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Chapter 28

"Hyung." Niki called the attention of the devil.

The latter just hummed and wait for the other to continue. His eyes are traveling from Niki then me. Like he's observing us. What?

"Did you go here with someone? As far as i know, you are not going out. Unless.."


It's like I'm listening to other people's gossip. They are saying a TMI, right now. They talked like I am not listening here beside them. What am I? Hallucination?

"Yeah—" He didn't finish what he was going to say because someone suddenly shouted his name.

"Sunghoon-hyung!" A familiar face greeted us, smiling while waving at him. He was carrying milk tea in both hands.

"Ddeonu." He smiled. Ddeonu?

Who's Ddeonu?.. oh wait!

Suddenly, I remember the boy who's crawling in the ground just to get on his seat while that devil blocking the teacher's view. He's him! Kim Seonwoo..

"Here's your milk tea hyung... Niki?" Seonwoo widened his eyes when he noticed that Niki is just standing next to the devil. "Why are you here.. oh." then his gazes went on me.

I just stood there, awkwardly. Not knowing what to do. Why do I have this feeling that I will met their whole gang today.

"U-uh.. hi?" I greeted in hesitation.

He looks so serious at first but soon, he smiled lovely, surprising me on the spot. Why does he screams danger at first, then screams no harm at last? His duality...

"Hello! Are you with Niki?" He asked, widening his crescent eyes. I suddenly remember Soohee at this moment and her chubby cheeks.

I nodded while eyeing Niki on my side, he's looking at the both of us. I mean they are staring at us.

Seonwoo leaned on me and whispered, "are you two.. dating?"

It's my turn to widened my eyes. I feel my checks burning in his sudden question. I glance at Niki and the devil.

"N-No!" I answered, semi-yelling. That's only made the two stared at us more curiously. The devil is looking at me with his glaring eyes.

I will not harm your Ddeonu, geez!

Seonwoo giggled at my answer, "I'm Seonwoo.." I already know. "But you can just call me Sunoo. I'm not used of people calling me with my real name, especially someone who's already close with my dongsaengs and hyungs."

I nodded and smile forcedly, "Wonyoung."

"Omo!" He gasped. He even used his hands to cover his widened mouth. He looks surprised, why is that? "You are that girl that Sunghoon-hyung is talk—"

"I'm craving for some pork belly, can we go now.. Sunoo?" The devil interrupted whatever Sunoo will say. The latter pouted but then, he smile again after hearing what the devil said.

"Oh, okay hyung!" Sunoo said excitedly, then linked his arms with him. He faced me with his smile, "nice to finally meet you, Wonyoung! See you around?"

I smiled back, "yeah, see you.."

"Hyung. Can I come with you?" Niki stopped them.

"Yah, what I?! You should include me, too!" I narrowed my eyes at Niki while hitting him twice and shake him to death. Just kidding!

"Sheez, I'm not a human punching bag!" He complained but I chose to ignore it.

I, then, linked my hands on his and smile widely at him. "Remember I don't have money!" I whispered. I even heard his losing of patience sigh.

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