughts about him and focus to find the thing. Then, I open my bag. I almost poured the contents of my bag just to see the love letter given by the man. What's his name again?

Seujin? I don't know. I can't really remember his exact name. Well, I'll eventually see later if I find it.

While I'm busy trying to find it, something fell off between my binder and my case. I look at it and saw it was the same letter Seujin gave it to me. It was a pinkish invitation-like paper.

I can smell the sweet, fainted fragrance from the letter. I open it and first notice the beautiful handwriting that inked to the letter.

It was not a typical letter where someone confess his love to you. It is actually a poem that says,

Walking on the hallway,
I noticed your smile even if I'm a few meters away.
Your smile shines with the sun even from afar,
Your smile is brighter than any of the night's star.

If I have a courage to confess, then I will.
I'll be waiting for you, so my heart will fill.
I'll be watching you, so my eyes will heal.
I'll be guarding you, so notice how I feel.


I felt, somehow, cringe at some part. But I felt crept when I read the lines that says, 'I'll be watching you, so my eyes will heal.' What does he mean? Is it literally or what?

The night went well, no disturbance happens. Only my thoughts are disastrous. It was filled by the boy's letter, a poem to be exact. My mind was too occupied that I forget about the devil's cloth, waiting for me to get it wash and be ready for tomorrow.

My alarm went off and I tried to reach it by my left hand just to stop the defining sound of the clock. I slept late later thinking hundreds of questions without answers. Pure what if!

"Ugh, my head hurts." I get up in my bed and tried to reach the bathroom. It's still 5:30 A.M but I need to get ready early.

Then I remembered, I still didn't wash the devil's blazer. "Nevermind, I just gave it tomorrow!"

However, my conscience didn't let me. I just sighed deeply. I put the cloth in the washing machine and let the machine destroy it. Just kidding.

"Why does he need to give it to me?! He doesn't even good, as far as I know!.." I keep blabbering words about that devil. It's just 5 in the morning yet he's now getting into my nerves. He had really the guts to make you mad even if you did not seeing him in person. He's making my blood boil for some stupid reasons.

How I hate this man! One day, I will put out the fire and destroy the devil's den. Just wait, you devil!

While waiting for the machine machine to stop, I readied my school uniform and check my bag if I forget or lose something again. Luckily, I did not. When it's finally done in the dryer, I iron it neatly and put it in a hanger.

I needed to take a bath first. After a while, I headed downstairs to have some breakfast. I put my bag in the sofa at the living room together with the paper bag that contains of the devil's belonging.

Our family's driver drove me off to the school's gate. I thanked the driver and walk towards the entrance, only to see the devil walking like a model. He is surrounded by many people. How did I saw him? Well, I am walking near him and these girls are already hurting my ear drums.

I stared at him with annoyance and disgust. However, I noticed he is a bit different today. I stared at him more, only to noticed his black hair is now dyed in brown color. He looks good in that ha— stop! Don't. I didn't compliment that devil, I swear!

I was so annoyed with his face, I slapped the paper bag right in front of him and then walked away. I even heard the people around reacted with different reactions but I don't care. I am so irritated today to even care a bit.

I guess he was too stunned to speak. I slapped the bag too much that it makes him stopped at his track.

I was celebrating inside, imagining his reactions. Smirk flustered in my face with a proud aura surrounding me.

I don't know, it feels like an achievement. I must spill this tea to Soohee later when I get to our classroom.

However, someone just grab me by my wrist and dragged me somewhere I don't know.

"Really? Is that how you repay? A paper bag slapped early in the morning?!"


(A/N: I swear. While I was writing it rn, Narcissistic by Ive was playing on my earphones. I didn't even notice it while typing, only when I was done. So, how's the chapter? Hope you like it!)

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