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(A/N: I don't know if I can update as often as I used to. I just got back from our hometown and I'm still dizzy from the long bus ride. We still feel aftershocks from the Magnitude 7 earthquake. But here's the update, enjoy!)

Chapter 23

Weekends came, however, I woke up earlier than before, which is I find odd. Every Saturday morning, I always woke up late because every Friday night, I always do movie marathon until the clock strucks 5 in the morning. Sometimes, I even woke up pass 3 in the afternoon.

I shrugged that odd feeling and started my morning routine. I am planning to go jogging alone this morning. My sister is not here at home so she can't join and accompany me later.

I hummed softly as I readied all my necessities. Lastly, I grabbed my earpiece before I walked downstairs. I get my cold, stainless bottle water in the kitchen and grab a piece of bread.

"Ms. Wonyoung, you're early today and oh, you look so great." Mrs. Felicia said while smiling at me. She is one of our maids, a Filipino one. She even cooked a Filipino food before. My favorite is the pork and chicken adobo. Unfortunately, I was too busy in everything that I, sometimes, forgot my own Filipino cravings.

"Oh, salamat po." (Thank you, 'po' is used to give respect to others in the Philippines). Also, she taught me some basic to difficult Filipino words. So, if ever I will decide traveling to their country, I will understand a bit what people are saying. "I will just go for a jog, Mrs. Burgos."

"Take care, Ms. Wonyoung."

"Please Mrs. Burgos, you can just call me Wonyoung."

"Please Ms. Wonyoung, you can just call me Aunt." And with that, laughter echoes in every corner of the kitchen. As our laughter faded, smile are visible not only on our mouth but also in our eyes as we stared at each other. I considered her as my second mother. She took care of me since I was born. She is one of a kind and I will forever be grateful to have her in my life.

I exited our house at exact 5:30 in the morning, the sun is still nowhere to be seen.

The cold, breeze air hitting my skin brings calmness to my system. This is really what I need in the morning.

I live in a huge village. Every house that built has a distance from each other and they doesn't have the same design, unlike the other village. This village has a huge park, the place that witnessed my childhood days.

I connected my phone to my wireless earbuds and play a random song. I greeted every maid and guards I saw in the midst of walking, they greeted back and smiled to me. I started to jog after I went outside our gate. I follow the song in my head as I looked around.

I jogged for almost half an hour before I decided to sit in one of the bench here in the park. I look around and saw some of the people in the village jog outside the park. Some are walking with their pets.

I also have a dog before. Unfortunately, he died after he saved me from a car accident. I almost die back then but my dog barked and push me off the road. We buried him inside this park with his name carved in a flat stone. I'm planning to visit him, also.

I rested a bit and drink water from my bottle before I decided to continue my jog and go to the place where my dog buried.

"Good morning, Mint." I smile sadly while cleaning his stone. It's been a while since I visit here. I must've been busy lately.

I named him after my favorite flavor of chocolate which is Mint. I sit on the grass ground as I stare at his name. I stay there until the sun rises over the mountains.

I told Mint everything that happens in my new school. Every bit and crumbs.. even that devil. I maybe look like weird talking alone here but I don't care. All I want is to tell Mint everything that happens in my life. No secrets. After I told everything, I feel like I lift the heavy feeling that's put above my shoulder. I feel, somehow, peace.

Cold and warm air started to brush against my skin. Like it is hugging me. I nearly cried with that feeling. It's the same feeling whenever I hug Mint.

I decided to go home to rest, so I begin to stand up to where I was sitting in.

"Meow!" I almost fainted when I heard the voice of a cat.

I look around but I saw nothing but trees and grass nearby. I heard the cat again and decided to follow its sound. I passed some trees, benches and grasses until I reached the destination. Instead of seeing a cat, I saw the back of a boy sitting in the grass field.

I would have ignored him but I heard the cat cry again. Until I looked up at his face looking down, to his hand holding a small black with a greyish strips kitten.

"Did you also heard the cat?" The boy suddenly look up and meet my curious eyes. He gently patted the stray cat's head and pull away his gazes on me.

"Yes." I answered. "Oh, I think I saw you somewhere." Instead of saying something, he remain silent. Still giving pat and attention to the kitten.

I remembered his face but not his name. I know he's one of the devil's friends. I, sometimes, saw him walking alone in the universe.

I stared at him for a few seconds and back into the cat. I noticed his almost long, curly, black hair. Thick eyebrows and his one piece earring that suits him.

"You're Wonyoung, right?" I stared at him surprisedly.

"Y-yeah. How did you know?" I asked.

He hummed, "Sunghoon talked a lot about you." I even started at him more.

That was a very unexpected tea! Like how? When? Is he? How come?

I chuckled, not believing what he's saying. "As if. That devil will never be interested to me. Like, never. So, it's impossible." I sit beside him, with a few inches away, of course. "Can I sit here?"

He locked our gazes again, "I'm just saying the truth." Then, back to the cat again.

His gazes are a bit intimidating and sharp. Like he is looking directly at your soul. I started to feel goosebumps over my skin. "W-why are you saying this to me?"

He just shook his head. My jogging session for this morning is now long gone and forgotten. Silence is eating our atmosphere, again. I don't know how to open a topic for us to talk to. I just enjoyed the scenery with my eyes seeing the kitten grab his hand using only its paws.

"I'm Niki." He broke down the silence. He started at me, again. This time, he didn't pull away his gazes on me as I do the same.

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