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Chapter 39

"So? We're going to be a family now. Oh, my. I can't wait!" Said Soohee and I agreed with her.

We are in the other side of the garden where few people are doing their own business, including the both of us. After our family conversation, Soohee and I decided to make a mini tour in Huening's huge garden until we agreed to rest here after a while.

I'm still trying to absorb what was just happened. Like it was all sudden, too much for me to accept in one go. How did they get together for only them knows how long while having a long-distance but secret relationship? I don't even know if it's really secret or not.

"I still felt betrayed. I didn't know that my sister has already a love of her life. She didn't even mentioned it once." I said, sulking.

"Me, too! Like they've been hiding it for too long." Soohee pouted.

I pick up pebbles beside me and throw it somewhere I don't know. "Do you want any drinks?" Soohee suddenly asked.

"Sure, thanks."

"Wait here! Don't go somewhere else!" And with that, she ran away.

While waiting for Soohee, the cold wind kept brushing to my body makes me shiver a bit. I should have bought a scarf or something.

I suddenly heard a rustling sound coming behind me. I ignored it, maybe it was just an animal lurking around their garden. But they didn't have any pet, did they?

"Alone?" Suddenly said by someone beside me.

"Oh, my goodness! I nearly lost my soul!" I slapped him at his shoulder twice.

"Stop hitting, will you?"

"Why are you always .. ugh nevermind! Why are you here, you devil?!"

"Tss." Him and that annoying word. Well, they are both annoying.

"You didn't even answer my question!" I rolled my eyes in annoyance. This guy is really getting into my nerves.

"First, this is a birthday party. What do you think the reason why people are here? To gamble?" He said sarcastically.

"O-Of course, to celebrate Kai's birthday."

"See and you're still asking." He pointed out like I was a dumb stupid shit.

"That doesn't what I mean! I'm asking if why are you suddenly here in this garden, beside me?!"

"Because I wanted to." I rolled my eyes in his answer. Why did I even asked?

"How did you get an invitation? Do you even know Huening Kai?"

"Business." That's all he said but somehow, I get it.

Of course, when you're in the same business, invitations for any occasions, except something more personal, is just an easy access for everyone who had money. And Kai being friendly, I'm not even surprised if the whole campus is invited. He got the money and connection. The privilege y'all.

"Soohee must be here right now. What taking her too long?"

"She's with my friend. So don't worry about her."

"What?!. I mean, who?" Friend.. Is she with Jay?

"Yup!" Popping the 'p'.

"Woah, I didn't even... I-I.. what's yup?" I asked but he just shrugged.

I swear everyone can easily read my mind and why is that?

I'm pretty sure she is with the love of her life. I felt sorry for her, though. Why? Because it is only a one-sided love. Jay already has his someone.

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