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(A/N: Hellooo! Thank you for reaching to the last chapter of this story:>)

Chapter 30

A day passed, it's monday now and it's time to go to Hybe University again. Our family driver, Mr. Kang, is already waiting me in front. I smiled to him as I seated at the back seat.

Another day but it's already August. Many days have been passed, wow. I didn't even notice how the days just passed by. My birthday is coming up soon.

There was no traffic today so I got to the front of the gate early. I thanked Mr. Kang before getting out of the car. It's still 6:20 in the morning. Am I really an early bird?

The gentle wind embraced me. I smiled because of the sensation it brought to my body. Cold but warm.

"You're early." Said the voice that suddenly spoke next to me.

I looked at it and was surprised. He again? Why is he always the first thing I see when I get here at the university?

He was very different from the way he acted on Saturday. "Why are you here?"

He looked at me like I said something stupid. "Tss.." that's what he replied. Annoying and short. What a start of the month.

"Don't bother answering it! I'll just leave." I snorted and ready myself to turn my back on him.

"Okay." I heard him saying that. It makes my body itch in annoyance. This guy really has a guts, huh?

"Aren't you going to stop me?!"

"Why would I?" He said while looking at the different direction. His eyes are serious and eyes seem to be observing the surroundings.

"Because I.. I.. Ugh! Nevermind!" Maybe I watched too much movie with the same scenario like this. Too much binge watch!

"Want to see the waterfall?" I immediately turn my back again but this time, to face him with my widened eyes.

It's the same question, like the last time. But I know, this time, no one will interrupt if I say 'yes'.

Think carefully, Wonyoung. Is it your time to see that waterfall or aren't yet? I wanted to say yes, badly. Oh, my. What would I choose?

"Yes or yes?" The devil asked. My face turn sour. Do I have a choice there?

"Fine. Lead the way, you dev— I mean, Your Majesty!" I smiled plastically as I waved my two arms in his path. I rolled my eyes after he left on his spot and begin to walk towards that place.

I still remember the first time I went there with him. Ugh, I must be ready while we are still in our way. The aftershocks are still in me.

We passed through several buildings again until we came to the familiar wall, right behind our building. Will there be another earthquake?

Not soon enough, the earthquake really happened again. Wouldn't others be surprised when they felt an earthquake? Maybe they will assume that it was just a normal earthquake, right? Ha, as if.

He started to slip through the wall with a hole, I immediately followed. I also inhaled a bunch of dust. Looks like I'll die in the dust before I get there.

"Is it far?" I asked out of curiosity.

He didn't answer me. He just continued to walk towards the cleared path. Tall trees and grasses can be seen on the road. Chirping of birds and other animals can be heard. The breeze is what proves that we are really in the forest. Isn't there a snake here?

"Nice talking."

"Stop being talkative and just follow me."

"Okay, sir." I almost threw a stone at him.

As we got further and further away from the University, the grass got higher and higher. I don't know if it's safe to go through it. I didn't fully trust this person, but just this time, I trust him as if my life depends on him.

Because of the shortness of my clothes, my legs started to itch. Not only because of the weeds but also because of the ants on the road. I chose to just bear it and suffer because I chose to go.

"Is it still far?" I asked again. Few steps and there, I heard the strong current of water, a sign that we are nearing our destination.

"Wow." I was amazed at what I saw. Crystal-colored and clean water opened up to me after going down a slightly downhill path. At the end of it is a small waterfall.

I feel like I want to swim and take a bath suddenly! I looked at the devil with a genuine smile on my lips. He is sitting on the rocks watching me frolic around.

I dropped my things near him before approaching the water. I sat on the rocks that were there on the side and soaked my two feet.

I feel so relaxed and somehow.. free. I never felt this before. I look at him again, this time he's looking directly at me, meeting my eyes with the sunlight.

The small waterfall was the witness when our eyes met. Unnameable emotion was in his eyes. I smiled before taking my eyes off of him. I even felt my cheeks heat up.

I looked at the time. Suddenly I stood up and almost fell into the water. Luckily, I didn't fall. But my feet have already stepped where the water flows.

"Easy." He said not far away from me. He came and pulled me back to the ground.

I clung to him because his pull became stronger. "Oh, my gosh!" I exclaimed. "I thought I was going to die there!"

"Idiot, you're not going to die unless your head will hit a rock." He even knocked my head, I immediately removed his hand. "But not in my watch."

"Wait, don't give a sermon! I still have a heart attack." I said while holding the chest where my heart is. I catch my breath and glared at him.

"This is your fault!"

"And why is that?"

"You invited me to see the waterfall!"

"Yeah, yeah. It's my fault because there was a girl who chose to sit near the water and looked at me several times because I am too handsome, she really can't help but stare. It's also my fault why she slipped like an idiot in the stream. Why did she chose to look and focus at me and not where she is sitting? Tsk. Tsk. Tsk." He even shook his head. I look at him with disbelief.

"W-what.." My mouth was still open because of what he was saying. "Yah!"

"What?" He asked, smirking at me like a person who live in a mental hospital. "Don't you intend to let me go?"

I came back to reality noticing that I was still clinging to him. Now, this is embarrassing. My face immediately warmed up. What now, Wonyoung?

I pushed him and removed the hand that was holding him. I don't know what to say. The whole incident is still fresh in my memory.

"C-come on. Class is about to start." I told him and started picking up the things I dropped earlier. "Wait!" I stopped him and took my cellphone.

"What?" He asked, his patience begins to run out

I took a photo of the surroundings. "I don't know if I can come back here. I must take a souvenir."

"You can take me if you want." He said seriously.

"Oh, no. Thank you but.." I shake my head and rolled my eyes.

"I'm the rarest souvenir you can find."

(A/N: lol, just kidding! HAHAHAH! Btw, originally, My plan was that this story would only be up to 30 chapters. But because of you guys it looks like it will increase. Thank you for nearly 3k views, yay! Lovelots!)

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