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Chapter 32

"Wait, I suddenly felt dizzy. What again? p-please repeat.. So, you and Kai are not really dating? Oh, my gosh!" She even gasped, exaggeratedly. ".. The devil and you! Went on a what?.. date in a waterfall?! You two, alone?!"

"It's not a date."

"It is, come on. H-how can i absorb all this information in one go?!" Cried Soohee.

"You asked for the tea. Then, that's the whole tea." I sighed. She is so overdramatic, as usual.

"Yah!" She yelled at me. "You even go in a date with the famous dancer in the gang, Nishimura Riki?!" I swear, her voice is so loud that everyone looking at us with annoyance. "You're lying to me this whole time! You made me look like a fool for believing of your lies." She even wiped away her fake tears.

I giggled, "I'm so sorry for not telling you. I..." I was just shocked because I saw 'him' looking at me when I first introduced you to Kai. "I am not just ready to tell you everything before, that's why."

"Hmph! Don't talk to me." She turned her back on me. I just laugh with the sight.

"Aww Soohee is sulking." I poke her squishy cheeks using my index finger. "What can I—"

"Hey, you and your friend is too loud. Can you just.. go out in this cafeteria please." Some random girl went on our table and said.

She have a straight, long, black hair. Two girls are standing beside her with the same expression. They, somewhat, emitting a strange aura. I suddenly felt goosebumps all over my body.  What's with their attitude? It's kinda intimidating, for me.

"Oh, I'm sorry for the noice." I smiled a bit. "My best friend here is just throwing some—", she raised her right hand, signalling me to stop talking. I raised my eyebrow with her.

"Wait", she said and looked at me carefully. "Aren't you the transferred student named Wonyoung?"

"Ugh.." How did she know? "Yes."

She looked so familiar. I think I have seen her somewhere.. It was like a light bulb suddenly went on in my brain. Oh, right! She's Irene. The ex girlfriend of the famous ice skater but I rather choose to call him devil, Park Sunghoon.

"You're dating with that Huening Kai, right?" I almost laughed at her question, luckily I stopped myself before I looked ridiculous.

Did the rumoured really spread? Wow.

"Someone told me that you're hanging out with the guys." Huh? What are she's talking about? Guys, who? "Why are you still hanging out with Niki in the weekend.. and even Sunghoon?" She faked a laugh. "What are you? Slut? Attention seeker?"

Woah! She seems to be aiming for something else. She makes it look like I'm the one who's wrong.

"W-what? No! I-I'm not.." It was as if someone whispered to me to wake up from her insults.

"Cut the crap and don't deny. I have evidence." She open her phone and show me a picture of Niki and me talking in the mall. In the picture, I am looking at him with my genuine smile while he was staring at me with seriousness. How did.. "and this." She showed me a picture of me and the devil walking in the back of the buildings. "It's you, right? How can you explain that? Hm?" She's grinning.

People gasped when they saw the pictures.

Slowly, the attention of all the people in the cafeteria went to us. They even surrounded our table. I saw the gangs turn their heads towards us. Is this a show?

She raised her left eyebrow, both arms are folded, and tapping her feet slowly in the ground. A sign of waiting for something but no patience.

I look like I am the suspect here. Just wait and I'll slap her with the truth. "And so? Why are you asking this?" I smiled lovely at her. "Yes, I am the girl in the picture—"

"You heard that, everyone? She confessed. Oh, my gosh. You're really a—"

"Yes! I confessed that I.. am the girl in that picture but.. That doesn't mean I am a slut or an attention seeker." I laughed in front of her and lowered my face so that we were equal. She is smaller than me. "I am with them because they invited me to be with them." I smiled again and that cause her grin to fade away. "And about Kai and I, we aren't really dating. Kai and I are childhood friends who loves to jokes around and—"

"Tease each other. That's right." Kai suddenly join in, surprising almost everyone and that includes me. He put his right arm in my shoulder then look at me with his usual smile. "Hey." He greeted at me but I just rolled my eyes on him.

"Why are you here?" I whispered but he just shrugged and motioned his side. I noticed the TXT gang are standing beside Kai while looking curiously at the scene.

"What's happening?" Soobin asked by whispering it.

"Bro, she's dumb." Kai replied.

"Who?" Yeonjun's head suddenly appeared between them.

"Her." Kai pointed Irene. I nearly can't contain my laugh anymore. I can hear them laughing almost soundlessly at my back.

"See? Maybe, you seduced TXT gang that's why they are all here beside you!"

Oh, my god. She's sick.

"Hold me, I might hit it even if it's a girl." I heard beomgyu say. There he is again with his death threats.

"Yah! I swear to God, I didn't seduced any people in my life. H-how can you easily say that?!" I asked her with disbelief.

I am so disappointed right now. She assumed too many things to the point that she over thought every happenings. She only makes the situation worse. I feel a little pity on her.

"Y-you're imagining things too much! You're not just an attention seeker, you're also assuming! You are too delusional!" Its eyes narrowed.

I look at her with disbelief. "You! You're too shameless to assume things. I'm sorry but you are just describing yourself." I even pointed her.

If nobody can handle her attitude, maybe I can. Why not try to pour more gas to the fire? I'm starting to enjoy this little chaos. She's just too stupid to assumed things.

Everyone went 'ohh'. I also heard the rattling of chairs and tables. Even the TXT members that's already sitting in our table joined. Soohee are with them, doing high five with the others. I nearly facepalm.

I saw her face crumpled in annoyance. She looked like she was going to explode.

"How can you assumed that something is going on if don't have any concrete evidence? Did you use the gossip and those two pictures as a basis? What a baseless accusations!" I sighed. I am wasting my time to this nonsense conversation.

"Maybe I don't have enough evidence. But you can see it clearly if you look closely to the picture. You can say that you are hitting both of them or maybe all of them. What a bitch!"

"Bitch, you're hallucinating!"

I want to slap her 360 degrees but can't. I don't want to lay my palm to her cement face. It's thick... Not only in makeup, I swear.

"How can Niki and Sunghoon invited you to go out? Maybe you fooled them or something." She begins to smirk again. Maybe having a little victory inside her.

I was about to answer but, "Do you think I will make myself fool in front of others?" Someone's voice echoes in the cafeteria.

Everyone went silent after that. A moment of silent for the new coming.

I saw Enhypen gang members slowly entered the scene. Sunoo even smiled at me and I smiled back. Our class president gaze and mine met, giving me goosebumps. He looked the same way when he looked at me in the classroom earlier. Why?


"Answer me, Irene."

(A/N: OMG! OMG! OMG! What do you think?👀)

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