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(A/N: it's day 13th, happy legal age to me!)

I didn't realize it was late when I woke up. it's because of that stupid dream! I dream of me and that devil being happy and all inside the rim. I enjoyed myself too much yesterday after I got the basics. Well, almost. Good thing he didn't laugh at me even though I tripped a few times. Did he?

"Oh, my god. I have to hurry!"

There was almost no one in the hallway when I got to school. When I arrived at our block, the class had already started.

"Oh, Ms. Jang. You arrived so early today." said our subject teacher with her smiling face. Creepy!

"Sorry, Miss. I'm late."

"You can go.."

"Thank you, Miss—"

"At the detention later. I'll give it to you, after the class."

I saw some who tried to stop their laugh. I tried to ignore them and find Soohee who looked like she had been waiting for me.

Wow. If it is Sunghoon, almost nobody cares. What about others? Me! Hays. Nevermind.

"You were late for class and it doesn't happen until now. What happened?" There is concern in her voice.

"Oh, I'll tell you later."

"Better spill me with that tea."


I tried to focus in class while battling with my own brain. It keeps thinking about Sunghoon. Why is he not here in the class? Why do I keep thinking about him? Why does my body want to find him somewhere? Do I have the answers? Nope, not at all.

After class, the subject teacher really gave me the detention ticket. This is the ticket I don't dream to have yet it's here, in my hands. I needed to lock myself in the detention room for two hours. What a day!

"Good luck, bestie!"

"Tch. Don't call me that. It is, somehow, gross." I waved at Soohee as I walk towards the room.

"I'll be waiting for you, bestie!"

"Ugh. She's really persistent." I shook my head and continue as if I didn't here anything.

I knock at the door of the detention room as soon as I arrived. I'll miss my fourth period if I keep in slow pace.

"Come in," said by the voice from inside. It was deep yet familiar.

"You're two minutes lat— Wonyoung?"

"Jak— I mean Jaehyun? What are you doing here? Are you detained, too?"

He chuckled, "nope. I'm here to watch and imprison you."

"Wow. The privilege. But wait, do I looked like I'm going in a prison?"

"Hm. Not at all. That one adviser just give me a task and here I am. And no, you're too beautiful to be a prisoner."

"I'm not convinced." I said while trying not to mind what he said after.

"Well, unless you wanted to be imprisoned by—" he stopped his mid sentence.


"Ops. Nevermind that." I looked at him with questionable and pure curiousness look. "Shall we begin?"

"Fine." I answered.

I looked around the room. There are six chairs and one ceiling fan in the middle. The ceiling fan is made out of wood and some white crystal balls in the middle. There's no any windows and only have two door. One for the entrance and one for, I'm guessing it is for the comfort room. I'm sure there's nothing particular in that room, just one bowl, sink and no windows. A common detention room except the almost chandelier above and this man, who's just a student, standing and watching me as I move around. Really?

I won't be too surprised then, if one of his dabarkads (best friends) will come here.

"What did you do that make you imprisoned here?"

I seated on one of the chair in front before answering, "well, I came late at the class and viola! 'You can go at the detention room!'." I laughed after I mimicked our subject teacher's voice.

Jaehyun joined me in my abnormalities but stop after we heard a knocking sound. Someone is at the door.

"Come in!" Jaehyun loud voice echoed in the four corners of the room.

The door opened...


"Oh," he pointed me as if I am just hallucinations for him. He doesn't seem to believe I am here inside the detention room.

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

We asked in unison and we stop, stared at each other before we burst into laughter.

"Well, I didn't know you're too close now."

"A bit. Yeah." I answered while nodding.

"A bit?!" Niki gasped and acted like he was really hurt.

I don't know if I'm going to laugh about his reaction or just ignore this kid.

"You're bad. Bad Wonie."

"Oh, he even got a nickname for her." I heard Jaehyun mumbled.

"No, I'm not!"

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I'm late for the first period for some minutes and then the teacher proclaimed that I'll be attending the detention session. Then, viola!" I answered as he nodded.

"Good for you."

"Ugh, how come?! I'm starting to hate the 'privilege' you always getting."

"Let's just say, that's how money works."

I sighed and seated properly. My back is already aching a bit. The chair is made out of plastic material and non other materials other than that.

"Wonie is sick," he started again after some seconds. "you didn't even come and see her!"

"Who's her?" Jaehyun asked but our attention is far from him.

"Woah, I didn't know. Stop blaming me. You didn't tell me!"

He glared at me. "How can I tell you if you're too busy—" he stopped, face slowly become serious. "Just... Just see her if you have time."

I stared at him with a big question mark in my face. Why do they stopped in the middle of their sentences? Ugh, it's bugging me!

"I'll go now." He shut the door as I remain sitting while figuring out what just happened?

I give Jaehyun my questioning look but he just shrugged. I don't know what's going on. I thought we are just joking around and all then, that happened. What am I gonna do? Do I need to say apologize for what happened? Yeah, I should.

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