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~A/N sorry my phone has been broken and my life has beeb crazy and I now have a BF! A boyfriend! Which I am falling asleep on ft with rn, and my book that Im writing Wonderland my mom and me are going to try and send it to a publisher and get it published or just create it through Amazon!~

~KJ's POV~

Everything is spinning, I mean everything and at some point I was convinced I saw Tom Cruise in the corner or I could just be crazy. But I am convinced. I hold onto Erin's arm trying to make sure shes okay. Mac stands right next to me, so close next to me. I want to hug her or kiss her, but she is checking up on Erin. A pang of jelously stabs my stomache. Nothing will ever happen between them. Erin's straight, I hope, and she wouldnt be the type to date Mac. And plus they just met and me and Mac have a past! But its a bad past, where I ignored her after she told me she loved be because I was afriad.

"Kj?" Tiff asks while grabbing onto my shoulder. I snap out of my trance.


"You look a bit pale, do you need to lie down or something? Do you feel well?" She asks. I shake my head.

"No Im fine, but thanks for worrying." I say while patting her hand. My eye meets Macs for a second. One of the weird looking guys grabs a canaster full of something. He lifts up Erins shirt. I grab his hand.

"Im trying to help her." He says in a robotic voice. I let go and he holds the canaster up to her wound and releases a bunch of bugs. My eyes widen and I grab onto Mac and brace myself. But the bugs dont scatter they go straight onto her wound.

"Woah." I mutter while letting go of Mac, not meeting her eye. "Why are they on her wound? What are they doing?" I ask.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" Mac asks, I look over at her. Her arms are crossed and she shifts on her feet.

"Because we were just kidnapped and Im just wondering." I say.

"They are bugs that act like a first aid, they help heal fatal wounds like gun wounds or arrow or other wounds that happen, and the bugs they surround the wound and heal it up as good as new, no one would know there was ever a wound." The other guy says. I nod.

"What are kind of bugs are they?" I ask.

"Well you see they aren't really bugs at all, their nano bugs that can help with wounds." The same guy says. "Have a look yourself." He says again while handing me a canaster. I turn it over in my hand.

"Woah, cool." I mutter. All of a sudden the weird ship we are in starts to rattle and shake. I grab onto the wall.

"Whats going on?!" Tiffany asks.

"Its the Overwatch, they found us." One of the robotic voice guys says.

"Who the fuck are the Overwatch?!" Mac asks.

"A group of people from the future who do bad things and dont like us going back in time to fix the problem and so they try to kill us or stop us and since you guys are wrapped us with this they either want to kill you or wipe your memories." A guy says.

"Kill us?!" Tiffany yells. "I dont wanna die! I havent applied for Harvord yet! I havent even gotten my bucket list done!"

"He said or our memories would be wiped!" Mac says.

"I dont want that either!! Tiff yells.

"Oh my fucking god." Mac mutters. The whatever we are in starts to shake and rattle, and there is flashing red lights.

"We have to land!" One of the guys says.

"What year are we in??" The other asks. The first one checks a weird looking watch.

"2019." He says. Wait, what?? What year are we in?! We are in 1988. Not 2019, thats not even a year. And time travel isnt even real, these guys are on something.

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