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Chapter 21

"Want to see the waterfall?" The devil asked but before I finalize my answer, my cellphone rang. Someone is calling me in the middle of nowhere.

What a nice timing!

"I'll just.. take this call." I said, he just nodded.

Soohee's calling, "hello there, best friend!" She  enthusiastically said.

"Hey, why did you call?"

"Duh, can't I?" I know she just rolled her eyes on me. I just laugh at it. "Are you still home? I'll wait you in front of the gate."

"H-huh?" I glance shortly at the devil, he's already looking at me, I quickly turn my gaze after that. "N-No need. I'm already inside." the forest..

"What?! When? Oh, wait me then."

"Yeah, I'll tell you later. Bye."


I ended the call. "We can't seem to go..." I smiled apologetically. "You know.. There's always a next time." I said to the devil but he seems busy staring at me. " Let's just.. It's better to go back." I awkwardly said.

"You want to go with me next time? Maybe you just want to see this handsome guy right in front of you. Ha, I thought you'd rather kill me." He said, back to his annoyingly smirking face. Gone the caring and soft Sunghoon I've met a while ago. He is really the devil.

"Ugh." I must have gone mad right now. "Your face is annoying—"

"Nah, I am the most good-looking guy your eyes just laid on."

"—Your voice is annoying! Your damn dimples are annoying!—"

"Oh, no. Not my dimples. My mother said, it's one of my assets!—"

"—Your personality is annoying! You, yourself, are annoying!"

"Okay, calm down with that, Miss."

"I'm not just a Miss. I have a name—"

"Oh, you like something else? You want to be a Mrs.? Like, Mrs. Park?"

"God, I really despise you!" I almost scolded and grab his hairs because of what he was saying. It's all totally nonsense. I didn't know this person had this side. "You know what?!"

"I don't know." He sarcastically said but acting like he didn't really know anything.

"I'm just leaving you here, go with yourself! I'm done."

"You serious?" He asked but instead of answering, I just turned my back on him and wave as I walk away.

And with that, I really leave him there with his two hands resting on his waist like a mad man, more like dumb man.

I'm too irritated this days to the point that I cannot control my tempers anymore. Ugh, this girl thing is also annoying!

"Wonyoung! I'm here." Soohee wave a hand for me to see. She texted me that she wanted to have some breakfast so we agreed to go in cafe.

I breathed a sigh of relief the moment I seated in front of Soohee, "W-What happened to.. you?"

"Huh?" I asked her. Not nothing what she meant.

"Grab a mirror quickly?" She commanded but still I didn't get her.

"What? Why?"

"No more questions. Just do what I say!"

"Okay, alright." Damn. She's a demanding.

"Oh, my gosh!" I gasped as soon as I saw myself in the mirror. "What happened to me?!"

"I don't know to you girl. Why are you asking me if you already know the answer?!" We are now almost shouting at each other. We are starting to gain attention from the people around.

"Oh, I don't know also..." Of course, the answer is that devil.

I remember the earthquake thing that cause the wall to have a hole. After all this time, I can't still believe it.

Small degrees of cement and some dirt are visible to my face. I immediately grab the wipes Soohee offered to me, just to make myself clean and more presentable.

My, gosh. That devil didn't even said anything a while ago. He let me walk through the crowd with this face?! How dare him! He have no conscience. He let me suffered from this and went to a place I don't really know exist!

"Hey, be careful. You're breaking the poor mirror." Soohee said and thanks to her I just got back to reality.

I glance at the mirror and saw that small, visible cracks are starting to form just because of I unconsciously hold tightly on it. "I'm sorry."

"So, can you explain? What the hell happened to you?"

"I just..." step outside through the hole in the wall, walk in the forest and almost go to the waterfall with the devil but before I agree or not, you called. "Nothing. I've been through some dusty places, you know.."

"Yeah, my best friend is not spilling the real tea again. I felt so betrayed."

"You're at it, again. So dramatic..." I left her talking to the air in the table to get some refreshments.

"Miss, one Iced Americano please." I ordered and the lady with an apron press something in the monitor.

I handed her my money and she told me to wait on my table until my name will be called. Before I turn my back towards the counter, I heard someone calls me.

"Wonyoung!" I look at where's the noise came from, only to see the smiling Seujin with his usual get up, black jeans and black hoodie.

"Hey." I greeted him with a smile as soon as he walk near me.

"It's good to see you here. Want something to eat? Just pick, my treat!"

"Me, too but I'm good. I just ordered Iced Americano."

"Oh.." he sounds like a bit disappointed. Of course, I just felt my conscience kick in. I felt bad for declining.

I chuckled awkwardly while I unconsciously scratch my head, "you can get me a chocolate tart... If you want." I don't want him to feel bad offering me.

"Yes! Wait on your table while I'll order it. Be right back!" He smiled widely which I found it cute so I smiled back. I started to go back in front of Soohee while Seujin went to the counter.

"What is that? Why does Seujin smiled like a boy who just got a candy? Did you say something on him? Come on, spill!"

I laugh at her. "Okay, one by one question only please. It's not what you think, okay? He just offered me to buy something to eat. At first, I declined it but I felt so bad that it affects my conscience. So I said, he can get me a chocolate tart. That's it."

"But girl, I think that Seujin guy wants to hit on you, again."

"What? Hitting on me?"

"Yes! Like girl, you're too oblivious."

"Maybe he just wanted to be friends, you know?"

"No, no. Remember at first? He confessed but unlucky for him, he got rejected by you. And now, he's doing it again by making some efforts. Can't you see?!"

"Oh.." I was too speechless. My mind is processing the whole information.

Seujin came back with a tray on his hands. "Here's your Iced Americano and your chocolate tart!"

"Wow, thank you." I smiled at him.

Soohee look at us both while narrowing her eyes. I pushed her forehead away as she started to come towards us.

"As always!" He smiled back like he did earlier. "Can I sit here?"

"Of course. No one's going to stop you." I said. He smiles and proceed to sit beside me.

"Hey, Seujin. Can I asked you a question?" Soohee suddenly asked.

"Yes, go on." I'm busy eating my tart but my ears are on them.

"Are you doing these because you want to pursue Wonyoung, again?"

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