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I didn't know how did I survived in that devil house. I can't even remember how I went home in a sane state. I just did! It's a miracle!

"Oh em gee!! Jay is so cute! So handsome~" said Soohee while munching some crackers and patting in the air. "He's so good at playing balls! I like him so much..."

She's crazy. If you only knew, Soohee...

We are under the shade of a tree, sitting in the field. We can see THEM playing soccer not far from us. Someone kept staring at me while he plays. All I can do is just rolled my eyes when we made an eye contact.

While he's busy staring at me, a ball nearly landed on his face. He dodge it. Oh, it's a missed, unfortunately. Yeah, take that ball!

"Ow!" Soohee gasped and I laughed so hard.

I can see from afar his dead glare and eyes sending threats to me.

"Why did you dodge the ball?!" I shouted at him while still laughing my ass out.

"Let's see if you can still laugh like that."

However, my laugh instantly fade and my smile instantly drop.


"H-hey.. yah!. why are you walking t-towards here?" I asked, a bit shaken. He's really walking towards me! Eyes glaring but then he smirk.

He bent down. "There's one thing I won't dodge though." He grabbed my chin as soon as he arrived in front of me.

I was too stunned to speak. My breath hitched. Eyes locking. He even push his face more. It's becoming nearer. The gap seems to decrease as time goes by. It's like I was in a movie. He move in a slow motion manner.

I gulped.

When he is just a few inches towards my face, he stop. I did not dare to close my eyes, still widening from the suddenness. Cheeks reddening. Sweat starts to form on my forehead. Heart rapidly beating so fast. I can feel his soft breath on my face. What's happening...

It feels like everything is vanished. It feels like it's just the two of us. It feels surreal.

Is this my second time looking at his face this close? Third? Fourth? I don't know... I can't remember and I can't even think of something right now. Aside from his face... He really is a beautiful man...

"Breath, Sweetheart." He whispered and that's when I closed my eyes.

Before I even pushed him away, I felt something soft landed on my nose. What the hell is that?!

I can feel my cheeks burning more. I didn't even noticed I was holding my breath since he came. I am gasping for air. I nearly choked.

"W-wonyoung, are you okay?" Soohee went near me and patted my back.

I coughed. "Y-yeah."

I looked up to see the back of the devil. He went towards his friends and catch the ball as if nothing was happened.

"Hmm.." Soohee moved her head up and down. As if she realized something. She seemed fascinated to whatever happened between the Devil and I a while ago.

"W-why? What?!" I asked.

She laughed. "So defensive."


"Yiiee!! It's your birthday tomorrow. So what will we gonna do?"

"W-wait. What?!" I gasped. "H-how did you.."

"Yah! Is that devil consumed your system also? It's your birthday tomorrow duh. It's August 31! Your mother even gave me an invitation yesterday!" She exclaimed, eyes bigger than ever. "Don't tell me you forgot?"

With so many things that happened, it's not impossible for me to forget. But forgot my birthday? No, this isn't normal for me. How could I? This is my first time.

I was so embarrassed a while ago and here I am again.

I lost my thoughts when Soohee hit my arm. "Why did you became silent?"

"Yah! I forgot, okay? I guess I am absent minded at the house. I'm sorry."

"No, not to me. Be sorry to yourself! But it's okay. Let's just plan what we will do tomorrow."

"Yeah, let's do that." I scratched the back of my head. "Is sleepover your thing?"



"Come on, let's go upstairs!" I grabbed Soohee's arm as we go upstairs.

"Kids, don't run at the house! It's slippery!" My mom yelled as soon as we reach the 2nd floor.

"Yes, Mom!"

"Yes, Mrs. Jang!"

"Hey, Soohee. How many times do I tell you to stop calling me that and just call me 'mom'!"

Soohee giggled, "yes, mommy!"

We laughed together and run towards my room.

"These kids!"

I guess my mom's shaking her head in disbelief right now.

"Ugh!" Soohee immediately run towards my bed and lay down as soon as I open the door.

"Feel at home, yeah?" I said sarcastically.

"There's no need to say that, I already am." She nonchalantly said.

"Yah!" She throw a small pillow at me.

"You're challenging me, Kim Soohee?"

"What if I am, Park Wonyoung?"

"Yah! Where did that 'Park' came from?!" I asked and began hitting her with a bigger pillow.

"It will happened soon as you married your devil. I just advanced it a little."

"He's not my devil, you little! Come here and I will hit you to death!"

We ran around my room not until Soohee open my door and we began giggling, running, hitting and catching each other at the hallway.

I feel like I'm back to childhood. I miss it..

"Kids! How many times do I tell you to not run!" My mother yelled again but we did not pay any attention.

"KIM SOOHEE!" A voice suddenly erupted making Soohee and I stop on our track.

We slowly turn our heads towards that person. My eyes widen, I'm shocked.

"Y-yes oppa?" I saw how Soohee's feet wiggled in fear.

What is Soohee's older brother slash my future brother-in-law doing here?

"Oh, dear. I forgot to tell you that we will be having a family dinner with my son-in-law and Park's family." My mother said.

Why I didn't notice she's wearing a formal dress a while ago?

I gulped. I just realized something. "But w-wait, what do you mean Park's family, Mom?"

"It's me."

(A/N: Yeah, it's me!👀)

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