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~Kj's POV~

I hate her! I hate her! I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!!! I think to myself. I had woken up and my hands were untied. I had started to bang on the door. Why did she do this?! I trusted her! And I loved her!! And, and she fucking blew it! She threw it all away! Like Im trash or dirt!! I bet she's flirtimg with Erin or something. I saw how Erin looked at her in 1999, she was so close with her and she followed her everywhere. I mean everywhere. I stop pounding on the door and walk to the other side of the room and sit down. I pull my knees up close to my chest. The room is pitch black I can't even see my own knees. Mac knows I hate the dark, I have told her multipul times. I bet if it were Erin down here all of the lights would be on. I hear muffled voices above me and shuffling. And they trusted Larry, Larry!! Out of everyone they trusted Larry. Im guessing this is another reason why older me joined The Overwatch, my friends locking me away, my girlfriend probally already making out with someone new. I stand up. I turn to what I believe is the wall. I punch infront of me as hard as I can. I cry out in pain. Warm liquid runs down my face. The smell of honeysukle travels through the air. I punch the wall more and more.

~Mac's POV~

The pounding downstairs had stopped but different pounding sounds, like its on the wall. Im pacing back a forth. "Oh shit!!" I scream while running to the basement door.

"What?! What's wrong?!?!" Rose asks while running behind me.

"Kj hates the dark!" I yell as I throw open the basement door and run down the stairs. I flip on the light switch. I look to see Kj huddled up in a corner crying. I try to walk to her but Rose puts her hand on my shoulder. "Kj?" I ask. Kj's face shoots up to look at me. Her eyes bloodshot and puffy. The last time I saw her look like this was when her parents were at their peak of terrible people phase. They would scream at her for no reason. And then I bullied her on top of it.

"Go the fuck away." Kj growls at me. Rose grabs my arm. (A/n I just got done reading Cujo by Steven King so likeee I wanna add like yeah) Kj stands up. Blood trickles down from her knuckles and landing onto the floor. Her whole hand is bloodly and red.

"Kj please I'm sorry, I forgot that you hate the dark and hate being alone Im sorry." I say. Kj rolls her eyes.

"I bet you wouldnt have forgotten if it was Erin." Kj says. I tilt my head.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Dude it was ovibous that she liked you! When we were in 1999 she stayed with you the whole time until the party where we met older Tiffany!" Kj says clearer mad.

"Look Kj, Im sorry okay? Please just calm down! We can go upstairs and we can talk it out okay?!" I say.

"Talk it out?" Kj asks.

"Yeah, yeah talk it out." I say.

"Come on do I look that fucking stupir to you?" Kj asks.

"What do you mean??" I ask.

"You're going to take me up there and you all will be sitting down saying that your worried about me." Kj says. I shake my head.

"No your wrong Kj, I love you and nothing will ever change that." I say, Kj just stares at me.

"And I fucking hate you." Kj says while flipping me off with her bloodlied hand. I freeze in place. My knees lock up and I start to stagger. Rose catches me and drags me up stairs.

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