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"Good bye, Aunt Min. I'll see you again." I smiles and hug Aunt Min.

She's smiling, too. "We'll see each other again."

She looked at Sunghoon, "You, take good care of Wonyoung."

"Hey, I'm your Grandson here."

"Well, not anymore." Answered Aunt Min.

I laughed so hard, I nearly choke. He just look at me with his red eyes. He couldn't do anything because Aunt Min was right in front of us.

I looked at him teasingly.

I can see him swallowing hard and the way he looks like he wants to kill someone. Am I doomed? Oh, no.

"Where are we going now?" I asked. I looked at him when he didn't answer my question. Being snob? Fine, keep doing it and I'll, too!

Is he sulking?

After a few minutes it stopped at a building. The building has four floors and posters that look like dancers are placed in each corner. I just got out of the car. I realized we were in front of a dance studio because of the scattered posters and I was right.

As soon as we entered, someone was waiting at the door. It's Jay. He's holding two bags. I just can't figure out what's in it.

"Are they all there?"

"Yes, The only thing missing is you. W-wait, why is that—" he pointed at me, "with you?" He looked inside my soul. Eyes piercing and I'm hoping that the soil will eat me.

I just smiled awkwardly. "I didn't buy extra drinks for her."

"Go back there again." Sunghoon said and walked to somewhere. We were left dumbfounded.

"What's wrong with him?" I heard the man beside me mumbled. He even shook his head.

"Do you want to come?" I looked at him as he spoke.

I just scratched my head as I answered, "sure?"

We started walking out of the building. "Would you mind if I ask?"

"Nope, go on."

"Why are you and Sunghoon together? Were you with him earlier when he was absent from class? He is just like that now. It's just a new sight to see. He was absent from class almost every day. I wonder where he was going, then I saw you. Looks like I already got it."

"Okay. Wait. It's not what you think. First of all, he invited me to go somewhere-"

"Oh, what am I thinking then and why did you agreed?"

"I don't know. It's just—"

"Do you like him? Why would girls go with a boy if they don't like him?"

"H-hey, no. I d-don't like him."

"Says the one who's already having pink cheeks."

"Ugh, what are you? Investigator?"

"Nope. I'm just saying what I see." I frowned. "Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret."

"Thanks—" I stopped when I realized what I said. So dumb (insert: Going Dumb by StrayKids ft. Alesso and Corzak), stupid Wonyoung!

"See. Told yah!"

"Ugh, you!"

"What?" He side-eyed me. "We're already here. Come inside." He entered while waving his hand in the air, motioning me to go in, too.

I read what was written above, "En-café." Nice name.

"Hi ma'am, welcome to En-café! What can I do for you?" Suddenly a woman next to me said. I read her name, 'Mina'

"Oh, hi... Mina. I'm here with that guy." Then point to Jay at the same time.

"Sir J— oops! Come in ma'am. Have a nice day!"

"What's with that?

"You, too." I smiled and wave goodbye at her as I walk towards the counter where Jay is.

"Yah. Why did you left me?"

"Oh, I thought you went in as I come in."

"Nevermind. What are you buying?"

"What do you like? You choose. It's on him."

"Who's him?"

"You're crush." He said while wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh, nope. It's your love of your life."

"You're talking too much."

"Just kidding. It's on me, don't worry."

"I'm building some trust issue here because of you."

"Yeppey! Choose before I change my mind."

"Can I have a large Iced Vanilla Latte and that chocolate tart?"

"Sure ma'am—" As soon as I heard that, I left the counter.

It's on him as he said. He will take care of that. His teasing is becoming more frequent. We are not close!

To clear my mind, I thought about taking a walk inside the cafe. Until my eyes widened when I saw cats and dogs. They have cats and dogs in this freeking café!

Why didn't I notice?!

"Omg!" I approached a furry cat and picked it up. We looked at each other.

"Meow!" It looks like Wonie but bigger. I wonder how is Wonie? I haven't seen that cat for a long time. Should I visit her?

"Are you going to stay there with that cat or you're coming with me?" Jay suddenly asked, he is carrying my order and other cakes.

"Who are you, sir?"

"Really? Fine."

"Yah, I'm just joking!" I hurriedly said as he starting to walk away.

"Wait. Goodbye pumpkin!" I waved and give a flying kiss to the cat as I'm walking towards the exit. The cat didn't even pay attention to me, ouch!

"What are you doing in that building?" I asked as I sip on my latte.

"We're practicing."

"Okay." I remembered that the contest was going to be held soon. It's on September and that is next month. "Break a leg."


We arrived inside and saw the others already sitting. I saw Niki sitting in front of the mirror, sweats are dripping from his forehead.

"Niki!" I shouted his name to grab his attention. Instead of Niki being the only one I called, all the impostors also looked. Are you all Niki?

"Wonyoung, what are you doing here?"

I can feel the way they look at Niki and me after I approach him and spread my handkerchief, "here."

Instead of taking it, he just raised an eyebrow at me. I just threw it in his face. "Wipe off your sweat!"

"Am I not hot when I'm dripping into sweat."

"Yeah and no. It looks gross."

It just laughed at me and started wiping. I heard different coughs in the four corners of the room.

"I'm sweating, too." I heard Sunghoon said.

I looked at him, "so?"

"Wipe me."

I put my hands on both of my hips. "You're not sweating. You haven't even started practicing yet. Just be quiet."

"When with Niki, you're kind." He's mumbling something I can't hear.

"What? You're saying?"


(A/N: what? I miss writing and you stayies. Thank you for reading my story even if the update is always late. Bear with meee! Enjoy!)

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