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Chapter 15

"What? Keeping secrets again from your only best friends inside the University?"

I laughed awkwardly while eyeing the two who's throwing a confused look at me, "it's from the... Devil." I mumbled.

"Huh? Can you say it louder?"

"Uh.. i-it came from.." What now Wonyoung? Think faster or you'll be doomed! "Oh! There was a man who gave it to me. Maybe he had some pity so he gave it to me." As if that devil feel some pity over me..

"Wow. What a concern citizen!" Soohee narrowed her eyes.

She always narrowing her eyes to me. She looked at me with a very intimidating and suspicious eyes. Scary.

"Yeah. Concern citizen it is.."

Keep lying Wonyoung and you'll be delivered in hell with the devil by your side, guiding you. Very nice.

"What can you say Kai? Aren't you feel jealous?" Soohee asked Kai who's focusing on the slippery road.

"Why would I—", he stopped like he realized something and eye locking with me in a few seconds. "I felt a little bit jealousy."

"What?! Why little bit?! If I were you I will punch whoever that boy for touching my girlfriend, duh!"

Kai laughed and I rolled my eyes. Really Soohee?

"Hey, I have trust on Wonyoung. She's a grown up now. She knows what is right or wrong. Besides, helping someone who's already in a relationship is not considered cheating. It is just an act of kindness. I'll guess he doesn't even know that Wonyoung's already have someone in her life, right?"

"Wow, again. Girl! You have a very thoughtful and very understandable boyfriend. You are so lucky. How to be you Wonyoung?!"

"Yeah, yeah. Please stop now." I widened my eyes on her, sending a look. I have this feeling that she will spill something knowing that Soohee is very talkative.

"Don't forget what I said to you earlier, I might.." she raised her hands, showing me her claws like a cat. I look at her with annoyance. "By the way, Kai?" Soohee called the attention of Kai, still driving carefully. He is using a gps on our way to Soohee's house.

"Hm?" Kai just hummed.

"Did you know on our first day.." Soohee started and the memories slowly flooded my mind. It's having a flashback from the day I went to the University.

"I'm listening."

"So, there was this guy in the restaurant inside the University's Mall, who we thought a secret agent or a spy—"

Kai laughed, "w-wait spy? A mall inside the University? Is that even possible? How so?"

"Ugh, stop meddling my sentences. Just listen, alright?"

"Alright." Kai lost his smile and cleared his throat.

I look at them and shook my head.

"As I have said, he seems like a spy. It was like he was eyeing us, especially Wonyoung. He really looked suspicious from the start. Because of that, we assumed that he was following us. To prove that, we planned to exit the restaurant and ought to see if he was really following us." Soohee inhaled some air. "And, you know the most hilarious part?"

"What?" Kai began to laugh also. I awkwardly chuckled while remembering the scenes.

"Not only in the part where we mistook him for a stalker or the devil's spy, but also in the fact that he just wanted to give a love letter to Wonyoung and express his true feelings. Kai, I'll tell you. It was one of the most embarrassing parts of my life, and it was so hilarious. We stood there for about a minute, doing nothing but looking confused and shocked. Eventually, we laughed hard with the thought of our theory gone wrong. Until now, I still found it funny and a bit creepy."

"Oh, my. It doesn't leave my brain." I facepalm.

"Wonyoung, did you read the letter?"

"Huh? Not yet. Why?"

"What?! After all these days, you didn't open or read that letter, even a bit?!" Soohee exaggeratedly gasped.

"Let me explain."

"You're at it again. Let me explain." She imitated the way I said those words. My eyeballs are going to pop out because of doing countlessly eye roll. "You really need to explain now. No secrets!"

"A-huh. I didn't remember the letter anymore except now, you remind me of it. I'll find it later when I go home."

"You must! Don't forget! I will buy you a medicine tomorrow if you did. Memo plus gold!"

"Yah, I'm just forgetful sometimes!"

"Says the one who always leave her things unattended and now, they are out of nowhere." Soohee sighed in annoyance.

That's true. These days, I just keep losing stuff every day. Maybe it’s because of my forgetfulness.

At first, my lip balm that I always carried suddenly disappeared. I thought I left it in the powder room inside the university since I last used it there, but when I came back a few seconds after I walked away from that room, it was nowhere to be found. I remember no one was with me while I had some retouching.

Then the next day, I lost my favorite keychain. It was always hanging on my bag. Maybe because it loosened and slipped away. I don't know either. I also have my small bottle of perfume, a handkerchief with my name on it, and my pen disappeared. It was a little bit weird because I constantly lose my belongings every day. Like it wasn't a coincidence, is it?

"Hey, earth to Wonyoung! Hello!" I lost my thoughts when someone calls my name and waved a hand in front of my face.


Soohee sighed, "you are spacing out again! My gosh, Wonyoung. Hey Kai, always look at your girlfriend. Maybe later, she's already thinking about another man." She laughed like a crazy person.

"You are really crazy."

"Well, thank you—Kai! For driving me home."

"Huh? Are we already here?" I look around but I only see a blur image of the surrounding.

"Yes. You aren't really paying attention, are you? Ugh, not surprisingly news. By the way, take care. I'll go now. Thanks again!" Soohee waved at us but her looks are eyeing us then she slammed the door closed.


When Soohee is now nowhere in sight, Kai look at me seriously, "I think we need to talk."

I gulped nervously, "Spare me!" I whispered.

But apparently, Kai heard it because we are only a bit far away from each other. He began to laugh at my confused face.

"But I'm serious, I want to asked you questions." Thousand questions.. "However, it's now late and the rain becoming heavier each time passed. Let's talk tomorrow. We're still have a lots to talk, too."



(A/N: Forgive my grammar. But hey, I read your comments and I feel so overwhelmed about that. Thank you so much for reading my not-so-good first ever fan fiction. I appreciated the two-five people who are voting every chapter of this story. Thank you so much again folks!)

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