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(A/N: Hey you, how's your day? :))

Chapter 44

"I did not even agree with you."

"Yeah, sure." I made a face. "Now, let's go to class before the bell rings." I said as I pushed him from behind. He doesn't even want to walk, he needs someone to push him just so he can walk. Not in a wheelchair!

"Okay, fine."

"You can't resist me!" I nearly hit his back but I stopped midway. I think that is a bad idea. I didn't want to make the devil mad at this hour.

"Tss. Now stop pushing me, will you?" I let it go. He immediately fixed his clothes that were not crumpled. He's just overreacting.

Outside the classroom, I saw jaehyun leaning on the door jamb. Wow, someone is waiting for His Majesty.

I ignored them and went straight to my seat. My life is going to be boring now because there is no squealing Soohee by my side. What am I gonna do now?

Noice are everywhere, so much that it's began stressing me. So while the instructor wasn't there, I listened to music with my wireless headset.

"I'll be your boyfriend~"

I thought my life would be peaceful when suddenly the devil knocked on my desk again. "Yah," He was about to leave when I caught his arm. "Why do you keep knocking on my desk?"

"Ah, that. You are always spacing out so I knock to wake you up." That's the reason? What a ridiculous reason he have! I must've been spacing out lately. Do I need to at least thank him for doing that? Oh, no.

I looked at him with a glare. He smirked before leaving. I almost kicked him while he was in front of me. I just didn't continue because I would be the only one who would be embarrassed. Imagine that?

When I looked around the room, every girls are writing my name on the blacklist. They are all glaring at me. Did I do something wro— oh, nevermind. I get it. It was all the devil's fault!

The class ends without having any quiz or something that will drain my energy. And I am so grateful with that!

It's now already lunch time and here I am, alone. Alone in a big damn cafeteria. Like I'm too alone to go to that freeking mall. I'm not tired yet I'm exhausted. I missed being with Soohee even if she's too talkative and loud. I missed my best friend. Someone help me to overcome this feeling—

I stop putting the fries on my mouth when someone just slammed the tray on the table. Who is this—

"How's your face?" He even looked closely to my face."Oh, it's not red anymore." Then, he grinned.

"Ugh, you.. you're so annoying, Mr. Nishimura! Go away!" I tried to push him away but it's too late. He's already sitting comfortably in front of me. How did he find someone like me in this huge, busy and crowded cafeteria?

"Don' wanna." He said, munching his food while mocking me.

"You're.. gross." I made a disgusting face.

"Shh." He even put his index finger on his lips, silencing me. I rolled my eyes on him.

I just mind my own food, not giving the annoying Niki who's sitting across me any attention. Let's mind our own world then.

I thought that my world will finally be able to have peace but another came! Slamming his tray on the table also. I swear I'm getting more annoyed right now.

"Who is that Poncio Pilat—" I stopped what I was going to say when I noticed it was our Class President, Lee Heesung.


"If you don't mind." Heesung said, already sitting beside me. "Oh, you're here." He said to Niki who's waving at him while smiling widely. What's happening?

"Oh, Hi hyung!" He's abnormally happy today. What's with their action?

But then again, another people came to my table. Hopefully, not slamming his tray of food. I'm getting more and more annoyed.

"Oh, hyung! You're here?" Jungwon said and Jay came into the table. "Niki, what are you doing here?"

Are they acting? Well, if yes then they are bad for it. I looked at them with disbelief. The cafeteria is huge and the tables are there for a reason yet they are sitting here beside me! Can someone give me any explanations?

Niki shrugged while hiding his laughter. I swear this kid will be out of this world any days now.

"Guys," I got their attention. They all look at me with the same expression, waiting for me to continue what I am talking to, "can someone explain me why are you.. here?"

I noticed how they all exchanged glances and shrugged. Something is fishy. I just let out a sighed when no one answered. Fine, I'm just going to shut my mouth and let them be.

I can see everyone is staring at the table right now. Some are saying incoherent words, some are mumbling and making stories where I am the 'bad' one. Is it my fault when they all choose to sit on the table I chose to sit to?

"Hyung?" A voice asking suddenly spoke. It was Jake. He's holding a bucket of.. is that a chicken?

The scene just got in my mind. I really can't forget that embarrassing scene that made me suffer for hours.

Our gazes met, I can see how his lips twitched. Why hiding? You can just laugh off and be crazy for a moment. I don't mind.. really.

"Give me that." Jungwon grab the bucket from Jake and he put it down at the center of the table.

I noticed that everyone put different dishes in the table. Jungwon and Jay have a lamb chops, Niki got a box of sushi's while Heesung has sashimi and kimchi. Wait.. is this a group picnic? What am I doing here then? Am I included?

"Where's the two? I thought they are already here?" Jake asked. He must be talking about Sunoo and Sunghoon.

Jake glances at me again and grab a chair on the other table. I just rolled my eyes on him. Well, they are making me out of place.

"They're here." I glance at the direction Jay pointed and there's the two. Sunoo is happily skipping while walking towards the table. Sunghoon is holding a two plastic bags.

"Are we late?" Sunoo asked and smiled, two dimples are showing as he speak. "Hi there, Wonyoung." At last, someone noticed that I am still here.

Instead of greeting him back, I just smiled. He look so, so adorable right now. With his squishy cheeks and dimples. Whoever his parents is, they've mold the cutest creature I've ever seen.

I glance at the devil, he's busy grabbing the milk tea's out of the plastic and putting it in the table. He stop what he's doing and met my eyes. I nearly choked to death with his sudden movement.

"I told you, you will die if you stare too much." Then, he smirked.

What's wrong with these people?!

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