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Kj's POV
I pull away from Mac's mouth and the other two are just standing there. "Holy shit." Tiff says.
"You guys are gay and just kissed and oh my god you guys would be so cute together!" Erin says. Mac rolls her eyes and walk away.
"Fuck no I'd rather date a trash can but then again there is no real difference." Mac says, I cross my arms and roll my eyes.
"Your a fucking bitch you know? So plesant to be around too." I say, Mac smiles.
"Im just a doll arent I?" Mac says. I roll my eyes.
"And their fighting again." Tiff says while sitting down on the floor, Erin joins her.
"Aw man! I wanted to see them hold hands and cuddle." Erin says while bringing her knees up to her chest, I give her a weird look.
"Why the fuck do you wanna see that?" Tiff asks.
"Cause I feel like it'd be cute." Erin says.
"Your a fucking weirdo." Tiff says while punching her arm. I stare out the giant window as we head down the our year.
"Hey Kj." Mac says while appearing next to me. I smile a bit but dont look at her.
"I thought you were mad at me." I say. She smiles too.
"Oh you know I could never be mad at you." She says, I shake my head still smiling.
"Then why did you act like you were?" I ask.
"Oh c'mon Ive known you since the 2nd grade I noitced when me and older you left that you were sad and I knew there was a clone, and I think you were threatened into joining them." Mac mutters. "I played everyone there, not in a bad way of course but goddamn when you kissed me just then that wad amazing." She mutters so the others dont hear. I smile more.
"Damn love I didnt know you missed me that much." I say. Mac smiles more too.
"Oh shut up." She says while punching me in the arm.
"Their dating again Tiff!!!!" Erin shouts from behind us. Me and Mac jump.
"Jesus fucking christ new girl." Mac says while holding her hand to her heart. "You almost made my heart fall out of my chest but Kj already stole it so." Mac says again, this time I punch her in the arm.
"You are so fucking cheesy you bitch." I say.

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