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Chapter 56

I think my soul left my body for a second.

"Where are we? This is not Seoul anymore." I asked. I finished cooling down after the car go slow. I will surely never forget this. I am nearly died! Thanks to this man, driving beside me.

"Chill. We are not in the exciting part yet." He answered without looking at me. 

Wow. Exciting part?

Why did I even go with him? Since when did i learn doing cutting class? My gosh, Wonyoung! He's a bad influence. You're being a bad girl now.

I just ignored him and decided to just look out the window. The road is familiar. I can't tell where we are going though.

I remained silent for a couple of minutes and just feel the tranquility of the air outside the window. When I was bored I started looking at things inside the car. Penguin and duck plushies are everywhere. Hm, I don't know. This is what this person likes.

Until my eyes landed on him. So breathtaking...   W-wait, what?

I suddenly looked away from him. He might notice that I was staring for a long time. He shines, his eyes even more because of the rays of the sun that hit him.

"I might turn into an ice cream if you continue doing that."

"Huh?" I asked as I don't get quickly what he was talking about.

Instead of words, I only heard laughter from him.

"Crazy." I whispered into thin air.

"And we are here." He stopped the car on the side.

I looked around while getting out of the car. It's so calming and refreshing. And many trees, at the same time the cold wind hits my skin.

"Where are we?"

"My comfort place."

I was just stunned while looking at him. I just followed him when he started walking. I didn't notice that there was houses nearby. Maybe I too focused on him.. oh no.

"Grandma?" He said loudly as he knocked on the wooden door.

The houses in here are simple and old but looks durable. I didn't know anyone still lives in this type of house. It's not that I'm saying don't, but it's just amazing because today's young people are different from what they're used to. I heard that only few people live in ancient houses here in Korea in today's century.

"Sunghoon? Is that you son?" The person inside said. Based on her voice, it must be really an old woman who lives here.

The door opened and I saw a small old woman holding the door knob. She is smiling and her face shows joy.

"Yes, grandma. You're one and only handsome son."

Still up to this point? I looked at the person next to me who spoke. There is also a trace of the sparkle in his eyes when he saw the old woman. Like stars.

Before I became a pole who left unnoticed, I said, "Hello, Grandma. I'm Wonyoung." I said while smiling. This man beside me seemed to come to his senses and looked at me.

"Oh, who is this young lady? Is this your girlfriend? You have girlfriend already? Since when? Oh, I have a lot to catch up to you, my son.." Grandma asked one after another. I just tried to smile.

"Why don't you let us in so we can talk inside, grandma?"

"Right! Oh, come on in. I'll prepare something for you two to eat. What do you want? Tea? Juice? Water?"

"Just tea for me. Thank you, Grandma." I answered. I noticed that the Grandma is a happy, cheerful woman and chatty. Just like Soohee. Oh, they can be a match.

"You can just call me Aunt Min. I kept telling Sunghoon to call me that but this boy was stubborn." I laughed by her remarks. "I don't look really old yet, so call me Aunt Min, okay?"

"Gladly, Aunt Min. This grandson of yours is so bad to call you that." It made her laugh.

The person next to me frowned. We are now drinking tea in the living room. "It's like you didn't call her 'Grandma'." He emphasizes the word as he whisper. I just rolled my eyes on him.

"Oh, actually Wonyoung, he's not my biological grandson. He just help me lift my groceries and go home since there's no available car to drive me home. What a sweet boy. He helped me again and again. Until one day, we are like this." She smiled as she reminisce what happened before.

I saw Sunghoon scratching the back of his neck. "Grandma, you don't have to say that."

"What are you? I keep saying that you should call me Aunt Min! And one more thing, There's nothing wrong if I tell Wonyoung about the past, right Wonyoung?" The man even received a blow. It made me laugh out loud because he could do nothing against his grandma.

"Yes, Aunt Min. Can I asked?"

"Mm. Go on."

"Are you alone here?"

"Sadly, yes. My daughter left me for her own family. Luckily, I have Sunghoon at least. Although, he just visited me here twice or thrice a week, that's fine with me. I'm glad someone new visited me here. So the tea?"

"There's a lot of tea, Grandma. You already have in your kitchen. I even gave you something the last time I visited—" Sunghoon have been cut off by his grandma.

This type of scene is once in a lifetime only. I could just record his priceless face of his right now but I can't. It's too embarrassing for me to do especially in front of his grandma. She might think of something else.

"I'm not talking about that! I'm talking about the real score between you. You said the very first woman you introduce to me will be your future wife."

My eyes widened. Does Sunghoon said that?

"Yah, Grandma! Stop saying a lie. I-I didn't said anything like that. Maybe you forget to take your medicines."

"And why do you raise your voice at me? When will I be forgetful? I'm still strong and don't have amnesia. Don't fool me, Sunghoon!"

"Aish." The one could no longer speak. I just laughed while listening and watching them. "Stop looking at me!" He suddenly glared at me as he gritted his teeth in annoyance.

I can see the redness of its ear. "What if I don't want to?" I said as I smiled playfully.

I have a lot of braveness today because Aunt Min is in front of us, he can't do anything stupid. Poor Sunghoon.

"Just wait..." He whispered this that messed up my system. ".. later"

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