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Chapter 13

"Why are you doing this to me? I thought we were friends?" the girl asked, almost whispered. With a trembling hands and confused, teary eyes, she brought her head up.

The gossips continued. I even heard the awful words they are throwing towards the poor girl. People didn't even know what truly happened but still, they judge her as it is. Without even enough proof or any real evidence about the truth.

"Ha, you're asking now? Stop being so annoying and just go away. Your father is a thief so maybe you are, too. Drop out and don't ever go here again. I don't want to see your face." She smiled wickedly. "Let's go girls!" Irene said harshly. She even kick the other girl's leg before walking out.

'Why does that devil adored this girl so much? She didn't have any conscience!'

"Yah, Wonyoung! What are you thinking?"

"H-huh? Nothing." 

End of the conversation. We continued towards the path we originally plan to go to. 

"So?" Soo Hee suddenly asked. "What now?"

"What do you mean?" I asked her back.

"I know you have many questions towards Irene. So, go. Asked me anything."

"Wow, how did you know? Are you a psychic or something?"

"My gosh, Wonyoung. Your face says it all!"

"Oh?" Am I really a transparent person?

"U-huh. Spill!"

"I don't wanna beat around the bush. As you have said earlier, that girl, Irene.." She nodded. "is the first love of the devil. Why did they broke up?"

"Ha, why would I know about that?!"

"You have just said I'll asked anything!" I blurted out, loud.

"Okay, okay! I don't know the real reason but there are many rumors lingering around about their breakup issue." 

I look at her curiously, with wide eyes. This is only proves that Soohee is not only nosy but very, very nosy. I can't with this girl.

"People say that they breakup because of a third party. The girl has been seeing other boy behind the devil's back. Some call her attention seeker and a slut. Attention seeker because she always making any possible way or situations, even good or bad, just to make the boy noticed her. Slut because after they break up, many people saw her with different guys almost everyday. She allegedly seduced the devil just to become a famous."

"A famewhore."

"A-huh. However, that is just a rumor. Until now, people really don't know why they broke up. Before, they are the famous couple of this university. People call them the royals. Sunghoon as the University King while Irene is the University Queen."

"Yah, is this some kind of a cliché story that can be seen in many books? It isn't even a palace."

"I don't know. Ask everyone. I'll bet they all know everyone more than their selves."


"Oh!" She glances at her watch. "I think it's now our time to go."

Wow, again. I haven't been here for a month but I've learned a lot that it doesn't matter. I'll just hope I'll not gonna meet Irene in a walkway, someday. That devil is enough to make my days unfortunate.

While walking towards our path, my cellphone began vibrating. I nearly jump because of the sudden vibration.

I open my phone, only to saw a message coming from my favorite person. I smile and close the phone after I read the message. He's back in Seoul. I wonder where is he now?.. Maybe in a hotel or somewhere..

 I didn't bother to reply back. I know he will find where I am if I do.

"Hey, Wonyoung!" Soohee tap my forehead a little. I gave her a confused look. "Why are you spacing out again? I said we are now here. And Why are you smiling like that huh?! Something must've happen. Can you tell me why is that?"

I chuckled almost nervously, "a-ah it's nothing." 

I know Soohee will tease me just to make me spill the tea. Why am I friends with her again?

She narrowed her eyes on me. Oh, come on. She doesn't trust me when I say nothing. I sometimes wonder what's going on inside her little brain. Uh don't question me about saying Soohee has little brain because it's true.

"Hmp! You are now making a little secrets without telling me huh. First, when I saw you inside a room with that devil and now you're smiling like an idiot without telling me why. It is kinda sus tho. (crdts. to Huening Kai, Stan TXT)"

"Later. I'll tell you later. Okay?"

"Tch! There you go again, saying you will tell me later but you'll forget again. Or maybe you don't have any guts to confess me." She said while sulking. 

I pinch her cheeks with my both hands. She look undeniably adorable saying that. She cheeks felt like a soft mallow. I wonder what would be the feels if I bite it. Just kidding!

"Yah, Wonyoung." Soohee called my name while we are in the middle of writing some essay.

"Hmm?" I replied without looking at her. I will lose my thoughts and focus when I choose to give her even a little bit of my attention, so I'd rather choose to keep writing than to face her and have a secret chitchat. We can talk later after class.

"I'll tell you later." With that, I continued writing without minding anyone or anything else but my paper laying in front of me. 

We are now in our last period when the lightning and thunder began to rumble. It woke up my sleeping insides. The bore of our class, I almost turned a blind eye and chose not to listen. It also surprised my classmates and the instructor. Soohee almost jump towards me but choose to grab my arm instead. 

"Okay class. Stop what you are doing and let's end this class. The rain will begin to pour in any minute now." The instructor said making me breathe in relief. "Be careful in your way home. See you in our class next week." 

When Mr. Lee walked towards the exit of the classroom, students began to rose up from their seats and walk towards the door, also. While me, I began stretching my arms, legs, and neck. I felt like I will suffer from cramps if I didn't do it.

"Aw. The weather seems bad. I'll postpone our friendly date on next week. Go home safe, okay?" Soohee hug me and I return it while patting her back. I smiled on her clinginess. 

"You, too." I smiled.

We began to parted our ways in the parking lot. I choose to wait our family's driver in a waiting shed. I texted him to fetch me here because the rain is uncontrollably falling from the dark sky. There are also five students waiting with me here. The cold  wind that is blowing continuously makes me shivered. 

However, the coldness I felt in my body began to become warm as I felt someone put something warm in my shoulders. I look up only to see him... again.

"Don't get cold."

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