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-A/N, sorry I forgot this story existed for a long time!!!~

~Kj's POV~

Im panicking, everyone is painicking! I calm myself down though and we all sit down in the kitchen. Erin pulls out a full sized candy bar and splits it with us. She talks about her mom a lot, she's lucky to be close with her mom. I turn to look into the living room. Lights flash through the blinds. Mac bolts straight up. "What the fuck was that?!" She whisper shouts.

"I dont know!" I say. We all rush into the living room. Mac runs down the hall. "Where are you going?!" I ask. Mac doesnt respond. In a few moments she comes back carrying a gun.

"Woah!!" Tiff says.

"What the fuck Mac!!" I say.

"My brother showed me where this was and how to use it just in case of a emergency or danger." Mac says.

"Put that down or you'll shoot someone!!" I say reaching for the gun.

"Wouldnt you like that Kj." Mac says. My mouth flies open.

"What the fuck!! No I wouldnt! What has gotten into you?!" I say. I grab for the gun. Me and her play tug of war with it.

"Let go Kj!" Mac says.

"No you let go!!" I say. A loud *BANG* sounds through the small house. Me and Mac both drop the gun at the same time.

"Kj.." Mac mutters. "What did you do??" She asks.

"What did I do?! What did you do?!" I ask. Tiff gasps while staring past us. I turn around to see Erin standing their hands over her stomache. Blood starts to trickle through her fingers.

"Is it hot in here?" Erin asks before passing out.

"Oh shit!" I yell while catching her.

~Mac's POV~

Me and Kj killed her! We killed a girl!! I cant go through trials like that, the charges! Jail! I cant let my family go through that! "What the fuck did you just do?!" I yell at Kj. Why am I blaming her?? Its both of our faults.

"We have to get her to a hospital!!" Tanya yells.

"How will we get there!?" Kj asks. "None of us know how to drive."

"I do, Ive done it a few times." Tanya says.

"Great." I say while grabbing my dads car keys from the counter. Tanya and Kj carry Erin's limp body to the car. I get up front with Tanya while Kj stays with new girl in the back seat. Tiff struggles to start the car before I help her. We start to drive at a very slow speed.

"Tanya go faster!!" I yell.

"I have only ever driven in a parking lot!" Tanya yells back.

"Hey." I hear Kj's voice turn soft in the back seat. I turn around to look at them. Kj is holding new girls head in her lap. I wish my head was in her lap. What the fuck was that thought!

"Where am I?" She asks.

"We're in a car, you were shot so we are taking you to a hopsital." Kj says.

"I feel dizzy and tired." Erin says. Kj pats her cheek.

"You can't fall asleep yet!" She says her voice sounding panicked. "Talk to me, tell me about stuff."

"Like what?"

"Whats your favorite show?" Kj asks.

"Growinh Pains." Erin mutters. Her head moving from side to side.

"That a amazing show! Can you sing me the intro song?" Kj asks. I turn to look at Tiff.

"Go faster, I dont know how long Kj can keep her awake." I say.

"We will get in a car crash then." Tiff says back. All of a sudden a crack shows up in the window. We all freeze. I see past the cracks a bunch of people wearing white and holding these weird laser guns.

"Holy shit!!" I yell. The two back doors open on Erin's and Kj's sides. Kj screams as someone grabs her and drags her out of the car. Then mine and Tiff's door get thrown open. I struggle agains the person who grabs me. They lead us into the woods where I am guessing we will be murdered or worse.

"Let us go!!" Kj yells

"Shut up!" A robotic voice says. I get a closer look at the guys. Then I realize its the guys from the abandoned house who looked weird as fuck. Before I can say another word I get shoved into this weird shuttle thing and everything starts to look weird and warp together.

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