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Chapter 17

"Yeah. Why not?" I mockingly said, hands are rested at both sides of my thin waist while staring at his reddish face.

He sighed in annoyance and look down, cornering me again somewhere I don't know. "Is that how you repay.." he scanned me from my toes up to my face. Then, he smirk. "A debt?"

While he's talking, I noticed how his hands slowly tracing my hair and carefully twisted it using his pointed finger.

Oh, my. He is flirting! Worst, I was his victim.

I nearly gagged at that thought. I slapped His hand and pushed away. But his body did not even bulge to move.

I looked at him with disgust. "And when else have I been in debt to someone like you? As far as I know, I don't owe you a penny ... devil. "

"Well, you did. You must repay me. But slapping me with the paper bag is a sin and that’s not the way I charge debt."

"Am I a sinner then?" He came even closer to me, I was more pressed against the wall.

"What are you doing, Park Sunghoon?!" I couldn’t help but raise my voice. I don't know, I feel like I'm going crazy. How to stay sane?

"What do you think, Jang Wonyoung?" More closer..

His brown orbs reflected the lights from the sunlight above. With him so close, I can smell his fragrant scent again. I stared closely at his smooth face, his thick and convergent eyebrows, his bright eyes, I even noticed his hiding dimples on his cheek. Until I stopped at his lips... It is as red as the typical apple color.

"Like what you see—"

"You're beautiful.." I unconsciously said, still staring at him as he started at mine.

I raised my right hand to hold his face. I caressed it carefully as we looked at one another. We stared for a minute or more. I don't know how many, it feels like eternity.

My eyes widened as I realized what had happened. What have you done, Wonyoung? I wanted to lower my hand out of embarrassment but my hand seemed to have a brain of its own. The sound of the loud slap I gave him echoed in the quiet surroundings.

I was even more surprised by what was done. I saw his face tilt. My slap seems to have intensified. To distance myself from the embarrassment, I pushed him which caused me to lose his cage. I immediately ran away.

Again, I left the devil dumbfounded..

Fearing that the devil might catch up with me, I immediately ran to our classroom. There, I saw Soohee talking to some of my classmates.

Panting, I seated on my sit. That's when Soohee noticed me. She looked at me with confusion. "What happened to you? And why do you seem to be in such a hurry to come here? It's not time yet. You look like a mess!"

"Yes, I'm a mess. I know." I said, still gasping for air. "But I need to tell you something."

"Hey, Wonyoung. It was a nice slapped on the face but yeah, good luck to you." One of my classmates said while winked in the middle of his sentences.

"U-uh, yeah. Should I say thank you?" I asked but he just shrugged and continue his business in his circle.

"What was that? Slapped? Nice? Who? Where? When?" Soohee asked confusedly while narrowing her crescent eyes.

"Okay, wait. Just one question at a time, your opponent is just weak."

"Fine. Did something happened while I am away? What does he mean by that?!"

I have not been able to answer when our instructor entered. My mouth was left open as I looked at the door he entered. I gave soohee a look. "Tell you later."

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen." Ms. Ji spoke while holding her usual felt tip pen. "Attendance."

"Mr. Sim?"

"Here, Miss. Present." The attendance started peacefully until the devil's surname called in front.

"Where is Mr. Park?"

"I saw him a while ago—" Jaehyun didn't finish his sentences when the door bursted open. Revealing the devil with a dark aura surrounding him.

Do you get de javú?

He stared directly at me with his cold but fierce eyes. Maybe he's already killing me in his mind. I took my eyes off him and focused on my deafening necktai. He is not worth my attention.

"Present." He said plainly but cold. His voice are like lightning, deepening in my system.

"And what did I say before, Mr. Park? I told you that next time, don't be late in my class!" Ms. Ji confronted him.

I don't know what's really happening in front , I didn’t try to raise my eyes and I just kept listening to their conversation. The whole class was silent, I could only hear Ms. Ji's voice and his.

"Why don't you ask one there? Maybe she knows what happened why I was late entering."

"Which of them will I ask?"

"Needless to say, I know she already knew who I was talking about."

Of course, it's me. I just slapped him twice. Serve him right.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Soohee elbowed me with her left. I look at her but she just gave me a suspicious look. I shrugged to show that I don't know what she's talking about. She look at me with a bored look.

However, Soohee and I stopped talking with our eyes when there was a sudden knock on my desk. I look up to see who it is, only to see the not-so-happy devil.

He knocked at my desk four times. It seems like he was giving me a warning. I thought that was all he would do but he even put his mouth to my ear at once saying," You slapped me twice. I think you should better repay me something nice."

If it's a warning, that would be the cause of my death. I thought I was going to faint from being so close to him. He slowly walked away while smirking at me. After a second, he winked.

Yes, he winked on me while we are being watch by all the person inside our room.

(A/N: Double update in one day 'cause why not? Forgive me if you encounter words that doesn't fit in the sentences. I didn't proofread my work yet. How's this one?)

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