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Mac's POV
"Hey Mac!" Older Kj shouts from the kitchen.
"Yeah?" I shout back.
"Can you come help me realy quick?" She asks, I get up from the couch and walk to the kitchen.
"Yeah what do you want?" I ask while looking around, she's not here. "Kj?" I ask. All of a sudden and cloth goes over my mouth, older Kj is holding it as I struggle.
"Nighty night love." She mutters into my ear.
"You sound like a pedophile." I mutter as I go crashing to the floor. I body feels limo but I start to get carried somewhere, maybe to where Kj is. Maybe, hopefully.
Kj's POV
I was given a Overwatch outfit to change into, once Im done I go to Grandfather. I cross my arm. "I look stupid." I say.
He shakes his head. "No you look fine." He says not even looking at me. "Okay so basically Mac is on this ship right now passed out so when she wakes up you will be there with her and said something like 'I joined the darkside' or some other cool shit." He says while looking over at me, he scrunches up his nose. "Yeesh you do look stupid, I'll have one of the guards make you a better one." He says. I nod my head.
"Y'know what if she gets mad at me?" I ask.
"Not my problem." He says while shruging his shoulders. I sigh and walk away.
Mac's POV
I wake up on the floor of the space ship of the Overwatch. I look around to see Kj leaning against the wall. I get up and walk over to her. I give her a kiss on the lips then hug her. "I knew that wasnt you." I say, she's warmer then the clone. She moves away from me.
"Mac look Im sorry." She mutters. I laugh a little.
"Why are you sorry cutie? Theres no need to be sorry." I say while trying to grab her arm but she pulls away. Thats when I notice her outfit. I back up a bit.
"Kj what going on?" I mutter. Kj looks me in the eyes.
"Im sorry but in the next 24hrs you wont even know that a Kj Brandman ever existed I will just be another girl from school that you just shoved in the hall and Erin and Tiffany will be your friends at least but there will no longer be a friend group of four it'll only be three and then I'll be stuck alone to keep you guys safe." Kj says, I laugh a little.
"Your joking right? Becuase I have to remember you? I cant forget you." I say.
"Mac I joined the darkside to save you." Kj says.
"What does that mean?" I ask.
"That means that I joined the Overwatch to save your life so you can live a long full life." Kj says. I shake my head.
"No I dont want that." I say, Kj shakes her head.
"Im sorry." She mutters.
"Shut the fuck up." I mutter, I walk over to a wall and slide down it. The Grandfather walks in clapping his hands.
"Good job Kj you even said 'I joined the darkside' so cool you will know the refernce its from a movie called Star Wars." He says.
"Ive seen it dumb fuck." Kj says, Grandfather rolls his eyes.
"Okay okay." He says. "Anyways Mac come on its time to get better." He says.
"I dont want to bitch." I growl at him. He glares at me.
"I dont give a fuck." He says. "Come with me now." He says again. "Or Kj will get hurt."
"I dont care." I say. Kj's eyes gloss over.
"Wow thanks bitch." She mutters. I smile at her.
"Your welcome you jewish whore." I say.
"Wow ladies ladies calm down, Kj go to your room and think about your actions and Mac you wont remember your actions so eh." He says while making Kj leave. I roll my eyes and stans up.

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