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Seize the moment 'until it lasts.
Elegance. Power. Heavenly.
As if you were in a fantasy book, where everything glitters like magic and shines like the morning sunlight. But that doesn't mean it; it is just the venue where Wonyoung will celebrate her 18th birthday. Scented flowers were scattered around, and people came in as if they were bees buzzing around. Glasses and crystal chandeliers hang above. Lighting up everything that's in the crowd. Pink roses that were freshly picked without thorns and light music engulfed the area.
It feels magical. Everything is beautiful to the eye.
Aside from flowers, several tables with half a dozen chairs per table can be seen. They are carefully wrapped by a pinkish white fabric. Mini chandelier like lamp is placed in the middle of the table. The table circling the wide platform where anyone can dance. The stage is simple yet mesmerizing. One cushioned, gold rose chair is placed in the middle of the stage for Wonyoung to sit on, and a small table is beside it for her necessities. A large monitor at the background, flashing a big 'HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY WONYOUNG". And below the stage, there are little crystal-shaped bulbs that will shine, creating a small path.
Minutes passed, and one by one, people gathered in the area. There are some who are already dancing and drinking champagne, cocktails, and vodka, even if the party has not yet started. Mostly are those business tycoons who are friends with Jang's family.
Soohee's POV 
It's my best friend's birthday! I am so excited, more so than the birthday celebrant. Who wouldn't?
Her birthday is not going to repeat next year!
Currently, I am staring at myself in the mirror. Carefully swaying my dress to look for its details. Beautiful is not the only word to describe what I am wearing right now. It goes far beyond that word.
I am wearing a pink cocktail dress with a touch of gold. I am done with my makeup already. My hair is done in a bun, and some hair strands fall off my face.
After some time, I went to the other room, where Wonyoung was. I exaggeratedly gasped the moment I entered. I was welcomed by a wonderful sweet scent. As I roamed my eyes around every corner, there I saw Wonyoung in her long, rose gold color dress.
One word to describe she is... perfect!

"Hee, close your mouth of else flies will enter." She suddenly said while chuckling at me. I shook my head after a second.

"As of the moment, I don't care! Look at you, gorgeous woman." I turned her chair for her to face the mirror. "Mirror mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest among them all??." I chanted as I look closely at our reflection.

"If I have an apple and gave it to you will you eat it?" I asked.

"Wait—what? This isn't Cinderella story—"

"It is! I am your fairy godmother!" I waved my hand, imagining I am holding a wand while sprinkling my dust in the air. "If you're thinking the devil is your handsome prince? Nah-ah! Sunghoon and the gang is your 7 dwarfs!" Then I grinned and slowly, I crack and laughed like a maniac.

She looked at me as if I am a person who aren't still graduated in a mental hospital. "You are crazy."

"Crazy for him!" I immediately said while thinking of Jay. The greatest love of my life even if he hurt me countlessly. Hopeless? Yeah. That's me!

"You have no hope."

"That's what I'm thinking right now! How did you know?" I flickered my eyelashes.

She rolled her eyes. "I hope one day you wake up from this nightmare, Soohee."

"And what do you mean by that? I am not dreaming."

"You are and I'm gonna pop that bubble soon!"

"Okay, Mrs. Park."

"I'm warning you Ms. Kim Soohee. Say that again and you're dead."

"No! I am you fairy godmother, I won't die." I laughed more and grab the both sides of my dress to do a royal bow. "I'll go now, Mrs. Park. Have a great date."

I slowly walk away once I saw Sunghoon at the front door. Even if I want to know the tea and eardrops a bit, I can't. That's too personal to be involved right now. I am just hoping the best for the both of them.

Wonyoungie, fighting!

I went downstairs to see if there are lots of guest already. And it is, the ground floor is like sea of bees, buzzing as they talk. There are thousands of flowers decorated and people are scattered around.

I walk in the crowd to see a familiar person. It's making me daze a bit. As I walk, I greeted every person I know. I walk more and now I'm lost in this sea.

I was about to walk but someone grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the crowd.

"H-hey, wait." I wasn't pulled away, I was dragged. "Who—"

I looked at him. "You seemed lost."

I was stunned while looking at him. Too stunned to speak. We stare at each other for a minute before he walked away. Like nothing happened.

"What was that?" I just shrugged my shoulders and continue walking in a familiar person.

"Good evening, gentlemen." I greeted them. TXT are here! "Kai, my best friend's best friend!"

He chuckled. "Soohee, good evening to you, too. You can sit here for a while."

"When will the birthday celebrant go down?" Soobin asked. Yeonjun's head is placed on his right shoulder while the former's eyes are closed. Hmm?

"Any minute now." I answered as I looked around the table.

Kai is in the middle, Taehyun is carefully folding the napkin while Beomgyu is silently staring with an awe. When he lift it up, it changes in colors and some pieces of papers with different colors flew. Did I just witnessed a magic?

What's with this table? Everyone seems to have a partner. Are they together? I don't know yet but it seems like it. Good thing Kai can handle this. Is he an official third wheel?

"Hey, girl." Said Beomgyu.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked then shrugged when I noticed he's back watching Taehyun's mini magic show.

Yeah.. he's weird.

"1.. 2.. 3. Mic test." The speaker made an screeching sound making a pain in everyone's ear.

I winched.

"Everyone, please stand up." The host for today spoke. "Let's welcome... Our Queen for tonight's celebration.."

Let the party started!

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