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(A/N: Hellooooo Stayies(I didn't even sure if I can call y'all that but okay)! Guess what? I won the second place asdfghjkl. Thank you so much for your patience and all. I appreciated it🤍.)

Chapter 46

Class are already ended and here I am walking towards the gate. Students are gathered around the corner, taking a glance about the big poster that's hanging around the wall.

I remembered what Soohee said before, that it is the reason why the gang have been made. Instead of forcing myself in the crowd, I just take a turn and find a way to go out.

However, someone just blocked my way. Who is this moth—

"What are you doing... De—Sunghoon?!" I exclaimed.

He rolled his eyes, "Jungwon didn't mentioned where is the studio located. Come on, we're going to be late!"

"Studio?" I asked curiously. Is he talking about —

"Yup." Popping the 'p'. "He sent me to fetch you. So, come on. We don't have plenty of time."

"What about Soohee—"

"Later." He faced me and he have this soft smile growing on his lips. "We'll go later."

What is that?

He suddenly grabbed me by my wrist as he began to walk towards I-do-not-know-where place. I don't have any choice but to follow. So I just go with the flow and let him take me. I take a glance of his hand that's wrapped around my wrist. He began brisk walking and I followed.

Later on, his hands slipped and it went to my hand. We are now semi-holding hands. My face begin to burn as I witnessed the scene. Soon enough, he became annoyed. He intertwined our fingers and hold it tightly. My cheeks burned even more.

Why am I feeling this.. weird feeling on my stomach?

My heart beats faster than normal. Unconsciously, my smile begins to form on my lips. I let him hold my hand until we arrived at the destination.

At the front, there's a sign saying the building is a dance studio. Big Hit Studio.

As we go inside, I immediately noticed the big, clear screen on the wall. Four, big speakers are placed on the corner of the room, round bulbs are scattered at the ceiling and a wooden floor. Typical dance studio.

"Ehrm." I heard someone cleared their throat.

Niki's eyes went immediately at Sunghoon's and I's holding hands. I rolled my eyes on Niki and I immediately pulled it away. Isolating in the corner. Face downwards, not wanting to meet any of their gazes.

"The couples are arrived!" I even heard him yelled that. If I just had a water bottle or something, I would love to throw it immediately at Niki. He is so annoying child!

"Shut up!" I mouthed but he stuck out his tongue like a child. "Childish!"

"Alright. Enough of bickering, you're not a child anymore." Jungwon meddled and I am so thankful for that.

"But I'm still 16!" Niki cried but the leader didn't payed any attention on him. I laughed at him and stuck my tongue as I begin my vengeance. He rolled his eyes and turn his back on me to faced their leader. What a poor kid.

I found a mono block chair in the corner so I went into it and have a seat. I felt my legs begin to feel cramps from the brisk walking and few minutes of just standing.

The begin to discuss what song will they practice and so on. I just seated there, listening to whatever the leader will say. I also have my notes on my phone to type everything Jungwon will say. Because it is all important. I am their manager so I needed to be responsible and organize.

Later on, a music begin to play on the speakers located in every corner of the studio. It is loud, it will break any of eardrums but I stayed there and suffer. They say I will love the benefits, let's see.

I don't know what is the title of the song being played but the voices in the song seemed familiar. I think I heard that voices somewhere. I just shrugged my thoughts and watch how they easily position themselves when the music played. Like they already know what they are doing.

Sunghoon and my gazes meet when he look at the mirror. He smirked but I just rolled my eyes. Not wanting to meet his eyes anymore, I look around as they began to dance in the music.

The song had a tension and intensity in it. You can feel it as you listen more on the lyrics and the adlibs used. When the chorus part comes in, they put their hands on their face to cover their eyes and their hands went slowly at the back of their neck, dancing through the beat.

I just watch there, amazed of their performance. I watch how they turn to professionals. Just trained dancers? Nope, they are all professional dancer. I watched how they switched places, break the formation to create a new, and moved in every beat. Syncing their body movements in the music. They are just like playing a game but isn't. The steps are difficult for me to execute but they made it easier like they are just playing a chess game.

'Like a fever, fever, fever, fever~'

Wow. Just wow. I didn't know they had this kind of pure talent. I have never really know them. I just know them by their name and that's it.

They repeated the choreography which made me amazed even more. Jungwon is secretly monitoring every member of his, even Niki. I didn't even notice that. How?..

I didn't even know someone made a mistake. Like in my eyes, it was perfect. The choreography is so synced and I can't even think of a word that will fit a right description. I'm so speechless.

"Watch me." I saw Sunghoon mouthed and I gave him a disgust face.

However, as the music begin again, my eyes immediately find Sunghoon and fixed my gazes on him. I don't even know what's happening on my body but it seems to have a mind of its own. Instead of monitoring the movement of all of them, my eyes were fixed on the dancing sunghoon. Our eyes met in the mirror and he immediately grinned.I felt the heat on my face so I immediately looked in another direction. I still heard his laugh even though the speaker was loud.

What are you doing on my senses?

My phone rang. I needed to go out so I can answer the call peacefully. It was our family driver. Omo, I forgot to tell him that I will be late today because of this practice.

I immediately answer the phone and tell our family driver why I am not in the parking lot and I will be coming home late later. He answered that it was okay and he will go home now. I thanked him before ended the call.

I enter at the building. I saw them grabbing their own things and getting ready to go out. "You're already done?"

"Yeah. The others will going to do something so it was just a short practice." Heesung answered and I nooded.

I glance at the devil who's already walking towards me. He gave me his bag and began to walk away. "Follow me."

I glared at his bag first before forcedly grab it tightly and followed him. I just remembered that I needed to visit Soohee today. I almost forgot!

"Wait for me!"

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