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~Hours later~

~Macs POV~

My dad pulls up to Tiffany's house. "Okay so no getting kidnapped." He says. I roll my eyes.

"Thanks old man." I say while grabbing the walkman and slinging my bag over my shoulder. I open the door to the car and the close it, my dad speeds off down the road. I walk up the steps to the front door. From inside I hear shuffling.

"TIFFANY ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE HERE!" I hear someone muffly shouting from inside. I wait awkwardly until Tiffany opens the door.

"Sorry!" Tiff says.

"Am I the last one here??" I ask.

"Yeah you are." Tiffany's little sister shouts from the living room.

"Shut up Lesile!!" Tiffany shouts at her. "Sorry about my sister, but anyways yes you are now lets go to my room." Tanya says while leading me upstairs. She opens her bedroom door and Kj and Erin are sitting there. I smile.

"Hi cutie." I say while going over and sitting next to Kj.

"Hi." She says shortly. Thats odd, whenever I call her a petname she calls me one back.

"So whatcha doin love?" I ask.

"Just chillin." She says. I smile weakily. I kiss her on the cheek. She jolts away. I furrow my eye brows. Tiffany and Erin look confused.

"Love is everything alright? Did I do something to upset you?" I ask. I know she's not a clone because she is warm, but shes distant.

"No sorry Mackenzie." Kj says. I freeze and my eyes widen.

"Why did you call me by my real name??" I ask.

"Well its your name." Kj says while turning to look at me.

"Mhm it is but I prefer Mac." I say, and as if a light bulb inside of Kj switchs on again Kj perks up.

"Oh shit Im sorry darling I was just zoning out! Im so sorry about that." Kj says. I let out a sigh of relif.

"Its okay sweetheart." I say.

KJ x Mac!! Paper Girls!Where stories live. Discover now