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(A/N: Since this story has been reached 900+ views and has reached different parts of the Earth (North & South America, U.K. India, Australia, some parts of Europe, Asia and others), I want to thank you very much for your support and reading this story. Including those who voted and commented on my every update. I wanted to say that I always read your comments and it feel so great, it encourage me to write more. Lovelots! Here's the update.)

Chapter 19

"How's your date?" Soohee asked as soon as I'm seated at my chair inside our room.

"It's not a date."

"Don't fool me, Wonyoungie. I heard some girls out there a while ago. They are talking about you, eating with the famous college gang, TXT."

"Wow. Sorry to disappoint you but your radar isn't accurate enough." I said, rolling my eyes.

"What? Isn't it true? I will not surprised if that rumor spreads any minute now."

"You're exaggerating. Everyone is exaggerating. I didn't go there to sit and eat with them. I just met Kai because he say so and only introduced me to them, okay? No issue in there."

She hit me with her heavy hand. "You're now living in a dream of others. You're lucky! How to be Wonyoung?"

"Stop. I didn't know that Kai was there with them. I'm surprised."

"Wow. I couldn't believe it."

"Yeah, me too." Who wouldn't?

"First, the legendary ice skater, Park Sunghoon. Now, the famous college gang, TXT. I bet you already know the person named 'IT Boy'."

"IT Boy? Who is that?"

"He's Choi Yeonjun. He's the famous IT Boy, not only in this University but also outside."

"Wow. I met him a while ago. He's too clingy to Soobin and looked at me with his pouty mouth."

"Oh, my Wonyoung! You're really lucky. The luckiest one. Choi Yeonjun has never shown such sides of him in public. They say, only close people see their true selves. On a daily basis, his face is always emotionless."

"Huh? That's not what I saw a while ago. Am I really that lucky? I never thought that I would meet them earlier." I sighed. "You know Kang Taehyun?"

"Duh, of course. Why?"

"I also met him earlier. He even introduced his magician side and showed me a trick."

Her eyes widened and she suddenly grab my hair. She immediately let go of her hand that was holding my hair after a few seconds. Surprised looks and comments about Soohee and me were what I saw and heard after I looked up.

"They're crazy."

Soohee and I looked at each other. I just rolled my eyes with that while Soohee just laughed it off.

The classes ended without tests or recitation. What a lucky day.

Since it was still early, Soohee and I decided to walk first to where our feet would take us. Of course, while walking, you won't be bored if you have a talkative friend who loves to gossip.

"Girl, I forgot to tell you!" Soohee suddenly gasped and grab my left arm. I gave her a questioning look. "Okay, let me explain something."

"Here within this university, every year, there is a contest in dancing, singing and so on. So the gangs formed here because of it. Like Enhypen, TXT. The most popular boy group here is BTS. They are the most legendary group, they are hauling awards from different competition. There are others known here as well, such as Seventeen. There are also girl groups like Fromis-9, Le Sserafim, GFriend and others."

I just stared at what I heard. I was too stunned to speak. Wow.

"What I know when you say gang, the involved members just want to have a street fight somewhere hidden with the enemy and whoever wins will be the King. I didn't think it is a dance battle."

"Girl, you must have been reading lots of stories like that." She hit me with her heavy hand. I almost screamed and chose to just massage the part she hit.

"You're a sadist girl!" She stuck out her tongue and made a funny face. "Ew, your saliva is dripping! It's dirty!"

"Bleh!" And even repeated.

Suddenly, she ran away and I chased after her. What is this girl? Like a child released from prison. "Come here! I won't let you live if I catch you!"

"If you can!"

"Bring it on!"

We laughed and shouted in the almost empty hallway while still chasing each other. Until I hit the wall. Is it really a wall? I don't remember there's a wall here in the middle of the hallway.

I sat down because of the force of its impact. I looked up when I heard someone speak. "Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry —"

"S-seujin?" I scratched my head while remembering his name. Maybe my brain has been shaken.

"Yes. Can you stand up? I'll help you." I raised my right hand which he immediately grabbed and pulled me up.

"Thank you and I'm sorry. I didn't see a wall growing here, right in front of me." I jokingly said and we laughed. "As far as I remember my first day, your name is Seujin, right?"

He chuckled and suppress a smile, "you forgot? Oh, I'm hurt." He acted like his chest is really aching. He's dramatic.. like Soohee. "Yes, I'm Seujin. I'm sorry, too. I was in a hurry earlier and wanted to see someone. I didn't see your sudden appearance so I bumped into you."

I also smiled at him. "No, no. It's my fault really—"

We heard quick footsteps, I stopped talking and looked at it. "Wonyoung! Are you tired that's why you didn't chase me anymore?" And this child came back. "Who are you?.. wait!" She narrowed her eyes on him while trying to remember his name. I laugh with that sight. She's trying hard thinking but I know she's not really thinking.

"I'm Seuj—"

"Oh, the letter! You're the boy who gave letter to Wonyoung. Seungmin? Seujoon? What's your name again?" She asked but the other was about to answer when soohee got ahead of him. "Oh, you're Seujin! My best friend's suitor!"

Seujin chuckled, "no, not yet." And he looked at me with his sparkling eyes. How does he make his eyes look like stars in the night sky?

Soohee bumped her hips on mine while doing crazy noises. Ugh, this kid.

"What?" I gave her a disgust look and when I face Seujin, I smiled.

"Nothing." She answered, still giggling in the corner.

"Oh Soohee, you need to go to mental." I laughingly said.

"Duh! You Seujin, be careful from Wonyoung because she's a crazy woman." then, she looked at me," you need a major treatment immediately!"

"Uh-huh, As far as I know, it's really you." Seujin just laugh at our bickering moments. Well, nothing's new. We are always like this.

"Tsk! So noisy." All of a sudden, the hairs on my hand, back, and almost all over my body rose when I heard that cold and deep voice. "Also, blocking the way." He passed between Seujin and me, he even bumped into him.

"Who is that?" Seujin asked. "Stupid bastard! The road is so fucking wide and he decided to go walk here?" I almost jumped when I heard Seujin curse. I was so shocked by the suddenness.

"O-oh, don't m-mind him." I said, still shocked. "I-it's just the.. devil."

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