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(A/N: Sorry for taking it so long. Hopefully, I got the top (High Honor) in our school and coming back here is my new beginning. Thank you for waiting. Lovelots!)

Chapter 50

But instead of answering, he just grinned and left me where I was. I just looked at him in wonder as I watched him walk away.

Now that I'm alone in this eerie surrounding and no other people around, what I am gonna do?

I glance at the empty hallway. I can hear the faint sound of the wind swirling in the air. Suddenly, a loud tud can be heard somewhere behind me.

My curiosity kicks in and try to find where exactly the sound came from. I stare at the dark side of the hallway. The feeling as if someone is watching you from afar again. Goosebumps and anxiety began to build up. I can sense it. Someone is watching me from behind. 

I looked behind me and see nothing but... darkness and silence. 

Where did Sunghoon go?! How dare him left me here! I was too occupied to look what way did he went. My fault, really.


Suddenly, a cold yet familiar voice echoes beside me. I looked where it came from and saw, "Seojin?"

"What-" I cleared my throat while my fear is slowly fading. "You're early."

"Yeah. I'm... I'm doing some errand." then he smiled a little. 

He's in his typical get up. Black hoodie, black jeans and his black bag. Hmm.. I never seen him wearing uniform before. If that would happen then that would be new to my eyes.

"Oh... okay." I smiled at him without showing any teeth and have the gut feeling to suddenly walk away but I did not. Because why? He's Seujin. Even if my inner soul tells me to walk away, I won't do that. He's my friend and he seems innocent like he doesn't scream danger or...

"You're alone? I saw you with a guy a while ago." His smile faded.

"Yes, he left me hanging here! Ugh, I don't want to remember what happened earlier, please." I looked at him with my grunted face. That Sunghoon is really pestering my life. How dare him!

"You seemed close." He stared at me with seriousness.

"Who? That Sunghoon?! Ugh, no."


"Yeah, the devil-"

"So, you're Seujin." A voice suddenly appear beside me. To my shock, it is non-other than Park Sunghoon, the living devil I met.

"Yah! You startled me." I even hit him in his arm but he's too busy looking at Seujin, who also staring at the latter. What am I here?

"Come with me." Sunghoon say without looking away and grab my arm. 

"What- Where?!"

He took one glance at Seujin before walking away, holding me in my wrist. His hold is as firmly as it was. Like I'm going to runaway which is I wanted to do but did not. 

"H-hey wait. Bye Seujin!" I looked back and waved at Seujin. He's looking at us and lowered his hoodie as he walk away. He did not even waved back at me. Sad.

"Where are you dragging me?!"

"I should not left you there." He said with a low voice and luckily, I did not hear any of those words. Nice.

After some meters of walking, we stopped in front of.. wait, what? This is the gymnasium. What are we doing here?

This gymnasium is not the typical gymnasium I saw in other school. This is huge, wide and elegant. He  drag me even more inside and I suddenly feel cold. Don't say me?

We stumbled upon the rows of lockers. I even saw a displayed puck and rubber disk with some and medals trophies on the side. 

"Choose." He pointed the ice skating shoes.

I stared at him, confused. "Are we going to play hockey?"

"Idiot. Here." He give me the white one and I just stared at it.

"What? Want me to wear it to you?"

"Ugh, you and your philosophy." I grab the shoes and went to a nearby chair. How can I wear this thing? I did not even tried walking in a rink before.

I tried and tried but it keeps on loosen up. "You're not even trying," said the one who's done wearing his.

"You're not even helping." I mimicked his voice. How annoying!

He seems to have lost his patience. He grabbed an ice skater shoe and inserted my foot into it as if it was easy to do. After all, he's used to it. I forgot he's an ice skater. 


"What did you say?"

However, instead of answering me he started to walk in the ice while I am here, suffering from walking. I can't balanced myself. Help!


"Help me!"

He doesn't seem to care as he begin to slide on the ice. He jumped on the ice while his eyes closed and hands hugging his body. I stared in awe. He slides gracefully and hair's dancing smoothly.

So, this is the other side of Sunghoon. The peaceful and graceful one. I keep on staring at him that I didn't even notice he was already standing in front of me.

"Quit that. Join me instead." He carefully held me again in my wrist. Then, firmly pulled me towards the rim.

"Oh, my god. Wait! Careful. I might slip—!"

"Shh. What am I here then? Statue?" He asked sarcastically. I looked at him with annoyance. Back with the demonized Sunghoon!

"Tss. Let me guide you."

We slowly walk towards the center with him holding my both wrist and me grabbing him like I'm gonna lost him. Ew.

What am I gonna do? Nothing. I'll just drift along as he walks. I almost fell more than once. Fortunately, he was alert and immediately grabbed me up. Should I be thankful to him? Yeah, more than that.

"I think I'm gonna pee." I mumbled as I keep stumbling in the midst of our walk.

"You're impossible."

"I can hear you!" I glared at him.

"I, too."

I mimicked his word and I nearly lost my consciousness. He almost let go of me, luckily I was able to hold on. I immediately let go of him and hit his right hand which caused me to almost fall again. He grabbed my waist which made me stop breathing.

"Stop moving too much, will you?" His eyes met mine with pure seriousness and I swear I nearly collapse.

We stared at each other for only God knows how long. My heart beats faster. I don't even know if it is nervousness or something else... something else.

Why do you always make me feel like this Park Sunghoon?

(A/N: Hey! I just wanted to greet our protagonist, Park Sunghoon, a happiest birthday! Enjoy!)

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