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Kj's POV
My eyes flutter open, Im laying on the inflatable matteress in older me's room. The shades are open and sun streaks are coming in through the blinds. The bed of older is empty and made, I streageth. I push the blanket off my lap and get out of bed. I open the door and start to walk down the hall. I walk down the stairs, I hear laughing from down there. I reach the bottom to see older me with Mac. "Hi." I yawn.
"Hi cutie." Mac says whike winking at me. I smile.
"Yo." Older me says.
"Whatcha guys talking about?" I ask while pouring myself cereal.
"Oh I was just telling Mac how I have to go meet with some friends later." Older me says.
"Thats cool." I say whilr grabbing a spoon.
"Yeah I asked if I could go with her." Mac says. "She's actually pretty cool cutie." Mac says again.
I sit down at the island. "Cool." I say. Mac nods her head.
"Yeah anyways we should go Mac." Older me says while checking her watch.
"Okay! Bye sweetheart see you later." Mac says while kissing my cheek. Mac grabs her shoes and puts on a hat and sunglasses same with older me and they head out the door. I sigh. My leg bounces but and down against the chair.
"Well I guess I'm alone." I say. I put the bowl back into the sink and was about to head upstairs when the doorbell rings. I go to the door and open it. "Hello?" I ask.
"Well hello Kj." The Grandfather from the Overwatch says standing there. I freeze while standing there.
"How did you find me?" I ask while backing up.
"It was pretty easy to find yoy with the help of the older you." He says, I freeze in place again.
"What do you mean with the help of older me?" I ask.
"Oh didnt she tell you? She works with the Overwatch." He says, I stop breathing and freeze some more. I look at the door.
"Why did she, I mean I join the Overwatch?! You guys are all shit and the Overwatch is shit!!!!" I yell. He rushes up and puts his over my mouth.
"Shut up now." He says harshly. I shove his hand off my mouth.
"Dont touch me you creep." I say while glaring at him.

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