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~Mac's POV~

My leg bounces up and down, I slouch back on the couch. Kj sits next to me, Erin sits on the floor and Tanya is on the LazyBoy. Rose had left and Larry is in the kitchen. "They are like how old? 16-17?" Kj asks while reffering to Rose and Larry.

"Uhh I dont know." Tanya says, her foot dangling on the edge of the armrest. Erin shrugs.

"Hey Larry!" I shout. He looks over at us.

"Uh yeah?" Larry asks?

"How old are you?!" I ask.

"17." Larry says, I nod and look at Kj.

"Theres your answer." I say, Kj smiles.

"Thanks." She says.

"This is so awkward." Tanya says, I turn to look at her.

"Your a bitch." I say while flipping her off.

"Im so scared." Tanya says jokingly.

"You better start running." Kj says. I stand up.

"Uhh I think Larry needs help in the kitchen!" Tiff yells while running out of the room. Kj laughs. I look over at Erin, shes been just sitting here quietly.

"Hey Erin are you okay?" I ask, she looks over at me.

"Huh? Oh uh yeah Im fine." Erin says.

"Hey can I talk to Erin real quick?" I ask Kj. She nods and stands up. She kisses me a bit then walks to the kitchen. I cross my arms. "Now tell me, what is wrong?" I say.

"Nothing is wrong." Erin says while bringing her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on her knees.

"Your acting quiet and upset, earlier you were fine." I say.

"Goddamn it, Kj was right! I like you! And when Kj was locked away I thought that it was my chance! She said that she hated you so I thought that you could love me, but then you had a huge speech about how much you love her." Erin says. I sigh.

"So you wanted me to just stop loving her and drop her and date you?" I ask.

"You make it sound bad! Like in a rude bad way like Im a home wrecker or something." Erin says.

"Im not making it sound that way Erin." I say while fishing into my pocket to grab some smokes. I also grab my lighter.

"Well I feel like it." Erin says.

"You shouldnt because the feeling will die soon." I say while putting a cig in my mouth and lighting it.

"Why are you so chill about this?!" Erin asks.

"Girl a while ago I was told that I was going to die of a diese at the age of 16, so yeah, and the one person who wanted to help me the most was Kj, I would never ever leave her, I love her and someday I will marry her." I say, I look at Erin. "Im sorry Erin, I hope you find someone amazing for you." I say while leaving the room, glancing back at Erin. Tanya and Kj are sitting at the table looking at magniznes and laughing. I kiss Kj's cheek. "I love you cutie." I whisper to her.

"I love you too." She says.

"Gross get a fuckin room." Tiff says while making gagging noises.


A/N I just found out that Paper Girls was canclled on Prime Video so there will be no season two😭

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