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Chapter 29

The whole table went silent after that. No one dared to talk. Even if I want to continue talking to Sunoo, I can't. The atmosphere become heavier than earlier.

The two had a staring contest a while ago for almost a minute or two. No one gave up, not even batting an eyelid until the female waiter came serving us the meat and other foods. Are they that competitive? Oh, my. What are they fighting for?

After the table is set, the two begin to grilled the meat. I thought they would fight with chopsticks, but it didn't happen. Thank goodness.

But the tension and heavy atmosphere remain. The devil served sunoo while Niki was still busy grilling.

I look at Niki, "what?" His left eyebrow rose even more. The silence was finally broken, in an unpleasant way. This person is really annoying, I swear!

I pointed the meat using my lips. But this kid didn't even get what I was saying. He ignored me so I pinched his legs. It almost jumped in shock, "Shi.."

"what? You're going to swear?!" I whispered, semi-yelling. Sunoo look at us, unpuzzled. "Be quiet, there's a child here."

"The who?"

"Duh, him.." I pointed to sunoo. Suddenly he burst out laughing. What's so funny about it?

"Oh, my god. He's even older than me!" He laughed even more.

"Huh?" Asked the confused Sunoo.

I shook my head and answered, "nothing. Nothing."

"Nothing is funny!" I whispered to Niki again. He just shakes his head.

Omo, I remembered that Sunoo was older. Why did I forget? Amp! His looks are kinda deceiving.

"What? Maybe, the meat is already burned." I don't trust him in anything, yeah. Why? Because he is just 16 years old. "Give some to me."

"I don't want to. Cook your own."

"Wow." He just raised an eyebrow at me. "You'll be in trouble later, just wait and see."

"You're saying something?" Niki asked but I chose to ignore him.

I looked in front of me to sulk, but the devil's face was there. I almost fell back in my seat. "Hmp!" He is chewing a meat while looking straight at me. The meat might melt.

After a few seconds, someone placed meat on my plate. I took my eyes off the devil to see who did it. It's Niki. "Eat."

I'm surprised. This kid has a conscience, I thought he didn't have any. "Thank you."

Our lunch was quiet after that moment. Until we decided to go our separate ways.

"We will go ahead first. We have some errands to do." Niki said and I nodded.

"I have fun talking to you." I said while smiling at Sunoo. He walk forward. He initiates the hug and I hug him back.

"Me, too." He whispered. "See you around?"

"Yeah, see you." We smiled at each other.

I have this feeling that we can be close friends someday. He's fun to be with and friendly than I expected. He is also easy to talk to.

With that, we began to part our ways. Niki and I went to the other direction, away from them. I waved at Sunoo at last and turn my back to follow Niki who's now walking few meters away from me. Why does he walk so fast?!

"Wait for me, you kid!"

"I'm not a kid."

"Yes, you are."

"Not anymore!"

"You are still a minor. So, you're a kid, obviously!"

"I'm 16!"


"I. Am. Not." I ignored him and sped up my pace.

He also caught up with me after a while. see? He is a fast walker. "I'm the one you talked to first, but you're even closer to the one you just met next."

"Oh, the kid is what?.. sulking?" I tease him.

"I'm not. Just stating the facts."

"Ha, don't fool me, Nishimura."

"Woah, how did you know my surname?" He asked.

"Oh? Is that your surname? I just guess it." I said sarcastically.

"Not funny."

We just met now, but I don't know, how light I feel with him. How does it feel to have a brother? How I wish I had a brother.

I glance at my wrist watch and see what time it is now. It's already 2 in the afternoon. 2 in the afternoon?..

"Oi!" I said suddenly. I even poke him, harder than I expected. "Wony!"

"Wony?" He asked, more on yelling like what I did.

"Wony!" I hit him twice in his shoulder.


"Language!" I hit him once again. "We almost forgot to fetch, Wony!"

"Oh, yeah. I know." He even nodded, still massaging the part where I hit him hard.

"Let's go. Faster!" if he used to walk fast, now he walks like a rabbit. Intermittently. Still suffering from the pain in his shoulder. My fault, my bad.

We arrived at the veterinary clinic. I waved at the other animals lingering inside. "Hello." I greeted at them. They just stared at me for a while then continue what they are doing earlier.

Typical behavior of animals.

I approached where Niki was standing. There, I saw that he was holding Wony carefully. He looks like a father in what he does. He will be a very good father someday.

I noticed the cotton covering the cat's hand. Maybe the doctor injected medicine. She looks cute snuggling in her father's arms.

The doctor has given Niki something. It also said something about what should be done with Wony. We thanked each other before leaving that veterinary clinic.

"Do you still wanna go in the ocean?" Niki asked.

"I want to. But Wony still needs to rest." I smiled. As much as I want to go, I can't. Someone needs a rest and I'm in with that.

He maneuvered the car away from the clinic. Until now, I still can't believe that this kid, a minor, is the one who's driving instead of me. I am still learning how to drive and trying to get my license. But him? I don't even know if.. does he already have a license?

"Do you have a license?" I asked, out of curiosity. I just can't..

He just hummed. What? Is it yes? No? I need a clear answer!


"Shh, don't asked me. I'm concentrating here." He even shushed me. Ugh, this kid!

Maybe, he doesn't have. Omo, this is really illegal.

To ease my frustrations, I glance at the backseat to see Wony sleeping tightly. I smiled with the view. I looked in front again and that's when I realized that we were taking a different road back.

"Hey, this is not the way towards our village."

"I know." The road that used to be full of buildings, is now just full of trees.

"Are we lost?" I asked but he didn't even bother to answer.

I opened the car window to feel the air around. The air that came from the trees was different, fresher than the crowded area. I kept my eyes on the trees until I heard the chirping of birds and the loud crashing of the waves. The scent of the salted water is lingered on the air.

Wait.. Are we on the seaside?

(A/N: An early update becoz I did not, last night. But hey! I'm sorry for not updating yesterday because I'm too tired to even used my fingers to type. I did a lot yesterday so I fell asleep early. I always used to update every 12 am. Btw, I just got my booster vaccine today. Yay! My head and arms hurt :))

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