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Soohee's POV

The eighth of us stared at each other for a couple of seconds to process the situation. This can't be real! What happened to the Queen of the night?!

Is my best of best friends run away? Why would she? Unless someone abducted her—

"I think someone stole her away." suddenly said by Niki. I look at him but he's already looking at me.

"I am thinking the same." I started without breaking the eye contact. "Wongie will never left the venue. Everyone she loves is here." I glanced at them, especially to Sunghoon." Also, if she run away, why would her phone lying here in their back gate? I am guessing— no, I am sure she got abducted. But the questions are who, why and where?"

Everyone became silent. Thinking about possibilities. What if's and finding hope.

"We can't tell this to the police, can we?"

"The person must be 24 hours missing in order to file a missing report and to begin the search." Heesung said and touch the bridge of his glasses.

"Yeah, authorities cannot be a help right now."

I looked down with a sad face. I am getting worried about her. I feel like my world isn't functioning properly as if the Sun push away.

My dearest Wonyoungie, I hope you're doing alright!

I glanced at Sunghoon and he is busy typing something on my bestie's phone. Did he just unlocked it? How did he know the password— that's not important to ask right now, Soohee! You're best friend is missing and you need to do something!

"An unknown number chatted her and acted like me." Sunghoon mumbled but I clearly heard what he just said.

"What?" I went to his side to see. "I'll wait for you outside, in the back gate? With a triple x on the side. What does it mean?"

"x in a message can be represented as kisses. Like in xoxo, which means hugs and kisses." Jaehyun replied.

"What the hell? This guy must be obsessed! Possessed!" I exclaimed.

"Heesung?" Sunghoon called him.

"Can you track down this number? A piece of cake for you, right?"


I am looking at them with a surprised face. The group has a hacker? That's our Class President, Lee Heesung. What the hell? He isn't just smart and intimidating. He is also dangerously handsome.

After a couple of seconds, Heesung showed us his phone showing a map. "Got it!"

"Send it to me." Sunghoon said as he walk to the parking lot. Then he faces us, "Heesung, Jake and Jay, go with me. The rest can stay here and guard the house."

"Hyung, can I go with you?"

"Sunghoon, can I go with you?"

Niki and I exchange glances when we said the same question. Shaking my head, I look at Sunghoon.

"I can't stay still if I didn't see Wonyoung kicking and still alive." I said.

He looked at us both then nodded. "Follow us."

"Everyone, please be careful!" Sunoo said while looking at everyone with sad eyes.

We will.

Now, the question is where am I going to ride? I bet, Heesung and Sunghoon will be on a one car together with the two. That means...

"Move or I'll leave you here." said Niki and closed his door.

"Wait? This kid can drive?! What the hell?"

I immediately run to the passenger seat but still in thoughts. "You can drive?!"

"They are really friends." He mumbled.

"I can hear you!"

He just rolled his eyes and began maneuvering the car. But then he stop.

"Why would you stop—"

He turn to my side and push himself closer to me. My eyes widened with the proximity of our faces. We were just inches away from each other!

"W-what are you d-doing?" I can feel my cheeks burning up and I felt something inside me as I got goosebumps.

We stared at each other for quite some time. Seconds? Minutes? I don't know anymore. Until I heard a clicked.

"Seatbelt." He grinned then back to his former position.

I can't breathe. I needed to do a breathing exercises and fan my face using my hands. Checks burning red while silently gasping for air.

He didn't even do anything yet he's making me feel this way. What's with this man?

"Hold on tight. This will be a hella ride." He glanced at me with his grinning face.

I can sense something while looking at his face. Then he began driving as if he is on a race track.

"Shit!" I don't know where to hold.

"Told ya!"


"Why does it sounds so good hearing you cursing with my name?"

"You saying something?"



Wonyoung's POV

Dark. Painful. Hot.

I woke up feeling so dizzy. Everything feels so hazy. I blink my eyes hoping the dizziness will go away and it did help, somehow.

I look at my surroundings. Everything is so dark. I tried to adjust my eyes with the darkness until I can see something.

I noticed that there was no windows in this room. Only one door is at the left side. Still suffering from a painful body, I tried to stand. My legs wobbles but I made it. Fortunately, I did not woke up blindfolded and tied up in a chair.

I tried to walk to the door. I tried to twist the doorknob but no avail. It's locked. I don't want to knock the door and shout like those people in the movies. I don't want to gain his attention, the one who kidnapped me.

"What am I doing here? Where am I?"

Silence engulfed the area. Suddenly, a lightning strikes making me jump in surprised. Surely, it's going to rain later. It's probably near midnight right now. I wonder what are they doing right now? Did someone already noticed that I am not in house anymore?

I walk into the corner and sit down. Hugging my body as I shake in fear. I am starting to break down. Everything is so sudden. I still don't know why he is doing this. I still can't believe he can do this kind of thing.

I almost lost my consciousness when the doorknob made a sound. I immediately look at the door. It opens slowly, making me hold my breath as the anticipation arise.

I can hear a faint music from outside. It was a classical music, I think.

"Wonyoung, where are you?~" I heard his footsteps coming near me.

I put my palm on my mouth to avoid making noise. I wanted to cry my fear, frustrations and all but I can't. This is not the time to be weak.

I closed my eyes and hope that he won't find me. But that sounds so impossible since the room is not spacious. He can easily spot me if he's using a flashlight.

I lost my train of thoughts when I felt someone hold my shoulder. I flinched so hard.

"Here you are, princess."


(A/N: time for a drama, don't you think? Anyways, how's your short vacation?)

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