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Third Person's POV

Everything is so traumatizing for Wonyoung. At last, the abduction finally ended. Is it really?

A little flashback to the abduction room.

Wonyoung sighed in relief when Sunghoon came into the room with his serious and deadly gazed to her abductor. Even in such a situation, Wonyoung can't deny that the man is undoubtedly handsome.

Who would have thought that this man would come and save her life? Like in the movies, where the boy saves the girl from the brink of death. Too cliché for everyone but Wonyoung couldn't help but smile and cry with joy at what she saw. She feels like she was the main character and Sunghoon is her partner.

She just shook her head. She have to get out of here first—us. Fastly! As Sunghoon fights his kidnapper, Wonyoung runs to the door. But she stopped and looked at the man who's saving her life. Something inside her is telling her not to leave. She didn't know what to do at this time. She closed her eyes and wished it was all over. At the same time as her eyes opened, the unknown man fell into the cold, filthy floor. Looks like her prayer was granted immediately.

"Sunghoon! Let's go!" Wonyoung said hysterically.

"No." Sunghoon said with a heavy breathing. "Calm down first." The man approached Wonyoung after making sure his opponent was defeated. He poured all his strength into the battle making him feel pain in his hand. "Are you okay?" He gently touches her cheeks with his other hand as his eyes brimming with numerous emotions. It sparkles.

Wonyoung didn't answer but instead, she gently but shakily grab other Sunghoon's hand closer to her eyes. She saw little bruised and blood. She can't tell if it is the man's or if it is Sunghoon's blood. She looked at it with worry. Then she looked up. Seeing her savior looking at her intently.

"Thank you." She uttered sincerely.

Sunghoon smiled a little but turns into frown, "I... I am sorry. I am late. I should just picked you up in your ro—"

She hugged him. "No, no, no, no, no. It wasn't your fault. It was... It was mine.  It was my fault. I was so carefree. I didn't think it would turn out with this. I didn't read the text thoroughly and didn't saw its motive. I trusted that one short message." Wonyoung sighed slowly. "I should have trusted you more." She looked at him with her eyes screaming and sending emotions and messages that she can't tell.

Sunghoon remained silent. Admiring the girl in front of him. Who would have thought there would be a time when he will save a girl like in those movies. Agreed, too much cliché in a story but it feels far more different if you have experienced it yourself. The worry, fear, uneasiness and pain he felt was unbearable, it was suffocating, but not until he saw her again and embraced her in his arms.

Without saying any words, he held her face and bring closer to his. Then he gently placed a kiss on her forehead and embraced her more tightly.

"I thought I would have lost you..." It was just a sentence but it cracks her last inner wall as it brings lot of emotions.

She cried.

They pressed their foreheads together while closing their eyes. The man lying on the floor seemed to have been forgotten. Outside the room, there were pairs of eyes tinged with hatred and pain. Looking from afar.

"It should be me."

Police cars arrived at the placed. The siren of the police echoes in the silent hill. It lightens the place with red and blue lights.

Jay called them a few minutes ago while searching for the two.

The moment Soohee saw Wonyoung's fragile state, she immediately run and cried hugging her best friend.

"Oh my goodness, Wonyoung!! Are you fine?" She let her go for a minute to see her state the she hugged her again. "No, you're not! I am so sorry, I can not do anything. They wouldn't let me bomb this place." She hugged her tightly.

"S-Soohee." She patted her best friend's back. "I cannot breath anymore."

She thought she was going to die in that room, but it turned out to be something else's. It would be like, "Wonyoung's cause of death: Soohee's deadly hug, tight as a gripped of Anacondas." Just kidding!

"Oops! But look at you. This is all my fault." She hugged her again as she cried.

"Don't worry. I am not in danger anymore. I've been saved. You also saved me. Sunghoon told me you were with the gang in the search for me. I highly appreciated that." She broke the hug and face Soohee. "Thank you."

"No..." Soohee cried for more and sniffed. "You are always welcome and I will always be beside you whenever you're lost."

This words made a little flashbacks in Wonyoung's mind, in the first day of school, the moment she met Soohee at the front gate.


After the emotional scene, they were taken to the hospital to check the condition of Wonyoung and Sunghoon. The unconscious man was also brought and laid on a hospital bed while his hands were handcuffed. 

Sunghoon refused to be checked by the nurses at first because of Wonyoung's state. Soohee continued to scold him because of that the later on, he reluctantly agreed.

It's funny to see how Soohee acts like a mother scolding her child. Two hands is in the waist and stand like an old woman. She even pointed her finger at Sunghoon.

The gang can't help but laugh at the scene. It is a once in a blue moon moment to witness.

If he was the old Sunghoon, he would have been at home, sleeping. But that was Sunghoon's behavior before. He worry less and doesn't really care about people but he changed. Wonyoung changed him for the better.

Soon, Wonyoung's family arrived at the hospital with tears. Sunghoon explained what happened to them and answered their questions tirelessly. Wonyoung immediately fall unconscious when they arrived. It's been to much for her, she needed more rests.

A lot of events today. The happiness that was just a moment ago turned into sadness, fear and worry.

The trust is, the party's not over.

(A/N: unedited/not proofread.)

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