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I can't see his face because the room is not lit up. Who would think of sitting in the middle of the night, no lights and alone in the dark living room? Why can't he just open the lights? Like, click the light switch and tada! Not like this. Crazy.

"Hyung. What are you doing here?" Niki asked.

He face us and with the help of the moonlight, I can finally recognized who is this person. 

"Oh, Jaehyun?" I sighed in relief. I don't know why but I got anxious at the same time nervous for a moment. I don't know why I felt that. Maybe I thought about someone...

"Hm. What are you doing in my house at this hour?"

"Can't I visit my best friend now? I can visit you before anytime I want. Why questioning me now? Is it because of..." he stopped talking and glance at me. He even tilted his head with a smirk in his face. He reminded me of someone. But why does he look intimidating and scary right now? This is my first time seeing him like this.


He chuckled but there is no humor in it. I looked at Niki and he is standing near me with a face full of seriousness. He's gripping the plastic bag so hard.

 I can sense the air tensing up. It's kinda suffocating. What the hell is happening?! Are they fighting? 

"Did he summoned you here?" Niki asked after of their long staring contest.


"You know who I am talking about." Niki said emphasizing a word.

Now, I don't get what they are talking about at all. I am here but they are too focused with each other, like I ain't even existing in front of them. Who's who?

Jaehyun just shrugged and let himself rest in the sofa. Eyes looking up in the ceiling. Then silence eat up the whole room. I can even heard Niki sighing, two times in a minute.

I am going crazy with the silence.

"Wonnie." Niki called.

I responded easily, "hm?"

I heard Jaehyun laughed. I think someone needs to go to the asylum not just me. I even heard  him mumbled something but  I can hear it clear.

"I think you need to go home now." Niki spoke again and I look at him with disbelief.

"We just got here." I said, "besides I miss the cat. I want to see her badly."

"Sorry but my cat is not here. I.. left him in my brother's custody."

"Oh." I am disappointed. He is lying, isn't he? "Then, can I go next time?"

He stare at me with his eyes, showing numerous emotions I can't named. "Yeah... next time." He said that as if there wasn't really a next time.

"Let's go." He grabbed my wrist and motioned me to the front door.


"No buts. I'll walk you home. Come on."

Is it because of Jaehyun? It wasn't like this before whenever they were together. What changed?

"Can I asked why?" I asked after we left his house.

"It's... nothing." He answered. He became silent afterwards.

As the silence engulf us as we walk, I fall into a deep thinking. What now? What happened? Who is that person they are talking about? Why does it feels like Niki and Jaehyun are going to go in a physical fight when I were not there? Why do I also feel like Niki is lying to me? Why do I feel disappointed? Sad? Anxious? Is it because I didn't get to see Wonnie or was it something else? 

There's so many questions yet there is no answer. This is stressing me, not gonna lie like for real.

This is the most awkward and silent walk I've ever experience with Niki. We aren't like this before, we were far like this a while ago...

I looked how his face were madly serious while walking like he is thinking deeply as he stare nowhere. we were like this until we were just 5 meters away from the house.

"I'll be watching you here. Go." He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "Here." He handled me the plastic where everything we bought putted in. 

"Why are you giving me all this?" I asked as I open the plastic.

"It's for you anyways."

"Thank you, Niki." I smiled and hug the goods.

"Now, go... to him" He lowered his voice in the last part so I didn't get what he said.

"You saying something? Can you repeat it?"

"Nothing. Go before I kick you from here."

"Ha. Ha. Funny." I rolled my eyes. He even managed to make a joke.

He laughed and it sounds genuine. "Good night, Wonyoung."

I waved at him and run to our house. The house was dark when I got home. Even the light in the garage is off. Are they all asleep? Did Soohee looked for me?

I slowly open the gate to avoid making a sound and not to get caught. I also took off my slippers going in so I wouldn't make any noise. What time is it? I left my cellphone in my room... I nearly forget the reason why I am here outside. Right, the room..

I open the front door and I peeked through the opening of the door. It's dark inside. Not a single light was on. So, I slowly let myself in. Trying not to make any single noise as I locked the door.

"Where did you go?" I gasped!

My heart almost dropped because of the voice that came from the darkness. I nearly shouted but luckily I managed to stop myself.

"Shit! Are you planning to kill me with a heart attack?" I looked at the person and immediately realized who this is. It's the devil...

"I asked where did you go?" He didn't even glance at me. He was staring at the glass he was holding and swirling it. I think the glass is filled with a liquor and ice. He is sitting in the dark living room. Just like Jaehyun, he is illuminated by the moonlight. I was too pre-occupied a while ago that I didn't even noticed the sound of the glass that's making.

Why are they like this? First it was Jaehyun and now, him. They are really best friends. The same feathers flock together.

"I-I..." I don't know what to say.

Why are you stuttering Wonyoung?! Get yourself together! 

"I j-just went outside to get some fresh air."

Yeah right, Wonyoung.

"Do you know what time is it already?"

"To be honest, no-" He cutted me off.

"Did you have fun?" He now looked at me. No emotions can be seen by his eyes. 

"H-huh?" I was startled by the question. I didn't see it coming. I didn't even know he is still here in our house. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know. You, say to me." He even shrugged then glance at the bag of goods I am holding. I saw how he laugh soundlessly as smirk formed in his mouth.

I didn't utter any words. I am just here, standing like a statue. I can't even moved a bit. I feel so tensed right now.

"There is one thing I hate more than anything in this world." He spoke after some minutes.

I build up my courage before I asked, "what is it?"

"When someone is invading my property." He got up and dragged me to the couch.

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