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~Kj's POV~

Mac went home a hour ago and I stay in my room laying on my bed. My older brother finally comes home, I by the way I hear him walking he is drunk. My clock reads 10:40pm. I should probally get to sleep soon I have to deleiver papers tomorrow, and I also have to see Mac. God damn it why did I kiss her?? I shouldnt have done that, Im straight! Yeah, yeah.. Im straight, I mean yeah sure I enjoyed the kiss with Mac and I mean ENJOYED it but still. "Kj are you home?" My brother calls from the stairs. His words slurring. I walk over to my door and open.

"Yes I am home!" I yell back.

"Goddamn it." My brother mutters. I see the reciver to the wall phone in his hand. "Sorry baby but my dumb sister is home so you cant come over." He says before putting the reciver back. He was probally talking to his dumb ass fuckin girlfriend. I hate her so much.

"I have to deliever papers in the morning so Im trying to sleep!" I yell down to him before slamming my door. I lay back down in my bed. The night light in the corner softly glowing yellow.

~Mac's POV~

I'm pacing in my room, my brothers walkman in my pocket and headphones over my ears. My brothers mix tape is blasting.
Kj fucking Brandman kissed me! Me! On the lips! And like it felt like a true genuin kiss too!! Like holy fucking shit! "Mac go to bed you have to deliever papers in the morning." My stepmom says while opening my door a bit. I take off the head phones.

"Okay." I say.

"Goodnight." She says.

"Night." I say back. I set down the headphones and walkman on my nightstand and go over to my pile of closes a rummage through until I find my PJ's, I finally find them and put them on. I throw my old clothes into the pile of random clothes. I switch off the light and climb into bed. I put my hands behind my head. I get to see Kj Brandman tomorrow, the queen of our school and one of the richest girls in town, the girl I kissed and she knows I love her. And she didnt get scared again and leave me and ignore me. I fucking love her.


A/n: I am tired af and I have no idea if I still have friends because of how I said how I felt👍 Love life. I love writing this story though! And my Rinney story too!

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