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Chapter 38

There was constant talk and laughter in the living room. They gave me juice because I can't drink yet. My father will kill me.

"I'll just.. go outside." I whispered to Kai who is busy talking to Jin-oppa.

before I went out, I saw Soobin and Yeonjun cuddling and talking to each other in one couch. Girl, they're flirting.

. While, Taehyun showed his magic tricks to Beomgyu who was very happy. I smiled at what I saw. My best friend will really be the third wheel.

When I got out, there were more people around the mansion. The soft music grew louder and the other people took their partners to dance.

"Hey." A unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke behind me. I immediately turned to find out who it was. "I'm Jay."

Oh, he's an Enhypen member, right? What is he doing here? Unless, he's invited. Of course, Wonyoung! I wonder if..

"Hello." I bowed as a sign of my respect. "Ugh, I'm Wonyoung."

"I already know." He smiled and bow.. like a prince. Well he already look like a prince. "May I have this dance?" He offered his hands for me to take.

I stared at it for a few seconds before processing what just happened. "S-Sure."

He led me to the platform. "I know you don't know me yet but I just want to test the waters. I will take this opportunity to meet you." He grabbed my small waist with his right hand.

We went along with the rhythm of the music. "Actually, I already know a little about you."

"Hm, what exactly?" Our eyes met.

I looked into the distance as I felt my cheeks heat up. I'm not used to this kind of scenario.

"S-Soohee talked a lot about you." Yes, she's too talkative that she can't even kept any secrets. "I know that you are a member of a gang.  She also said that you look like a mad but good-looking C.E.O when you rolled your leaves upward while looking serious." Okay, this is so embarrassing.

He laughed, "Is her full name Kim Soohee?"

My eyes widened, "y-yes. How did.."

"Well, Apart from the fact that I have known her since middle school, she also confesses her feeling towards me in our 7th grade."

"What.. Did she really did that?" I was amazed at Soohee's courage. Why didn't she tell me this? "But.. did you rejected her?"

His gaze was serious, as if he was reminiscing about his past. "Hm, I already have someone else."

"You have a girlfriend?" I asked curiously but he shook his head. What does he mean?

"It's... Nothing." He answered before looking around. "I guess our dancing is over. Good luck." He winked at me before he left the dance. I was left stunned in the middle.

I was just surprised when someone suddenly reached my small waist and pulled me towards him. I gave him a glare. Why does it suddenly appear out of nowhere?

"S-Sunghoon?.." it's him. It's always him.

"Let's dance." I could smell the mixture of perfume and alcohol on his tuxedo.

"You're drunk." I said but there he was again, he didn't speak and chose to remain silent.

We dance smoothly, I was carried away by the way he danced. Is he a ballet dancer or something before?

He pulled me closer to his body before placing his head on my neck. I could hardly move at what he did. My right hand resting on his shoulder, went to his chest. I can feel the beating of his heart syncing with mine.

Why are you doing this, Park Sunghoon?

A few minutes passed as we were just like that in the middle of the dancing people. It's just surprising because my body seems to be used to it. I didn't even push or stop him. Am I..

I felt him loosen up, we stared at each other for a few seconds. His eyes are sleepy yet his looks are like absorbing you.

"You.." His first words after the dance, "look beautiful." He patted me on the head before he walked away.

I was left standing there for the second time. I can not move. Did he just... compliment me? That devil?!

I walked to the garden where my family was, mind still floating because of what happened.

"Wonyoung! It's good that you're here. We will introduce you to someone." Mom smilingly said while I was led to their side.

"I want you to meet Mr. And Mrs. Kim."

I immediately bow at them the moment I saw their faces. Why does they look like Soohee though?

"Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Kim. I'm Jang Wonyoung, the second born child of Mr. And Mrs. Jang. I'm glad to meet you!"

"Oh, what a lovely young woman." Mrs. Kim smiled at me. I swear even her smile.

"They are your sister's in-law—"

"Wonyoung?" Said a voice coming from behind me.

I quickly turned to see who called my name. "Soohee?"

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

We asked in unison. We look at each other before cracking a laugh that soon become a smile. She run towards me and hug me as I hug her back. It was as if we hadn't seen each other in years with the tightness of our hugs.

"I have a lots of tea to you! Oh, my. I don't know you're here, also. Oh, I forgot! You and Kai are best friends! How did I forgot that?! I'm sorry!" She talked non-stop, she almost couldn't breathe. "But wait! You look so beautiful today." She even whispered to me.

"Hey, calm down. I have a lot, too." I wiggled my eyebrows. "This is exclusive only for you."

"Oh, my!" She squealed. "Can't wait!"

Soohee and I stopped talking when someone suddenly spoke. "I don't want to disturb your fun ladies but we are going to discuss something important. Can you take a seat now?" Said Mr. Kim.

"Of course, Dad!" Soohee said and grab me towards the table.

Dad? I thought earlier that they must be related to each other and it's true!

We both seated beside each other. "We have a lot to catch up."

"Yes." I answered, nodding while waiting for the elders to speak.

I saw Soohee's brother, Namjoon-oppa, sit next to his Dad. Why does I feel something weird about this?

"So," Dad cleared his throat. "Mr. Kim?"

"Yes. We learned that Ms. Jang Jieun," he look at my sister and she gave him a smile, "and my son," he gave him a look and the latter bowed, "have been lovers since their high school."

"What?!" I gasped while grasping Soohee's hand as we look at each other with wide eyes. Why I don't know that?

I look at them both. They don't seem lovers at first sight but when their gazes met, I saw something... like a warm feeling only them can feel.

"Mr. Jang and I had planned years ago that his first daughter will marry my son when they grow up. However, since the two have been lovers for a long time, it seems that the arranged marriage will not continue anymore." He look at them.

"Maybe fate destined them to be together."

(A/N: Un-proofread. Anyways, I saw a comment that made me laugh 1 minute straight. Lmao, I had a good laugh early in the morning.)

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