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Before the party ends, I changed my clothes into a simpler one.

Still thinking about what Sunghoon says. I bet we'll going out. I just need to ask permission to my parents and not just be A.W.O.L. (Absent Without Official Leave).

This night is already been exhausting to me but I saved energy to whatever activities Sunghoon and I do

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This night is already been exhausting to me but I saved energy to whatever activities Sunghoon and I do.

When I got down, I saw that there were only a few people inside. It seems they have gone home. Only relatives and close friends are here.

I greeted them all a good evening and tried to say goodbye. I was allowed because they already know Sunghoon and I are going out tonight. What's happening?

I was near the doorstep when I suddenly received a message from an unknown number.

"I'll wait for you outside, in the back gate xxx." I read.

I immediately thought of Sunghoon and smiled. However, I feel like something is not right. Why would he left a message if he can just go with me since he's already somewhere in the house? Isn't his number already been saved in my contacts? And why does he'll going to meet me in the gate at the back if it's much better at the front? Maybe it's a part of his surprise? I don't know.

I just shrugged my thoughts and went in the gate. Night breeze send shivers to my body. It's not a right timing to wear an off shoulder to this chilly night. I hugged and rub my hands on my arms.

I glanced at my phone again to check out any sent messages.


I looked up when someone mentioned my name and prepared a happy smile. But it was erased immediately after seeing who called me.


"Surprise!" He smiled. "Happy birthday, Jang Wonyoung!"

With the speed of the event, I don't know what happened next. All I know is that I have lost my consciousness.


Soohee's POV

"Sunghoon! You look so dashingly handsome today. Ready to steal the Queen of the Palace?"

The party has been near it's end. And I know a little bit of information about the plan of this devil. I wonder what it is. All I know is he plan to get Wonyoung out of the house and have a 3 day vacation somewhere I don't know.

Isn't that fun? My best friend of my life is so lucky! I can now see Sunghoon as a walking green flag not a walking Devil incarnate.

He didn't answer me so I rolled my eyes. Can I take back what I said earlier about my compliments about him?

Anyways, we are standing outside, near the main door with the gang. We are waiting for the Queen to reside to her throne.

"Soohee." A voice called me.

Not a voice but it's Jay! How can I forget the voice of the Love of My Life.

I turned my body parallel to him, "Why, Jay? You called me?" I smiled.

"Are you going to go home?" He asked.

"Hm, I don't think so. I'll be having a sleep over again tonight! Why?"

I wanna know why are you asking me this type of question where in fact, you never ask me this before!!

"It's.. nothing. Have a fun night."

What?! I think I won't be able to sleep tight tonight. I'll be overthinking about his possible answers.

If I said yes, will he going to ask me out? Or drive me home? Or will he going to what? I don't want to think about it anymore!!

I glanced at the main entrance. When will the Queen appear? Why is she taking so long?

Instead of thinking more and more, I stared at the 7 young men near me. They look like they have their own world.

Niki is just leaning back against the wall while staring out of nowhere. I don't know if I am just hallucinating but he looks like he is holding a clear glass that has a liquor on it. Or it's just, they have the same color to whatever he is drinking right now to a liquor. Or it's really liquor.

Sunoo who's doing a TikTok cute dance in the corner with Jungwon on it's front, holding the phone for him. Aren't they look so cute?

Next is Heesung who are busy watching the two (I'm pertaining to Sunoo and Jungwon) bicker and laugh together as they make a random TikTok challenge.

Jake is busy on his phone. Scrolling up and down his screen. Then tapping on his keyboard. Maybe he's currently talking to someone. I can't tell but it somehow looks like that.

My Loml is sitting in the stairs near Jake. Same as Niki, his gaze if far. He looks like he's thinking something deeper than the Mariana trench. I wonder what is on his mind right now. I still can't believe that it's 'nothing'. I want to pursue him to say something more than nothing but he looks like he doesn't want someone to disturb him in this moment.

Then the former enigmatic Sunghoon, standing in the open front door. Throwing and catching his keys in the air. Possibly to ease his boredom 'cause my best friend is taking so long than expected. Maybe she can't brush his Rapunzel-like hair anymore that's why she need more time.

20 minutes have been passed but no signs of Wonyoung.

"Boys?" I said to get their attention, "I'll check if Wonyoung is on her room combing her long hair and somewhere in this house. I'll be right back!"

"Alright, that's better." I heard Jake said.

I smiled and said my goodbye's before turning my back on them to begin my mission. However, I halted from walking when I heard someone's voice.

"Can I go with you?" said Niki.

"U-uh, sure."

Now I am stuck in an awkward atmosphere. I don't know. We weren't like this before when I am with Niki. We are walking side by side, upstairs to arrive at Wonyoung's room. I didn't even know why he volunteered himself to go with me.

"Why do you volunteer to go with me?" I asked to ease the awkwardness.

"I just want to." He replied in a low voice and that's how our conversation ended.

I knocked on the door to hear nothing but silence. I even shouted her name and all. When we received nothing, Niki looked at me first and touch the doorknob. I nodded then he slowly turn it.

We saw a no one inside. I wondered where has she gone? We tried to find her in other part of the house but none.

I let Niki contacted Sunghoon to see outside like the garden in the house but we seen nothing. I begin to slightly panic. Where did she go? I even tried to call her but it's just ringing. No one's answering.

We didn't notify Wonyoung's parents because we thought Wonyoung is just pranking us. But it's too late to organize and do a prank now. This must be a serious situation.

I started to bite my nails. It's a habit!

We went to our last resort, the place we didn't go yet, the backyard.

I called her name many times but there's none. Not until Heesung pick up something from the ground. A rectangular object that resembles a phone.

"I bet this is Wonyoung's based on the lock screen wallpaper."

He opened the phone and it lits up, showing us Wonyoung and Sunghoon as a wallpaper. It is, indeed, Wonyoung's. But why does her phone lying on a cold, hard ground, in the back gate?

Wonyoung, where have you been?

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