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Chapter 35


Silence prevailed for the next five seconds. They seem to be thinking of something to ask, but I'm not sure because they both just look at me intently. Not even closing an eye.

"Have you met the other members besides us?" Jungwon asked.

My head shook in disagreement, "I only met you, Heesung, Niki, Sunoo and S-Sunghoon."

"Wow, even Sunoo allowed you. I'm a bit surprised."

"W-Why? Is it really forbidden to call you by your nickname?"

Heesung thought for a moment, "hm. Before, no." He shook his head. "But because more and more people disrespected us, we forbade others to call us by our usual name. Unless, we allowed you. From now on it's still like that. It is a rule that has been made by the higher gang. No one can disallow that. So, better respect others if you don't want to face the gates of hell."

Oh, I already met it ever since I said a words about him.

"I got it."

I thought they were just used to it or people made it up. You know, gossip.

"That's the end of our conversation. We'll call you again when we have more questions." Jungwon glanced at his wristwatch."It's already 5, it looks like class is over."

Really? I also glance at my watch to see if he's not kidding or something. And he's right, it's already 5 in the afternoon. Time passes quickly indeed.

"Alright. Thank you for you cooperation. You can go now." Heesung led me to the door. I bowed first as a farewell to them and to show respect before going out the door.

Once I heard the door locked, I was relieved. I thought it was the end of me. Their gazes are debilitating, too deep if they look. It's like they're looking at you and judging you based on your movements and speech.

"Why are you here?" Suddenly, someone's voice can be heard out of nowhere.

I look up to see who's the owner. I nearly had a heart attack. "Oh, my goodness! You startled me!"

I almost hit him. I widened my eyes at him but he didn't even move and kept looking at me seriously.

"Why? Can't I?!" I asked the one and only devil, Park Sunghoon!

"How did you get here?" He asked again, arching his left eyebrow.

"I teleported." I answered seriously.

He sighed, probably losing his patience already. How far will your patience Park Sunghoon go?

"You better answer it seriously or—"

"Or what? Are you going to throw me into the mouth of the volcano? You're going to feed me to your three-headed dog? Or will it be boiled in boiling lava?"

He looked at me as if I had said something unearthly, "what's with this girl?"

I almost laughed at his appearance. He doesn't know that in my eyes, he owns hell.

"Fine, It's serious." I moistened my dry throat. "I don't know! Ask Heesung. He invited me a while ago to go somewhere and led me here." I even rolled my eyes in annoyance. Why do I need to explain him everything? Is he my father?

"Tss. Is that it? Why did she have to prolong her answer? She's just making it harder—"

"You saying something there, Mister?"

Looks like he's still monologuing. What is he doing?

"Nothing. Are you going home already? Class is already over."

"Why did you ask?" I stared at him suspiciously. "Are you going to invite me again in one of you secret place and will lure me somewhere so I can't go home?! No, thank you."

I saw him rolled his eyes, "Can't I ask? Anyways, the classrooms will be closing. Aren't you going to get your stuff?"

"Oh, my god!" I screamed when I realized that I didn't have my bag and other belongings. I was about to run when suddenly a hand stopped me.

"Are you going there right now? You won't want to go there alone."

"Are you coming?" It raised its eyebrows again at my offer. "Oh, it's not allowed."

"Who said? Let's go."

"I don't know about you. You're bipolar." I told him as we started walking towards our building.

The distance we walked with Mr. Class President earlier, I didn't even notice.

"What did you do in our private base?"

"Oh, that is your private base? I didn't know, huh. I only know it's named I-LAND."

"You talked a lot. You didn't even answer my question."

"You're so demanding. I just told what I found out, duh."

"So, what happened?"

I rolled my eyes again, "they just asked me some questions."

"By who? What questions?"

"Wait! Are you going to interview me too?! Oh, my. Can I get a time out(by StrayKids)!? Time freeze!" I sighed deeply. "You're annoying."

"Tss. We're here."

"Huh? Already?" I looked around and he was right, we had arrived at our building.

No one was coming in and out. The wind blowing against my skin grew stronger. I suddenly felt cold.

"Let's go upstairs." He was the first to walk up the stairs, I immediately followed.

As I take my steps in the cement ladder I become paranoid, as if someone was watching and watching me. Why is our classroom located on the third floor?!

Finally, we arrived in front of our room. I got up and looked carefully inside the room, but I only saw chairs and other school supplies. I didn't see any bag or anything inside. Where is it?

"Did you see anything?" I asked him.

"None. I wonder why the door is already locked?" He asked but I just shrugged. How did I know?

After a few seconds of nothing but silence, my phone vibrated. Good thing, I took my cellphone before I left earlier.

Soohee sent a message. I open it quickly. She texted that she left my things in my locker earlier before she went home because I never came back. We know each other's password in our lockers, by the way.

She seemed worried because of my sudden departure, especially since the Class President invited me. She thought something bad had happened to me. I texted back that I'm okay and I'm still in the university. I also thanked her for everything she have done for me.

"I'll wait for tea tomorrow." I read Soohee's last text and I laughed.

"Who's that?"

"It's Soohee. She said she already left my things in the locker." I answered.

He turned his back on me and started walking.  He didn't even speak to what I said. I just followed him down the stairs again.

"Where we going?"

"Far from that mad dog."

Huh? I suddenly remembered, he said the same thing when we went behind the buildings. What does he really mean by that?

"Come on. Faster." I measured his walking speed.

But before we left the building, I seemed to notice a shadow hiding in the staircase. It seems to be looking and watching us. The feeling I had earlier when we were going up came back again. It was as if someone was really watching me when I entered this university for the first time.

I was about to tell and show Sunghoon what I noticed but he suddenly pulled my hand.

"Don't look back."

(A/N: Un-proofread.)

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