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Chapter 26


"W-wait! You want me to go out with this.." I pointed at my jogging pants and loose jacket with a sports bra inside. "Big no for me."

"What do you wanted me to do? Spare you a tee?" He said that with wide eyes.

"Nice idea!" I clasped my both hands and smiled widely. But soon collapse when I realized something. "But whoa." I put up my both hands, gesturing like I am going to surrender. "We aren't close enough for you to let me borrow something you own." I gave him a disagreeing look.

"Do you have any choice? I bet your house is far from here and it's a waste of time." He said while rolling his eyes.

If before we looked like childhood friends, now we look like a siblings fighting over something nonsense. Yeah.

I deepened my thoughts, thinking about what he just said. "Ugh, fine." I grunted. "Where's the tee?!"

"Tss.. you're so demanding. Let's go upstairs." He commanded as he pointed the next floor of their house.

Can someone remind me how did I get here again?

"Woah, not so fast." He gave me a are-you-kidding-look. I know he's loosing to much patience just by looking at his serious face.

"There's no tee in the living room nor in the kitchen, except tea."

"Huh?" I didn't get what he's saying.

"Come on. Your wasting too much time."

He went behind my back and pushed me towards the stairs. I almost fell because of what he did. I'm gonna get my revenge later, you'll see. "Yah!"

We argued even more as we walk upstairs. The silent house become noisy. Why? Of course, because of me, who else?

"Wow." I said in an awe after I enter his room.

His room has a light vibes, contrary to his behavior. This room is simple and clean. It's as if the dirt is too shy to land here.

Few picture frame, a yellow rose painting that is being hung in the wall, king size bed and oh, a piano?

"You know how to play a piano?" I asked as I tap a few keys in the piano. The sound of it almost made me jump.

"Yeah." He answered without looking at me. He's too busy finding something in his walk-in closet.

My eyes roam around the room more. "You live here alone?"


"Eh?" I asked him with disbelief.

"W-ha.. why?"

"They are all in Japan."


Of course he is a Japanese. How can I didn't recognize it from the beginning. His surname is not something that came from Korea. Nishimura. And of course, the design of this house. As what I have said earlier, it has a Japanese house vibes. Ugh, I'm so stupid. I just got realized now?!

"What are you doing? You didn't have a internet?" That made me back to reality. Again, I didn't get what he's talking about. What internet?

"Huh?" Instead of answering, he threw the clothes. I almost fell over when I got it. It's big but it's okay.

"I don't know if it will fit you." It also threw women's shorts at me.

I look at him with disbelief. "What?"

"You have these?"

"My sister's."

"Oh." I said while nodding countlessly. So, he have a sister.

I excuse myself and went to his bathroom. I changed my clothes inside. I heard the door close, a sign that he had left the room but I ignored it and hurriedly got dressed. I could smell the familiar scent of Niki on the clothes he gave me. So, is it his?

After that he invited me downstairs to their house, in the garage. There, I saw different models of cars.

"You know how to drive?" Instead of answering me, he went straight to a white car, obviously a Hyundai one because it has a H logo in the front.

"Get in."

"H-how come you can drive? Aren't you still minor? 16?" I asked but he just shrugged. "Men, this is so illegal." I whispered in to thin air as I get in to the passenger seat.

"It looks good on you." He started the car and the garage door automatically opened.

"What?" I asked him at the same time gasped on what I've been witnessed just now.

"Nothing." He drive off. "Let's bring Wony to the vet and let the veterinarian do her work before we buy Wony's necessities."

"Okay." I glance at the kitten, sleeping peacefully in the backseat. She is now laying in a small cage with a blanket on it.

"We'll fetch her after the sunset."

Is this a date?

"Nope." He said.

"What nope?" I asked curiously.

"I know what you are thinking and the answer is no. I'm just treating you nicely because that's me."

I was surprised but I didn't show it. "I-I'm not thinking anything."

"If you lie, be sure you are good at it." He snickered.

What happened next was quiet. The drive took about ten minutes before we got out of the village. I swear, the village is really wide. So, I'm surprised that this boy beside me is living here. It takes more than 30 minutes to find the vet clinic.

"Hello, welcome to our clinic. What can I do for you?" A mid woman with a white coat greeted us.

"We will have Wony checked up." Niki answered while my eyes roam around the room.

"It's good that you came early because we don't have any customers yet. Have a seat, please." She motioned the seat on us. "Can you fill this paper?" Niki grab the paper while I hold the cat. "Thank you."

"Can we leave Wony here? We will just buy her necessities."

"Yes, you can. When will you fetch her?" Niki looked at me before looking at the vet again and answered.

"Before or after lunch?" He said, unsure.

"The kitten looks restless just by looking at her snuggling at her sheets. I think you can fetch her after lunch, this kitten needs a rest."

"Oh, thank you so much." I said. She is so caring.

"Maybe I can help you picking the things your kitten may need."

"Oh, that would be great. Thank you!" I smiled and look at Niki who's already looking at me.

"It's a pleasure." And with that, she began to wrote down things while explaining us why we need that things.

We thanked Ms. Lee before we left. We are now heading somewhere I don't know. The atmosphere in the car become silent and I'm getting bored. So, I connected my cellphone to the car's speaker.

"What are you doing?" He asked, eyes are on me before he focus at the road again.

"What do you think?" I asked back as I began to scroll my music list. Since I don't know what to pick, I just set it on shuffle.

As I play a random song, I started to sing along. I'm yours by Jason Mraz is playing on. "Well, you done, done me in, you bet I felt it.
I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted.."

"I'm yours!.."

The journey continues as the minor and more younger than me Niki, driving his own car at 16 and me, who's near at the legal age, just vibing in the passenger seat while singing every random song played at the top of my lungs.

Should I be worried?

(A/N: How's your day? Hope you're all doing well. I have a question for you to answer in the comment section; What do you think the role of Nishimura Riki/Niki in Wonyoung's life? Aye, enjoy!)

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