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Mac puts her hand on mine. Mac stares at the goat in the pen infront of us and then she looks back at me. I can feel my heart skip a thousands of beats. We are stuck in the year 1999, we were supposed to get sent back to the year 1988 when we were kidnapped and brought to the year 2019. But here, in the year 1999. I found out that future me figured out everything, like she figured out who she wants to be! Things she wants to do! But me. Me now, I feel like everything is against me and I feel like I need to live up to everyones standards. But with Mac, I feel different. I look up from looking at our hands Mac looks at me. My face flushes red. I pull my hand away. Mac looks disapointed.
"I-I should go get supplies." I say. Mac rolls her eyes.
"No I'll do it you stay here and relax." She says while pushing past me. I grip my arm and watch as she runs up to Larrys house to get so food and other things so we can try to at least get back to our timeline. I watch as Mac goes inside. I look back at the goat in its pen.
"I should say sorry." I say as the goat licks my hand. I run off to the house and open the door. "Hey look Mac Im-" I say but I stop. I look to see Mac standing there staring at the one lady from the Overwatch who was trying to kill us in 2019.
"Kj come here." Mac says. I move over next to her. The lady looks at us both. I look at Mac.
"What year are you guys from?" The lady asks.
"We wont tell you!" I say. "Right Mac?" I ask.
"November 1st 1988." Mac says still looking at the lady. I look at Mac. The lady nods.
"C'mon theres someone that would like to meet you." The lady says making us follow her out of the house. We walk to a different barn to see a random man standing there with Mac's head phones on. He takes them off and looks at us.
"This is a nice mix." The man says while holding up the headphones. Mac stares at them. "Did you make this." The man asks Mac. Mac shakes her head.
"No my brother did." Mac says. The man nods.
"Your brother has good taste." The man says.
The man shakes the music box thing. "Hey be careful with that!" Mac says. The man nods. (I am lazy so the man talks about time and mind wiping and shit)
I look at the man. "Please I need to help my friend!" I say.
"Like I said it could mess up the time thingy!" The man says.
"But she has cancer! I need to help her please! She will die in 4 years!" I say.
"Can I have my mind wiped so I dont even remeber anything and have no chance of ever remebering?" Mac asks. The man smiles.
"So, you must be the one with cancer." The man says pointing to Mac. "Well since you asked I could order the delux mind wipe thingy just for you!" The man says. All of the sudden a screeching noise sounds from outside and flapping noises too. "Ahh!" The man says. "Come let me show you my pet!" The man says.

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