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(A/N: How's your day? May I ask where you are from?)

Chapter 52


"Come on. Step on the ice and I'll guide you."

"I-I can't! Why did I even agree to do this?" I asked in the mid air while struggling to do a step inside the rim.

"You don't trust me." I looked at him. His face is full of seriousness. That's not even a question.

He's really eager to make me step in the ice.

'Should I?' I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Gathering all my courage. I slowly reached for his hand as I create little steps. 'You got this, Wonyoung!'

As soon as I stepped on it, my feet immediately felt soft that I nearly stumbled because I'm not used to walking on ice. Hopefully, he's ready to catch me whenever I fall. 'Really?'

While he was teaching me, I could feel him stretching his patience. Who am I for him to teach me like this, right?

"Can you stand up there?" he asked suddenly, bringing me back to reality.

"H-huh?" I was confused. He just smiled and narrowed his eyes, something I only see once.

He suddenly moved away from me as he slid down the ice. He moved away, a few meters away from me.


One word but it's enough to make my heart beat. I don't know if it's because of nervousness or because of ... someone else. Him.

I tried to walk my feet on the ice. But I'm about to cry because I don't think I can. He was just looking at me while his hands were inviting me.

What he did and taught would be useless if I don't use it. 'I can do this.'

As I tried to skate towards him, my heart beats faster and faster. I can barely hear the creaking of the ice when I skate. I almost tripped but I immediately reached his hand and hugged him.

"I thought I was going to die!" I complained while trying to catch my breath. Only then did I notice that I was in a hug when I felt his hands gradually hug me back.

"Oh my! I'm sor-"

I just stopped talking when I felt his hug tighten around me. "Let's... let's stay this way just for a bit."

I can feel my heart beating fast. Looks like I need to see a doctor. I'm ashamed that he might hear.

But undeniably, his hug brings peace and safety. It's comfortable to the fact that I can't even push him. I just put my face in the crook of his neck. I nearly lost my breath when I felt someone just kissed the top of my head.

Because our bodies were so close, I didn't know if I was hearing the loudness beat of my heart or it was his.

I couldn't help but close my eyes and smell his scent. I always smell it every time I enter the gate or wherever I go. Even in the crowd, he's always the one I notice the most and first. Like, he always stands out in the crowd.

"Enjoying my neck? Take me home if you want." Because of his sudden words, I immediately let him go and pushed him.

We had been hugging each other for a few minutes and I didn't even notice. 'How can you notice, you are busy thinking about him?'

"Y-yah!" I sneered at him but I couldn't get any other words out because my face was red. I can feel its heat so I can't help but turn my back in his direction.

I heard his laughter as if it was turning into music in my ears. Instead of being insulted, my ears seemed to smile when I heard it. This is odd. So different. You're getting worse, Wonyoung!

I spun in his direction but because of my sudden spin, I was suddenly outbalanced. I just closed my eyes. I waited for my body to fall on the hard ice floor but nothing.

"Be careful. You might fall."

'Be careful. You might fall.'

It's already falling.

*end of flashback*

"And that's what happened." I stated.

I am with Soohee in a café, simmering my iced-americano. I told her what happened between Sunghoon and me, among other details. I can't tell her in full yet because she might say some crazy things about it.

"Oh to the M to the G!" She made a shrill cry. It caused people inside the café to look at us. I just covered my face and said in my mind, I don't know her.

"Shut up! Shut up!" I hit her on her hand which caused her to wince in pain. Well, it's not that strong. She's just overreacting. That's Soohee, what do I expect? "That's why I don't watch Korean dramas!"

I just shook my head and looked outside the cafe while waiting for the disappearance of this person who was going crazy in front of me to subside. But, it was a wrong move because the person I was avoiding was on that side. It's not that I'm avoiding him, I'm just ashamed for him to see me.

He was staring and it was obvious that he had been looking in my direction. I widened my eyes at him. My face immediately warmed up and looked in a direction away from him.

Shit! What is he doing here? And why is he looking?!

"Wonyoung. Hey, Wonyoung!" Soohee calls me. I couldn't even hear much because of my heart's pounding. "Earth to Wonyoung!"

"U-uh?" I looked at her. Her face shows curiosity and wonder. I didn't even understand what she was saying because of that person!

"What are you doing under the table?" She asked in surprise.

It was too late when I noticed that I was under the table. I immediately sat up and looked outside. I breathed a sigh of relief when I noticed that he was no longer there.

I'm going crazy! (Listen 'Going Crazy' by Treasure)

"I'm not a police officer that you need to hide from. And you're not a criminal either. But you can be imprisoned, either between my two blocked hands or..."

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