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Chapter 36

Only God knows how many times I did ask 'why?' to him, but he still didn't answer. Ugh, this person is bad tripping me. Can I just strangle  him.. to death? Just kidding!

Anyways, we are now in the parking lot after I.. I mean he took my bag quickly in the locker room. Why quickly? Ask that Sunghoon Park!

"Where is our family driver?" I asked while looking around the entire parking lot. There are only a few cars here. I can't see where ours is.

"You go first. I'll check something else." Said the person next to me but I gave him a bored look

"Our family driver is not here.. yet, I think." I sighed.

I nearly jump when I felt my phone vibrated from my hands. I received a message from my Mom. She says that our family driver's wife is sick and he needed to take care of her so he took a day off. She added that they are busy preparing for something so they can't pick me up.

"What a lucky day.." I faced Sunghoon. He arched his eyebrows from my sudden movements. "Looks like I'm going to take the bus today. Do you know a bus station near here?"

Instead of answering, he pulled something out of his pocket. He pressed it and suddenly a car honked near us. A car key!

"Yah! You scared me!"

"Tss... Need a ride?"

"Wow. And why should I go with you?"

"Then, don't." He started walking to his car.

"Oi, will you just leave me here? Wait!"

I am now riding in his clean car, inside and out. Dirt doesn't seem to stick to his car. What's your secret boy?

I tried to put the seatbelt on me, however, it seems stuck! It didn't want to fasten. This car is rotten!

"Hey, why can't I put this seatbelt strap on?!" I yelled at him but he didn't even pay attention to me and chose to just drive the car. Rude! "You.. ugh! Nevermind! Don't bother to help me!" I whispered in the air while trying to pull the seatbelt strap.

The car suddenly braked, I didn't even fasten my seatbelt yet. As a result, I crashed into the dashboard. Luckily, I wasn't hurt. I was bumped but it didn't hurt. 

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I asked the person next to me but he was looking somewhere outside. So, I looked outside the car, too.

Outside, I saw a man wearing a black hoodie and pants. It blocks the car's driveway. It bowed and ran away.

Is that Seujin?

"Pull it softly." Suddenly the person next to me said, I looked at him with disbelief and annoyance.

I tried what he said and voila, it worked. "You know, you should have said it earlier." I smiled big, the smile reaching my eyes before frowning.

"Hey, do you know the way to my house?" I asked again.

"Why would I know? And who told you I'll take you to your house?"

"Wow. You are so arrogant. Fine! Don't!"

After a few minutes of silence, I noticed the bus stop he had just passed. "Hey, that's the nearest bus stop!" I shouted at him but he didn't seem to hear anything.

What? Can't he hear anymore? Has he gone deaf?

I almost hit him but I stopped myself when I remembered that he was actually driving. "Hmp!" When I suddenly looked at the dashboard. "I know what to do!"

I took out my cellphone and tried to connect it to the car speaker. Fine, don't talk. I'll just listen to music!

I played the song of one of my favorite bands, 'Love Dive' by Ive. I turned up the volume until it reached its limit.

"It was a mistake to take you here." He was whispering something but I couldn't hear it.

"What?!" I asked loudly for him to hear me clearly but he just shook his head. He really didn't want to talk.

"Narcissistic.. My god, I love it!" I'm already singing along to the song while imitating its dance steps. "Ooh. La la la la la la!"

Next I played the song 'Let Me In' by Enhypen.

Wait? The name of their gang and my favorite band seem to be the same. I haven't seen the faces of those members of  Enhypen the band but I know they are all good-looking men because their voices are also beautiful. Because they haven't shown their true face to the public yet. Even a name, nothing. They are still mysterious until now.

"I'll be your boyfriend.. Yeah baby, let's go!" I sing along. "I'll give you my l-l-l-love. I'll give you my love!"

I looked at the person next to me, I saw him grinning alone. What is he grinning? Is he really crazy?

I gave him a disgust look. Abnormal.

Instead of stressing about his arrogant smile, I just chose to look at the window while singing. I noticed that the road we were taking was going to the place where I live.

Now I gave him a surprised look. "How do you know where I live?"

"Magic." This is a sarcastic answer. What he is saying makes no sense at all.

Until we get to the guard post of the village, "I think they won't let you in, just drop me off at the gate."

"Who says?" He lowered down his window a bit to talk to the guard.

"Oh, Mr. Park!" Eh? Do they know each other? "You just came here again. Will you visit again Ms. Bae—"

He cut him off, "I'm just here to drop something."

Something? Is he talking about me? Really? I'm someone, not something!

"Is that so sir? Go ahead, come in."

What does the guard mean? Who is Ms. Bae? Just curious, why does this man know the way to our house? How many times has he been here? Why am I asking too many questions to myself? I'm going crazy with curiosity.

"Oh, we're here? How did you know my exact house?" I asked curiously while pointing at our house.

He just gave me a serious look, "out."

I was amazed at what he said, "alright sir! I'm leaving. Thank you for the lift, wishing you unfortunate events while you're on your way— ops! I mean, take care on your way home!" 

"Tss." I saw his eyes roll. My eyes also rolled as soon as I got out of his car. I closed the door loudly. It's annoying to hear his countless 'tss'!

I even saluted while watching his car leave. His car honked which made me almost fall over in shock. "Ugh, this man!"

"Oh, Ms. Wonyoung? You're already there, come in." Our guard said as I entered the gate.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kim!" It also greeted back then we smiled.

When I entered the house, I found mom fixing the dresses. "Mom, I'm home."

"Oh sweetie, come here." She led me in front of the red dress, "you'll wear it later."

"Huh? Are we going somewhere?"

She widened her eyes, "you forgot?" She gasped, "it's Kai's birthday!"

"Oh, my!" Now I'm the one with big eyes.

How can I forget my best friend's birthday?! Stupid, forgetful Wonyoung!

(A/N: an early update becoz why not? :))

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