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~TW: F-slur~
~Mac's POV~

My older brother picks me up from Tanyas house. He put Black Sabbath into the CD thing and its blasting through the speakers. He's hitting his stearing wheel and shaking his head, his hair flying everywhere. Im also vibing along to it. The song ends and he turns it down. "So Mac did you miss me when you where kidnapped??" Dylan asks. I roll my eyes.

"Suprisingly yeah." I say. I turn to look at him. "Hey bro when you get older and have kids dont have one of them be such a bitch." I say, Dylan gives me a confused look.

"Dude Mac, I dont know what my future will bring and honsetly I dont think I'll make it far in life, I probally will become a collage drop out and live in a trailer park with a cigarett mom and 3 kids." Dylan says, I shake my head.

"No dude, Im convced that you will become a doctor, have a hot wife, 2 kids and live in a big house!" I say, he looks at me.

"Why do you think that?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"I had a dream about it and I want that dream to come true." I say, Dylan smiles.

"Hey wanna go shoot off fireworks and have like I dunno a bunch of fun brother and sister time??" He asks. I smile.

"I would love that!" I say.

~Kj's POV~

I slam the door shut behind me, Erin's mom had dropped me off because my parents didnt bother to come pick me up. "Karina Jane Brandman get the fuck in the kitchen now!" I hear my dad yell. I throw my bag onto the floor and walk into the kitchen, my mom, dad, and brother are standing there

"What the hell do you want?" I ask him annoyed.

"Dont you dare speak to you father that way Karina!" My mom yells at me.

"My name is Kj." I say.

"That isnt you real fucking name Karina! That is a stupid ass nickname!" My dad says all pissy like. I roll my eyes.

"Why the fuck did you call me in here for?!" I ask.

"I heard you made out with a girl today." My mother says angrily. "And her name is Mackenzie Coyle." My mom says again.

"Yeah that is true and we are dating." I say.

"No daughter of mine will be a faggot!" My dad says while slamming his fist onto the counter. "And my daughter shall not be dating any Coyle! They are all junkies and they are poor and are bad people!" My dad says.

"Your a fucking liar." I say.

"What the hell did you just say to me??" He asks.

"I said your a fucking liar! I dont care if the Coyles dont have as much money as us! I bet they dont emotionally abuse their fucking kids like you two do, and they smoke and drink beer! Which I dont care and they are far from bad people! Mac is the sweetist and she has made me feel loved and I wanna marry her! I love her so much!!" I say.

"Its just a phase Karina, you'll be straight again soon enough and you will see it from our persectives." My mom says.

"You wish that." I say. "But I have listened to you guys enough already and Im done! So leave me alone." I say while walking away, I grab my bag and walk upstairs slamming my bedroom door shut behind me and flipping on the light.

~Mac's POV~

My brother takes the gun he has in his car and shoot old tin cans. "So Mac, our step mom told me that you liked a girl named Kj Brandman." Dylan says, I turn to look at him.

"Yeah I do." I say calmly.

"Yeah I heard she's alright but the rest of her family are a bunch of contorl freaks." Dylan says while shooting another can.

"I know, shes told me but damn I love her so so much, she's so perfect from her sweet voice to her eyes to her smile and she's a great kisser." I say, Dylan laughs.

"For some reason I always thought that you would just hate everyone and not date anyone so its good to hear you talk about her like this." Dylan says.

"Okay damn." I say. He laughs.

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