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(A/N: it's weekends!!)

Chapter 48

I heard Soohee's voice calling me. My eyes widened and immediately push Sunghoon out. I hurriedly step inside and close the door with force. The force made a loud sound, sending more shocked on my body. Praying Soohee didn't creep out of her bed.

"W-wonyoung is that y-you?" I heard her faint voice again and a ruffling of the bed. Sign that she's trying to get herself out of the bed.

I quickly turn my body to her and help her sit up.  "Yes, it's me. How are you feeling?" My eyes wondered with worry. She looked too fragile today.

"I.. I needed to g-go to the comfort room. C-can you help me. M-my legs are we—"

"Shh. Come on, I'll help you." I help her come out. I let her put her warm arms on my shoulders while I put it under of her's. I needed to use force to make her body stand up. "Be careful... Slowly."

She carefully put her bunny slippers and we slowly walk towards the destination. I guided her to the door— aside the door I used to enter—assuming it is her comfort room. 

"Y-you can wait me outside." Soohee forced a smile and I nodded. She needs privacy. I checked her first before going out.

I let out a sighed. Her sickness seems worst and I'm too worried for her. Another soft knock made me go back to reality.

"Wonyoung?" A soft voice said from outside.

That's the devil calling my name. Should I be afraid? But that is too soft for me to afraid of.

"Yeah?" I shouted, not to loud but enough for the other person from the other side hear me.

I open the door and I saw Sunghoon leaning beside the door frame. "Soohee's not okay." I said, worry is surely visible in my eyes.

He put his hand on the top of my head, patting it slowly. "Are you coming home with me?"

"Y-yes but Soohee.."

"I called my doctor and a nurse to look for Soohee. The maids here seems not caring too much. Don't worry, okay?" His voice is so soft and soothing. I feel like my worries begin to fade away. His voice is silently saying something. That it'll be okay. Nothing will happen if you're with me.

I didn't know but my eyes watered with too much worry. I look at the devil in front of me. How come this person is really caring but too cold outside that you can't even depicted his true intentions?

I'm too speechless right now and all I can do is to hug the person in front of me. I'm too overwhelmed with the emotions building up inside me. It's too much for me to handle and I feel like I'm going to explode. I know I am not the one who needed comfort right now.. it should be Soohee. But.. with this devil by my side, he made me feel week. Crumbling all the walls that I build myself, letting my fragile side opened like a book.

I felt his arms slowly caging me. My world become silent.. I feel peace the moment he hugged me.

I silently cried between his arms. All I feel now is warmth and.. safeness. He carefully patted me on my shoulders and slowly swaying me without any music. But I didn't care about that, all I care right now is this person hugging me while trying to cheer me up. There's nothing that I needed anymore right now.

I heard a sound of the door opening. Indicating Soohee is already outside. Even if my body didn't still want to let go, I needed to. I let the warmth and safeness fade away as I let go Sunghoon.

I, first, tried to dried my tears using my hand. But soon stopped myself when I noticed a cold hand holding mine. He put my hands down and use his to dried my tears instead. He, then, carefully put his both hands on the side of my face. Looking at me intently. His face slowly coming forward. When he is now inches away from me, I close my eyes. I should not trust this devil but with his sudden movements and efforts, made me think again.

As I welcome the darkness, I felt a soft something that is pressed against my forehead. D-did he..

I opened my eyes only to noticed his hands are gone in my face. He is already leaning again on the wall, next to the door frame. He acted like nothing happens. Little did he know, that one move made the zoo made a party on my stomach with their red lights that went on my cheeks and my heart burst on its cage like a blasted speaker.

However, as he acted, his ears can't lie. Even if there is not too much light in this corridor, I can see his ears turning red the more I stare at him. I should be the one who's embarrassed and shy right now. But the look of him, I doubt it was just me.

Our eyes met but we immediately turn to the other side. Not wanting to meet the awkwardness that slowly creeping in to the corners. "I-I.." I started to speak, "think.. I m-mean! I'll go check Soohee.."

He just hummed as I run back to Soohee's room. Why do I need to get his permission? Nevermind. He's not doing good on my system. It is starting to malfunction because of that.. kiss?

I went inside and locked the door accidentally. I can't think straight right now. My heart beats more faster the more I think about it. The party went on my mind and it becomes a mess. This is really bad yet addicting.. wait! Did I just said addicting? To where, him? No, no.

"I-I may be feel tired and weak. My vision may be blurry and my head spinning that makes me feel dizzy. But I the moment I saw you two outside my door with the devil, this sickness becomes nothing. I may be sick today but the tea that is waiting for me gave me strength to live and to ease the pain and sickness away. I'll be waiting for that tea," said by the softly grinning Soohee who's already tucked in her bed with a cloth that is being put on her forehead.

In this kind of situation, I should be more worried for her. Because she's starting to mumbling incoherent words that is not good on my system. Just kidding. I really didn't know if I should laugh and be happy because she's starting to gain strength of be shy and flustered because she saw what happened!

I choose the latter and softly slap Soohee on her shoulder. She knows everything. We are friends since the day one, I can't keep a secret to her.

I'll wait until she recovered and we will talk about this growing unknown feeling inside of me. I need someone who can handle my outburst so I can pour all my thoughts.. someone I can trust and I think that someone will be Soohee..

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