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"But girl, I noticed that our university's uniform suits you well."

"Oh, is it? I noticed it, too. Thank you." I'm not very fond of compliments so I always felt shy whenever I received one.

"You are cute in that, too." I compliment her back and she hummed in response while grinning. "What are you thinking?"

"Hm.. I was just thinking about you and that devil. Like, what will happen now?" I look at her but she's too in her thoughts. "It's not possible if he doesn't remember what happened between you last night. Omg! I don't know what to feel if I were you."

I hummed and nodded,"I.. me too, can't believe it. It just felt surreal."

A comforting silence fills up around us. We are here in the back of our building, the abandoned-like park. We both agreed that this will be our secret hangout place. It's so peaceful here. Perfect place if you wanted to clear your mind.

"I'll bring some blankets next time. I think we can lay here while eating our foods." She mumbled and I agreed.

"Then bring tomorrow, I like that idea, too!"

After a while, the bell rang. We seated on own chair as the teacher walks by. Ms. Ji smiled while looking at us. "This is our second meeting. I guess you are now familiar with me, aren't you?"

We answered, "yes Miss."

"Is Mr. Park aren't here yet?" She sighed after looking around.

I glance at my back, seeing only an empty seat of the devil. He was late again. Why do I even care with that?

"Miss." A boy grab the attention of Ms. Ji, including all the students inside.

"Yes, Mr. Sim?" The boy stand up. I noticed how he silently fix his glasses that shine a bit in the rays of sun.

If I remember it correctly, he is Sim Jae Yun. He has a different thick accent.. like Australian accent. I know a bit of it because some of my school mates back then are Australian. And he looks like more foreign than Korean.

"Sungho— I mean Mr. Park texted me that he can't attend today. He's having some stuff in their company. He didn't tell any further details. So, I really don't know what is that though. It's confidential miss." He answered.

"Oh is that so? I thought he'd be late again." Me too, miss. Me, too.

"May I ask who's your class President last school year?"

A girl answered, "it's Mr. Lee, miss!"

"Lee Heesung?" Ms. Ji asked and another boy stand up. "Yes, miss?"

The girls not afar, suddenly, squirting and whispering some words, praising and complimenting him. However I heard one whisper to my left that makes my curiosity activated. "He looks like an angel outside, sis. But a true evil inside. I witnessed how he handled 11-A before. Until now I'm still scared to be near him and got goosebumps whenever he's around."

Angel outside, evil inside..

I wonder what does she really mean with that.

Ms. Ji smiled, "You'll be the class President again for the next semester. You may sit down."

I noticed some glances of the students at the President, like wanting to disagree with Ms. Ji's decision but choose not to.

Is there any mystery or something occuring in this university? Also that Sim Jake, he seems close to that devil. Maybe he's also a member of a gang Enhypen. Looking at the aura of the chosen President, he looks like a member, too. I need Soo Hee's confirmation about my theory.

I secretly pat Soo Hee's arm, she look at me with wide eyes. I nearly laugh but thankfully I didn't. I send her a look and she get it quickly. Let's talk about this later. I bet she also heard what the girl whispered.

Since my curiosity is not controllable anymore, I also want to know every member of that gang. I'll dig some information about this, maybe I can find something in internet.

Times flies and it's now our lunch time. We found another restaurant for us to it, but it's different dish now. It's Thailand cuisine. I wonder how many different country restaurants are here in this freeking huge mall.

"As I've said before, they are the Enhypen gang. It consists of one leader and six members. The leader is Yang Jung Won, he is one of the students in our class. He seems soft outside but be aware, he can snap your head in any minute." She gasped for air as she continues.

"Next, Lee Hee Sung, our class President." My theory is right."People call him the 'ace' as he almost know everything. Like he can do anything. He is also the most favorite, not only because of his physical appearance but also his intelligence.

"Park Jong Seong, also known as Jay. He came from a foreign country but a Korean citizen. His eyebrows are always forming one line. Like he's mad everytime but I heard it is just his daily expression. He's also very intimidating person." She leaned on me and whispered, "I saw him one time at the abandoned room, his sleeves are neatly fix below his elbow. I swear he looks like a mad but hot C.E.O!" I also swear I nearly lost my hearing. Damn this girl.

"Anyways, back to the topic!"


She cleared her throat, "Sim Jae Yun, known as Jake. I bet you know him already as he was one in the class."

"Yeah, he always the one who answer Ms. Ji's question.. especially when it comes to that devil."

"Yes, that's right. So Jake Sim, one of the top student of this university. He's known for being a Math geek. Gaining lots of medals from different math competition. He's also one of the pride of this school. He is a smiley person but be careful, remember he's one member of Enhypen gang.

"Here comes the devil, Park Sung Hoon. Also a pride of this school. As I've told you before he is known as 'Ice Prince'. He is a competitive ice skater, owning different awards from different ice skating competition...Oh!"

"Why?" I sent her a confused look but she just pointed somewhere behind me.

"Speak of the devil..."

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