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(A/N: Surprise! A double update 'cause why not?)

Chapter 20

"Can we be friends?"

"Sure. Why not?"

I woke up earlier than my alarm clock. Everything's happened yesterday made me feel so exhausted. But for some reasons, I  woke up earlier than intended. I only slept five hours.

"Ugh, my head's hurt." I shook my headache. I need to take some medicine to lessen my aching head.

"Hey honey, good morning to you."

"Mom?" My eyes suddenly widened. I can't believe it. My mother is standing right in front my eyes with her lovely smile. She even greeted me while leaning in my doorway.

"Maybe I am just... Hallucinating."

"Oh, no honey. This is not a dream and you are awake!" She laughed softly while I smile, forcedly. "Come downstairs, I prepared breakfast."

"Right! I just.. do my routine." I said, hesitantly.

"Take your time, honey!" She shouted while I was busy running to the bathroom.

Shouldn't she be at work now? What's with the sudden change? Is this the effect of—right, I should stop thinking and just proceed to my thing. Geez!

"Good morning.." I greeted as soon as I step in the dining room. I must be really dreaming.

"W-Why are you all here? Is there any special or something happened?"

"Oh, no sweetie." My Dad said and smiled at me. "We took a day off. We got to see someone today with your sister."

"Oh." That's all I said before I go to my seat. Of course, business..

" Come here. Let's eat. Your mother cook all these."

"Tell me if you need something." My mother said.

I look at my sister but she's busy eating her steak. I guess it's better to just eat.

After eating, I said goodbye to them. I know it's still early in the morning but I want to calm my mind first. And a quiet walk is the only answer to this.

I arrived at the front gate with only the guard is inside. I smiled at him and he saluted. We just laughed at each other. What a good start of my day in this University.

"So, walking down what looks like an abandoned hallway is your thing in this cold morning." Or I guess not.

Sunrise is still coming and the cold wind brushing off in my body. I can manage this kind of weather since I am already used to.

"Why are you here this early, Mr. Park?" I asked.

Great. Walking early in this University, without having other people around except this devil bedside me and the sun isn't still up, my morning is ruined.

I look at him. He's wearing his usual get up. But this time, he woke a black bandana that suits on his brown hair.

That's illegal!

Oh, what am I thinking?

"I should asked you the same question." He took a quick glance at me then look again somewhere. He seems to be looking for something around.

"Why would you? You are the person who doesn't care about his surroundings."

"You don't know anything about me, Ms. Jang."

"Yeah, and so? I don't need to know you from head to toe because I don't want to and it's useless. Go away 'cause I need some peace of mind. Seeing you this early only made my morning great, really great!" I sarcastically said while waving my hand into the thin air.

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