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(A/N: Sorry for not updating, I just joined my class a while ago and I was so exhausted. Like we need to do too much reportings next week. Also, It's not every day that I have an internet connection so bare with me.)

Chapter 40

"Stay away from mine!"


I woke up with a headache. Not a normal one but this is the worst headache I've ever experienced in my entire life. I slowly rose up holding my head.

"Ugh.. i-it hurts like hell!"

I tried to wake up my other senses but dizziness and headache dominated my body. It feels like there are miners digging inside my head.

I can't even remember what happened yesterday, even a tiny little bit of thing... Nothing!

My vision is still blurry so I tried to adjust from the brightness of the room. W-wait a minute! My room is always dark since I don't want any light disturbing my sleeping state.

My eyes widened when I realized I wasn't in my room. I glance at the bed, this isn't even my mattress! I looked around more. The walls, paintings, cabinets is all different. I don't even remember that my room has a huge chandelier like this.

I immediately look at my body to see and check if something is missing and for my relief, there is nothing. I didn't feel any pain except in my head.

"W-where am I?!" I think I'm having a mental and emotional breakdown right now.

Think Wonyoung, what really happened last night? Oh, yes!

This is partly Soohee's fault. She scammed me! Just one then what happened? We drunk not one, but two bottles! Oh, my gosh.

But what happened next?

I don't know!

Where's my phone?!

Yeah, I'm freaking out.

"Are you done?"

My gaze went directly to the owner of the voice. Again, my eyes widened.

"Y-you.. W-Why are you there? Why am I here?!" I asked the devil who's leaning in the door frame. I didn't even notice him earlier nor the door open.

"My house."

I think I'm going to lost my consciousness. As in right now. What am I doing in his— what again? Freaking house?!

"Your left is the bathroom." He pointed a close white with a gold lining door.

Everything in the room screams treasure! Like it costs millions if you sell all the things you can touch in this room.

Lol, he's a walking millionaire then or maybe billionaire.

"Faster!" He yelled while giving me a death glare.

"Ugh, so bossy."

"Quickly if you still want to go home!"

"Alright. Spare me some clothes!" And with that, I locked the door of the bathroom.

The shower head is made of color gold. I wonder if I sell it, it will cost fortune. It must be also made of real gold. Okay, enough with that.

My headache seems to disappear because of the surroundings. Instead of just showering, I took a bath for... Almost 1 hour. I don't care, let him wait outside. You should take every opportunity that comes in your life because it's only once in a lifetime.

Someone knocked on the door. But he didn't just knock, it sounded like he was going to tear it down. "Tell me if you're dead there or still breathing."

"I'm almost done!" I yelled inside feeling the little bubbles that went on my nose.

"Almost? What the." I couldn't hear him outside the door so I just hurried up the shower because this person might breathe fire.

I have also used the products that were there near the mirror. There are beauty products and more. Interiors are complete. There are feminine and masculine. It's up to you what you use. Wow, just wow!

I wrapped myself in a bath robe, "where's my clothes?" I peeked through the door, only my head was out.

"In bed." I can see his hidden grin.

"Oh, boy. Get out!"

"This is basically my house, you can't shoo me away." There, he grinned fully. However, he turned serious in a mere second. You cannot noticed it if you blink.

"Fine. But can you just give me the clothes? I'm getting cold in here."

"Nah, get it yourself." And he sat on the bed next to the clothes I was going to wear.

Indeed, he is the son of satan.

He stared at me while his two elbows rested on his knees and his right hand was on his lips.

Oh god, have mercy!

Well, he looks hot doing that.. Oh, no. No. No. No. I didn't say that.

"W-what are you staring at?" I'm starting to get conscious.

"Get it," he even pointed to the clothes next to him. My mind is fighting whether I should take it or just die from the cold inside.

Come what may! I chose the former. I immediately grabbed the clothes without glancing at the devil and I slammed the door shut.

I immediately leaned behind the door while holding my chest. I heard the loud beating of my heart, like it's going to explode. I'm sweating sticky. That seems to be the most challenging thing I've done in my whole life. I sighed in relief.

I heard his faint laugh behind the door. It's not funny, you devil!

I swear, I'll get back to you later!

When I came out he was gone. I searched the whole room for my cellphone and purse. Luckily, it was just on the table.

I am now wearing a basic tee, it smells like him. It seems to be his. Can I just have it? The fabric is beautiful. Also, it is paired with a black track pants. It's big on me but that's okay, it has a garter so the waist size can be reduced.

When I finished fixing myself I went out. Hallway was the first thing I came across, there were also rooms next to the room I came out of. I walked down the red carpet and looked for where the stairs were.

After several years of searching, I found it miraculously. The devil's house is huge, you can get lost if you don't know your way. Now, he is all I need to find. I also need to know what really happened last night. Like, why am I here?

I smell something sweet downstairs. I followed it until the big kitchen opened up to me. I saw the devil cooking. Wow, he's knows how to cook.

"Is that a pancake?" I sat at one of the stole, facing his back. He has a wide, broad shoulders.

"Tss. How many drams of water did you use to bathe?" He asked without looking at me. He's too busy focusing on flipping the pancake.

Instead of him answering, I asked him again, "Are you the only one here? Why don't I see any maids or people at all?"

"Do I look like I'm not human to you?" It peeked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Nope, you're a devil. Son of satan." I said as I wiggled my eyebrows. He shook his head while mumbling something in front of his pancakes.

I'm getting hungry with its aroma. It took him a long time to cook. Joke.

"This is my house."

"Oh, you live alone?"

"Yup, always.." He put the last pancake on the plate. I watched his hands, his veins are visible. He put syrup and strawberries on top of it. Why does it look so good.. the pancakes?

"How did you build your own house?" I asked while following his movements.

"Easy." He looked at me. "I worked, saved and then, here's the finished product."

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